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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Monday, December 30, 2002 ::

I am 74% Internet Addict

I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com

I am 76% Geek

UBER GEEK! My mad skills would make Linus Torvalds shake in his boots. But I seldom, if ever, get laid. Well, there are always the web-cam girls!

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com

I am 11% Goth

I wanna be a GOTH. But I'm not. Smoking cloves and too much eyeliner a goth does not make. I'll go home and take your Cure CD's with me.

Take the Goth Test at fuali.com

:: Floydthebarber 12/30/2002 10:51:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, December 26, 2002 ::
So sharp wins that cookie...congratulations or something. So that ladies and gentlemen was christmas! I'm feeling pretty incoherent right now so i'll just tell you all what I raked in this year....

    Nomad Jukebox C 6 gig HD mp3 player
    Metroid Prime for Gamecube
    Titanium SPORK!
    a nice leather wallet from Wilson's Leather
    The obligatory clothes/pajamas from relatives (but hey, i'm not complaining because they were nice stuff :-D)
    Pulsar Keychain light
    A case of Bawls (my dad ordered them and they should be here by newyears from Think Geek
    Pack Towel (absorbs like 10x more water than a normal towel....perfect for camping)

And that about sums it up...I got my MP3 player and metroid and i'm as happy as can be. What money I got for Christmas i'm about to go blow at the theatres with April and Crystal to go see Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Rock. For years i've always found Ents to be the most facinating aspect of the second book, and now I finally get to see them brough to life, I can't wait. Oliphants are animated pretty well too from what I hear. And according to every single girl on the face of the planet, Legolas is sooooooo hot! Right. Whatever.

I'm tempted to throw together a *top 20 events of 2002* speshul for the blog, depending on how many things I deem worthy to mention and when I find the time. Don't expect to see it until New Years eve or something. Oh yeah, New Years at Eric's with Ron and Sam! yay! k bye.

:: Floydthebarber 12/26/2002 03:12:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, December 22, 2002 ::
If you are visitor 1337 I'll give you a cookie!

:: Floydthebarber 12/22/2002 11:46:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
Twas the night before the night before the night before christmas
And all through the chat
Every person was idling
Even sonic took a nap

Yes, I am a gigantic nerd....i'll finish my story by christmas, how's that? So what has happened in the last week or so, you say? Well other than exams and our party not a whole damn bunch. I took French I and Geometry on the 17th, Adv Biology and PE the 18th, and Honors English and ELP the 19th. Blech. I think I did good on all of them except perhaps French I and ELP...It's simply impossible to drive a foreign language into my brain at 7:30 am. The public high schools here severly need a setback schedule of at least an hour or two. It would improve grades dramatically for many i'm sure. So yeah.....Did some exams, then immediately started prepping for the party.

Oh, well there was a night somewhere in there that a few friends came over. Much timesplitters 2 was played, damn that game kicks ass. I've beaten it on Easy and am making a run through Normal (hey, i'm not FPS afficionado). Ryan also left his afterburned GBA here, and i've been playing a bit of Metroid Fusion. The screen on his GBA is actually detaching slightly (!) and it's seriously not my fault, I should let him know. Normally I think it'd be an easy 3 dollar replacement but since he's got that afterburner in there I think it gets way more complicated. I'm not sure. All I know is that Mrs. Berry wants to play the role of a witch by not giving me back my GBA until after new years since I was SILENTLY playing it in the back of the room when I was finished with her retarded exam.

Jon is officially gone from the staff at Nintendophiles. It was a culmination of all the asshole things he had done to people over his course as EIC there. I wasn't there on friday night when the chat was officially taken from Jon's grasp and givin to Allon and others, but essentially it led to him leaving/being fired/whatever. He deserves every bit of "pain" and "misery" he's in right now for all the terrible stuff he's done to other people. I have no sympathy at all for him. It's ironic that right now he's calling all of us "back stabbers" when he caused all this himself. N-Philes will live on and be bigger and better because of this :-D

So yeah, MP3 Player and Bawls for xmas. word.

:: Floydthebarber 12/22/2002 11:44:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, December 12, 2002 ::
I suppose some of you are wondering about the soap opera which has ensued over the past day over at where I work. I can't fully divulge all of what is happening, since much of it could endanger people and such, I won't divulge certain things. But here we go.

Last night I was chatting it up in #n-philes when Jon mentioned something about playing Need for Speed at the Cube Club. I said something which he didn't agree with, so he decided to kick and ban me, as long as removing me from chanserv on the channel. So there I was, a staffer for a website banned from his own site's chat because one staffer who was the Registerer of the channel simply didn't want to listen to me. Keep in mind that Jon does this sort of thing all the time; If you say something which doesn't agree with what he says, he blocks out you, basically. I had discussed this sort of stuff with the director of our site before, and he had always offerend me sound words of encouragement. So after discussing with a few of my friends online, I sent our Director a letter.

Basically he told me he would take care of it, but he was busy at the moment. I was cool; After all I knew I was in the right and i'd be unbanned shortly. So at this point i'm left to chat amongst the other staffers via AIM and other IRC channels. The basic consensus was that Jon was being a problem, and it would be dealt with. It was around 9:30-10 when Jon AIMed me (I'm only putting in excerpts):

MrMoo237 (10:08:14 PM): respect is a two way street
nphiles (10:08:18 PM): No it isn't
nphiles (10:08:20 PM): it's a one way street

This is how Jon gets.....He's done it before. He'll say things he simply doesn't mean, anything to get his way seem right in a conversation. Even if that requires banning and threatening for no reason.

MrMoo237 (10:09:50 PM): it's technically Ethan's
nphiles (10:09:51 PM): It's mine.
nphiles (10:09:54 PM): no
nphiles (10:09:57 PM): it's not ethans
nphiles (10:09:59 PM): I own the chat
nphiles (10:10:05 PM): all people must pay due respect to me
nphiles (10:10:11 PM): next im, it's a warn; than it's a block
nphiles (10:10:16 PM): thank you for your time
MrMoo237 (10:10:24 PM): yeah, but if your going to do crazy stuff like ban staffers then i'm sure Ethan could just as easily move the chatroom.

If anybody could explain to me how what I said was wrong, just let me know by all means. Basically Jon is just showing how ill-prepared he is to run a professional, roxx0ring, nintendo website chatroom. I'm hoping somebody listens to my idea on how to take care of this whole chatroom ordeal. At this point he blocked me on AIM so I had no way to communicate with him. So at this point, we have Me banned from the chat, and I sent a letter to ethan about all of this. The whole AIM conversation with Jon originated because he went into ETHANS mailbox and read my letter to him. Soon Ethan got online and apparently had a discussion with Jon, because Jon promptly sent a letter out to staffers announcing he was retiring. Personally, I think this was a non-clever bluff by Jon to try to pitifully work the pity factor on some staff. You know, have them say "well that's ok Jon if your going then we'll go too". In fact, Jon asked the head of the GBA dept if he wanted to leave with him. When Jon found out nobody else was leaving, from what I can gather he came back to ethan asking for his job back. Less than an hour after he had sent out his letter announcing his "retirement" he sent another saying he wasn't so sure. Typical Jon. So anyways. Jon unblocked me later to give me words of encouragement:

MrMoo237 (11:10:43 PM): because i needed somebody to talk to all this about. what better person than my director
nphiles (11:10:45 PM): simply put, I hate your fucking guts and I hope you burn
nphiles (11:10:51 PM): I am your director.
nphiles (11:10:56 PM): All lower staff talk to me through ethan

He constantly degrades me and acts like he's so much better than others. I think you get my point that I and other staffers were sick of this attitude.

nphiles (11:12:50 PM): I can't have idiot staff like you in my chatroom
nphiles (11:14:36 PM): ive told u many times not to be liek you are

Maybe he just WANTED to dig himself into a deeper hole via immature name calling.

MrMoo237 (11:21:03 PM): i think the problem is that you run the chatroom like a dictator with too much power, and you need to be kept in check. the problem isn't your work, hardly. you do damn fine work. it's your people skills.
MrMoo237 (11:21:14 PM): so......we both have said what we think the problem is
nphiles (11:21:19 PM): the problem is you're a little fucker who cantunderstand my problem is to dictate your ass
MrMoo237 (11:21:20 PM): so what can we do about it?
nphiles (11:31:15 PM): yeah
nphiles (11:31:19 PM): ill elave alright
nphiles (11:31:23 PM): I sure will leave
nphiles (11:31:25 PM): I hate you
nphiles (11:31:28 PM): no one likes you
nphiles (11:31:30 PM): not even your mother
MrMoo237 (11:31:33 PM): hahaha

That last line had me laughing for like 5 minutes out loud. Comedy Gold. He was really going at me at this point, trying to find SOMETHING to fault me for and give reasoning behind his banning me in the chatroom. Ok, so I think you all get the idea about this side of the events. I get a letter next from Ronald, or GBA dept director.

Basically he told staff to disreguard what Jon said, that if Jon left the site would go on (Jon had threated that the site would collapse without him) and if he stayed that he wouldn't have as much power as before. That's what I was hoping and expecting, and as of right now I don't know exactally which powers Ronald meant. I'm hoping to bring the issue of the chatroom up to Ethan. If all goes according to plan, the chatroom won't be completely Jon's anymore and there'll be a system of checks and balances set by other, less power hungry and more IRC experienced staffers. That's what i'm hoping.

Then of course I have 2 letters i've received from Jon today......both of which insulting and basically making himself sound like he's so very special and vital to N-Philes....gimme a break. He also said that he would "come back to n-philes on one request: that James is fired". This statement has been proven false, I just can't listen to Jon anymore. I take the stance of Ronald.....he's not a friend or enemy, he's a coworker; nothing more, nothing less. Right now I'm waiting for folks to get online so the immediate problems can be worked out. So there you have the soap opera up until this point, in its entirety enough so that you catch the drift. I'll update you guys later.

Those who understand all that, bravo!!!!

:: Floydthebarber 12/12/2002 09:55:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 ::
I have declared tonight They Might Be Giants night, wherein I shall proceed to download every single TMBG song. Ever. Word. I'm also asking for Dial-a-Song for Christmas. In other news, Ryan Tedrick got me addicted to the best 11 minute cartoon shorts ever to grace TV - Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law! These videos are hilarious, and if you have the patience you can find all 7 episodes on Kazaalite for a hefty 40 mb+ per one. But trust me, it's worth it. And with a second season of 7 just around the corner in January, I'm on the edge of my seat ready to collapse off again from this stuff. Comedy Gold. ok i gotta go. bye. sorry for the abruptness.

:: Floydthebarber 12/10/2002 10:09:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 ::
School let out early today, and if this wintery wonderland mix keeps up, I can pretty much guarantee no school here tommorow. Hooray! Like any respectable pyro would do, my first task this afternoon was to build an old fashioned fire. There's something inexplainably rewarding about MAKING FIRE. bwah ha. So now the house is all toasty warm, and i'm left to my own devices on the computer. And as such a blog update has finally come about!

There's so many damn cool presents floating around this season just waiting for me, it's nearly impossible to arrange them by priority. I guess that Nomad Jukebox C would be at the top, since this stupid 48-CD wallet just doesn't cut it for portability. Everything else is a mixed bag, whatever I get will be great. Of course, I must not forget about presents for friends and family...hmmmm. There's still plenty of time left to shop.

Amazingly enough, I got off my lazy intarweb-surfing ass and went along and typed up a retro review. I think if I find the time to contribute more articles like this they'll be along the same lines, various games I and love, but don't get the spotlight they deserve. Ever since september when I joined, working at N-Philes has been a complete blast. I get a voice, albiet a small one, in the gaming community, learn about the inner workings of the gaming industry, and interact much more with friends in the chatroom and forums. Special shout out to Sharp, THC, and Bane recently for helping me out so much on various things and staying up to ramble with me when nobody else was. Just wait until the pain of my trivia questions on saturday...bwah ha ha ha.

It's crunch time in school with exams in what, 2 weeks exactally? I've never taken exams before but i'm sure if I study a bit and drink plenty of Bawls they'll be a breeze. I mean, I'm not a COMPLETE idiot. School is so boring overall, but then again it's nessecary. Nobody that's reading this really cares though. So then.

I guess I should plan something special for all you dedicated readers for the one year anniversary of this blog, shouldn't I? Maybe a new layout...hehe we all know how many times i've delivered on that promise. But seriously, who knows. I have very capable friends to help.... :D

:: Floydthebarber 12/04/2002 05:47:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Saturday, November 30, 2002 ::
A post tommorow, I promise. Wait, it IS tommorow. oh well. i've been registered at the Aweome Human Cow's site to post and stuff. rock. work work work, take out some christmas lights, do some trivia, write some trivia qs, update some releases, drink some bawls, have some leftover turkey and stuff.... yeah time to go bye.

:: Floydthebarber 11/30/2002 12:20:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, November 24, 2002 ::
These are the pictures we snapped last night...some crazy stuff eh? I'll add captions and stuff in a few minutes.

David towers over all other pimps...
Blang blangs
More blang blangs
Word Phil. Word.
I honestly don't remember what the heck was going on, I blame it on the Bawls caffeine...
Ryan T all up in my hizzouse
We're all trying to forget about Ryan and the mannekin...
Seriously artistic shot, yo.
The feather isn't big enough!!
The culmination of Ryan H's efforts in Photoshop! Straight outta Compton word.
eheh, Phil is funnay

And there you have it. I declare myself officially insane.

:: Floydthebarber 11/24/2002 08:22:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
These are the pictures we snapped last night...some crazy stuff eh? I'll add captions and stuff in a few minutes.

:: Floydthebarber 11/24/2002 08:22:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
It was insane. I didn't think I could manage to cram 7 of my best friends into my house, but we did. Phil and Nathan decided to bring their TVs over so we could have 3x the gamecube action...360 degrees of Nintendo love. Where to begin... how about the beginning? I'll try to make this story as coherent to you readers as possible, but keep in mind that my thoughts are adrift in a sea of caffeine and games. Everybody shows up around 5 yesterday, with all sorts of things to keep us occupied. I myself dove straight into Metroid Prime, easily the reason to own a cube. Anyways, We chatted and primed and Animal Crossed for a few hours until the pizzas were done and the Bawls were broken out. 36 freakin bottles to be exact. Bawls is funny, the caffeine doesn't make me hyper, just eliminates my ability to sleep at all :). So we traded some AC items, got some KK songs, and were just generally goofing around...until we found the pimp jackets.

After rummaging though every single signifigant and non-signifigant item in my room, Ryan T and Phil went exploring into my brother's room, where my mom had her big fur coats stored. It was around 2 am and there they were just laying there... perfect pimping material! My friends all got decked out as pimps and I snapped a few dozen pictures... I'll upload them for you later when I get the chance. Straight outta compton yo. I think the whole thing stemmed from Ryan's NPA (national pimp association) MLB t-shirt parody mindset.

So yeah, the whole night was a blast and i'm fearing the internal crash i'll be having when this caffeine wears off. I'll be back lata with pics, it's time to beat Ryan H in the porrasturvat man-pushing game! bwah ha ha ha

:: Floydthebarber 11/24/2002 02:41:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, November 21, 2002 ::
Just one more agonizing day of school before saturday arrives. Less than 48 hours before the 2nd annual Cube Party, and might I add, it's going to freaking rock. Pretty much all of my friends who are gamers will be there; Ryan H, Ryan T, Nathan, Nate, Phil, and David H. Last year when I threw a little suarez in celebration of me being the only person with my greedy hands on a cube, we plowed through at least 48 cans of soda...an eery pyramid of caffeine to behold. I've kicked it up a notch this year with 36 freakin bottles of Bawls Guarana, more folks, and of course more games. If you feel particularly compelled to join in the madness, I don't mind as long as you quietly slip through the front door without my parents noticing too many extra people in the house...

With the annual winter game push upon us, I'm surfacing for a brief second to digress my happiness before going back down for more fun. There's so much to look forward to on gamecube this winter; Metroid Prime, Metroid Fusion, A Link to the Past, Rayman 3, Yoshi's Island, and several others which I mentioned in my response to the N-Philes Rountable. I finally got the chance to play some Metroid yesterday when I went over to Ryan's for a few hours after school. The word massive comes to mind. Each level is enormous, yet still amazingly detailed down to every single unique square inch. I never played the other Metroids, but from what I can gather they fostered a sense of exploration. I must say that Retro Studios pulled this off beautifully. I was constantly refferrring to my map..exploring unventured level parts trying to fit together the pieces of the story together. Not to mention kicking some serious alien butt. One thing which impressed me a great deal were the rewarding boss battles, of which I had about 3 of. Joy like no other is felt when having bug guts splattered on your visor. A heat wave is visible from your cannon after rapidly firing. Reflection, shadows, and lighting are all incredibly realistic. When you run past a busted steam pipe, condensation gathers on your visor temporarily. This game is amazing, owning a gamecube without Metroid prime simply doesn't make any sense. If you listen to my advice about games at all for this year, BUY METROID. Of course, next year's advice will be to buy Zelda....

So yeah, saturday will rock. Shovel some dirt with coffee cans, go to an eagle ceremony, then sit back and sip on some Bawls and get my game on. Rock.

:: Floydthebarber 11/21/2002 05:38:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Monday, November 18, 2002 ::
It's hard to believe it, but an entire year has passed from that cold November morning when I waited outside with my father to grab one of those 11 precious marvels. Nintendo has had a full year now to prove their little cubed wonder to the world, and I can honestly say it has been a success. Success is relative of course, but......ahh, I'm seriously tired i'll finish what I want to say later. seriously.

:: Floydthebarber 11/18/2002 09:48:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 ::
So I was recently over at Ryan T's house for a night of pure gaming bliss when he offered me a taste of the very nectar of the Gods themselves. Seriously folks, I don't know where my Bawls has been all my life but we have some catching up to do. 80mg of caffeine in each 10oz. bottle. WHOOO. One case of Bawls under the tree would make James an incredibly happy fellow. Speaking of Christmas, I've formulated a pretty awesome Christmas list:

    Case o' Bawls (24 bottles)
    Nomad Jukebox C mp3 player
    Metroid Prime for Gamecube
    Gameboy Advance
    Yoshi's island, Metroid Fusion, or Zelda: A Link to the Past for GBA
    Years subscription to Electronics Gaming Monthly
    Pink Floyd the wall on CD and/or the DVD
    frames for 3 awesome posters in my room (escher, yoshi's island, philmont)
    REI Snow Peak Titanium SPORK!
    Princeton Tec Pulsar Keychain LED light

That's some of the bigger things on there at the moment.... Of course there are clothing and other items which i'm asking relatives for that simply don't need to be on that list. Not to mention my parents are usually pretty good at surprising us with kick ass presents (read: SSBM and LM on top of a NICE 20" flat screen TV last year). Wow, everything seems like a blur this late when you've been working all day. The Mountain Dew is flowing, but not fast enough I suppose. Maybe it was the non-stop weekend which took place this......uh, past weekend. I didn't spend a single night without friends, w00t! The gamecube suarez is on schedule for next saturday, If any of you decide to show up I don't care as long as you bring a case of Dew and wipe yer shoes at the door before knocking.

Ok i'll finish rambling tommorow I'm getting kicked off the PC. lates!

:: Floydthebarber 11/12/2002 10:14:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
ahoy! I apologize up front but i'm such a lazy person i'm sure you all understand.....at the moment I'm cleaning stuff up......must....stop......nagging....spying.....parents....

:: Floydthebarber 11/12/2002 08:59:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, October 27, 2002 ::
I'm alive, in the process of archiving this blog. and other stuff. e-mail me i'm lonely.

:: Floydthebarber 10/27/2002 07:50:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, October 17, 2002 ::
I'll try to update the best i can in the limited time I've got. Why the fark can't i capitalize these "i"s??? Bah who cares. So let's just dive right into my life....what's been up...

Nothing all that important has happened since that retarded Zach guy sent me those lovely words of encouragement. If only this worked like LiveJournal and folks could respond to my entries, i'm sure most of my friends would have replied with colorful languange on how this guy is officially the suck. In other news, i'm sure some of you at least have read Penny Arcade's latest comic about the sniper roaming around in Washington, D.C. It's absolutely ludacris that video games could be linked to these terrible snipings while using any shred of one's intelligence. I feel that their update from 10-14-02 sums it up perfectly on my point of view....go check it out.

So snipers are loose and video games are once again under fire, a moron decides to dig himself into a deeper hole, what else is new? I have trouble deciding between what things in my life should be spread around on the internet and which should be personally shared with close friends... What's really been going on isn't fit for this blog to be honest, so i'll only scrape the surface. I suppose it all stemmed from the fact that I have some Bs in a few of my classes. My parents blew up, privledges were threatened and restricted, and there amassed a gigantic arguement about school and such in general. Things like i'm not motivated, Bs are only half-lkkdene, colleges don't want B students, I should get to choose the college I go to and not the other way around, I'm some wonder-genius that should get all As, I spend too much time on the computer, etc. It stumbled onto the discussion of friends last night, and all i'm willing to really say is that I simply broke down. I can't really explain why the tears came falling or the reason as to why I began frantically breathing and mumbling to myself.... I guess a few things just sank in that had taken some time. I'm okay now though, I think. I will tell you that i completely lost control when thinking of April..... If your reading this and we haven't talked yet, for God's sake call me up or e-mail or let me know and i'll crawl to your house, anything. Well then, let's not end this whole thing on a sour note though, eh?

I leave tommorow for the Chesapeake bay with a bunch of the older boy scouts. That leaves me only about an hour at best online before I leave tommorow, and maybe an hour or so on Sunday. Anything you want to contact me with, be it Animal Crossing trades, love letters, or whatever, should be done by E-mail. So then, now you know that no great hights have been achieved by this particular blog entry so shoo! skidaddle! get outta here kid, ya bother me...

Floydsir in BBQASL?/ remember now. I'm collecting all things Modern and Green. and Balloon Fight.

:: Floydthebarber 10/17/2002 08:26:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Friday, October 11, 2002 ::
Got a new letter from the hilarious Zach Stoll last night. I pasted my response which includes amusing quotes from the wealth of knowledge he gives me!

Dear Zach, what a pleasure it is indeed to hear from you again! Your have me feeling all funny inside. Well, it's either that or those bean burritos i had last night. At any rate, i'm glad you've sent me such words of encouragement! How about we break down every part of this letter to make sure i'm clear on what you mean and how i feel, sound fun? Here we go:

Laf i know why. ur too busy wondering what she thinks, ur being a [censored] geek playing comp games and vid games and makeing a [censored] [censored] site. Alright, allow me to first state that Christina and have have been friends and nothing more for almost 5 months now. Quit dwelling on one stupid subject that doesn't even exists anymore.

Yes, i do play video games and work on sites (the blog and N-philes.com), but that doesn't make me [censored] or unpopular. Everybody has a passion or hobby, and video games and technology are it for me. Back off moron.

So get out of ur little hole and go find something to do.

I play soccer, am on AB honor roll at school, I'm in the French club, and i spend a lot of time doing fun stuff with Boy Scouts as well. Remember when you were supposed to meet Christina? And i couldn't come because i was busy hiking in New Mexico? Yeah, i do fun stuff like that all the time so your reasoning that i have no life and live in a hole is crazy. If you ever saw my room you'd know it looks more like a cube missing a face than a hole, duh!

what do u thinks more important to a hot gurl?having a website or big muscles?

Any chick with any shred of intelligence doesn't really care for either of those things in a man. Besides, most of the chicks i know think it's really cool to have/work at a website when i tell them. Most guys aren't as shallow as you i suppose when picking their women out.

AND FOR GODSAKES GET SOME FRIENdS U [censored] [censored] [censored].

Haha! This is my new favorite moron quote.

if u act like ur self and not super geeky like "i have a t309543987 calculator with 3000 games on it!", then ull make more friends.

I act geeky most of the time and can count dozens of close friends right off the top of my head. You sir need to get these stereotypical images of people who play games and such as part of their life out of your head. It's just wrong and shows how simple your thinking is.

stop using such big words that no1 gives a [censored] about...for most kids we find that "[censored]" and "[censored] [censored]" so lay off. use that around adults n stuff.

Excuse me if I act and speak more like an adult than you. Doesn't that register in your mind that maybe, MAYBE the way i speak reflects the greater amount of maturity i have than you? My friends are all tenfold times as smart as you and can understand me fine. Pick up a book and read some time or expand your mind and vocabulary in another way. You bum.

That last little part of your lovely E-mail was just a bunch of garbage, so there's no point in wasting my time to sum it up. Whatever I say must be too "[censored]" for you to understand. I think i've told you about a million times I have no intentions of going out with Christina. I have a social life, it's just none of your buisness quite frankly. If i'm in an unusual benevolent mood your screen name might be unblocked if only for the amusement of seeing what crap you will pound into your keyboard next. Keep sending these hilarious E-mails, everybody who reads them finds you as a quite entertaining moron! --- feel free to respond to this guy! zach stoll

Enough laughing for today.

:: Floydthebarber 10/11/2002 05:07:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 ::
I would spend lots of time digressing about the world around me and how weed sucks, but the mountain dew is starting to thin out of my blood stream and I'll crash soon. Life at the moment is seemingly taking itself along its slippery path for now. How can I put it.... it's almost as if i'm trapped in this teenage body which drudgingly goes through his daily routine of video games, school, computers, etc. I have approximately 57 things I must be doing right now, yet have this amazing ability talent of being able to push it all on the back burner and relax myself and everybody around me. Sorry I lost my train of thought....what the hell am I talking about? Oh, you say you come here to hear about me? well then.

So Christina sends me her results for that disorder test I took the other day. Of course, what kind of a friend would I be if I blurted out the results, but it'll suffice to say that I personally was a bit surprised. These scores weren't as accurate as they really are, She is always to self critical of herself. I've never understood why Christina usually tries to find a way to blame it on herself. Actually, I do partially understand but such things aren't fit for discussion in this blog. I'm sure though she knows I don't care what scores she got, i'm still a close friend and am simply here to help her with anything anytime in anyway. Speaking of friends, what the hell is April up to these days? It depresses me that I feel so many friendships i painstakingly constructed day by day in the past 3-8 years being demolished to some extent with every day that goes by and we never talk. I blame myself for lack of real effort to hook up with April and other folks, so if your reading this and your one of these people you have full right to blame me, then pick up the damn phone and call so we can fix this problem....ok enough rambling. MAMA.......oooOOooOooooooo didn't mean to make you cry....

Starfox adventures kicks. I will expand upon these incredibly deep and insightful impressions at another time! wahoo! Now leave me be, I have a big Geometry test and much nothing to do.

And so castles made of sand melt into the sea......eventually.....

:: Floydthebarber 10/09/2002 08:40:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, October 06, 2002 ::
Schizotypal:Very High

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

There you have it, as we all know the internet never lies, so i'm a very schizotypal person apparently. It makes sense, check out the sites definition: The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow....sounds like me a good deal of the time. K well i'll update this thing lata.....

:: Floydthebarber 10/06/2002 07:28:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 ::
In case you've been hiding in a cave and haven't had the chance to talk to me, i'm sure that you've heard me ramble on incesently about this event. I urge you to go read my article i typed up for N-philes, it'll explain the whole lizard lick ordeal much better than I can hear. For those of you who are too lazy to be enticed into clicking the link, my friend Ryan and I (along with mom) went to Lizard Lick, NC for a nintendo ran Yoshi's Island SMA3 event. Sounds interesting right? Then what are you waiting for?.

The guy who has been building on our house (Mr. Wayne) brought over his NES he had lying under his bed. Apparently, his son got it 15 years ago and barely played it, so everything is pretty much in mint condition. I was all extatic as i examined the unfaded, 100% functioning system with brand-new looking cords, the zapper, everything. Not to mention the kid who owned it impressed me by keeping the boxes for all 9 games in near-mint condition with every single instruction booklet! Included were SMB, SMB2, SMB3, Rad Racer (with 3-D glasses), an Addams Family game, 7up Spot, Duck Tales, and a few others. The Genesis has been retired until we find a place to relocate it. And of course we all know what this means.....Ryan H can come over and play SHORT ORDER! HOORAH!

Life revolves much as his has the past few weeks....I seem to be building quite a notoriable pirated Led Zeppelin CD collection recently. I'll pay somebody to get The Rain Song stuck out of my head. On second thought, I won't, because I love this song eheh. Oh, I suppose I should mention what Christina mentioned to me today. My plans for October 10-12ish were to spend the weekend at Chesapeake Bay on Mr. Page's sailboat doing some venture stuff with the older scouts in the troop.....beaucoup fun! Of course, then Christina slyly mentions this homecoming thing to me and as only she could, makes the idea of going to this social event sorta enticing. So i'm stuck here; Weekend having fun on boat or going to homecoming (I assume with Christina, she didn't exactally ask me but I got the idea she was implying. We'd end up hanging out together anyways I assume) and doing the whole "be-social-with-people-you-dont-really-know-but-Christina-will-be-there" thing. I better decide quick, like within the next two days.... it's hard to resist such a beautiful girl when she's hugging you and you don't know exactally what to say. At lunch I thought I was rather clumsy, I should have said something about how I miss her and we need to spend more time together or something I was really feeling, but of course couldn't get it out right at that moment. Oh well, I enjoyed the moment at the very least. Sort of reminded me how great the touch of a girl is..... I dunno, at certain moments things just seem to fall into place right, you know? My opinion is always changing. I think i'm crazy.

:: Floydthebarber 10/01/2002 09:03:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, September 19, 2002 ::
Not in the mood for any real update today, i rented animal crossing and i have to study for some tests and quizzes tommorow. Just wanted to say the CD's were returned to me by the bus driver this morning! i thought to myself, horray!!!!! all my cd's are nice and safe. not quite. apparently a person with not-so-great taste made a point to walk off with about 4-5 cds before returning it....not that i can complain, because i have almost all of them. Whoever this is, they had incredibly weird taste for what to steal, taking Barenaked Ladies - Stunt, Sugar Ray 14:59, my Super Smash Bros. Melee burned soundtrack (but not any other VG music.... O_o), and a weird al CD. go figure. If i ever find out by chance who DID take and return them, i'll still beat them silly and reclaim what they did steal. Not to mention payback for the agony they caused by keeping them for 2 days. Ok time for animal crossing and test stuff! later!

:: Floydthebarber 9/19/2002 07:23:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 ::
So then, since it appears that a few sad blokes actually read this thing it only feels right to expose them to great epiphanies from the word of James!

Let's start with the present now, shall we? I take it that sense you have in fact taken the initiative in reading this blog that you know what a geeky, anti-social person i really am. Generally if i can avoid people i will, indulging in more enlightening things such as books, schoolwork, meditation, and of course video games and online ]-[@><0Ring. So what has the illustrious James been up to? not too damn much, i'm afraid. And it's starting to frustrate me too. Why is it that when our lives are chaotic and eventful we yearn for peace and regularity, but when it's all quiet and normal we seek flair and something different? It reminds me how odd it is that when it's winter we try to be warm and in the summer we try to be cold. It's all a very confusing matter. One thing did happen today though which has got my anger flaring...

As groggy and unpleasant of a person I am before 8 or 9 every morning, it's perfectly understandable that after my routine bus ride to school today, my CD wallet was left behind in the seat. I realized the horror of the situation about 5 minutes later after the bus had left and all hope was lost. Or was it? My concious was praying that some reputable bloke would find my CDs, use their god-givin concience, and return my lovely CDs to the bus driver to give to me. Hell, they could have just left them in the seat and I would have found them when I got on in the afternoon. So i spend the entire day clinging to this shred of hope that some super nice guy would find my precious cargo and it would be returned to me safely. Also, who the hell would want my CDs anyways? The case was full of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Everclear, Barenaked Ladies, lots of video game music, some Weird Al, and tons of other miscellaneous stuff. Unless somebody is super cool and enjoys those sorts of music, they wouldn't want the case anyways! And if in fact that super cool guy did find the CDs, the name "super cool" implies they would have the integrety to return them. Apparently not so. The heartless bastard, wherever he or she is, took the CDs with nary a whisper...just walked up and off with them. Not only does this severly piss me off, it gives me a chance to reflect in pity and anger at society in general. What type of rotton, immature children are we bringing up these days? Anybody with one iota of maturity or the likes would return them to their rightful owner, certainly not taking them for themselves. I know that this world is all about Me Me Me it seems, but it hurts when the disgusting values of such big city people and the like hit home in quiet little Cary North Carolina. Sure i can replace the CDs, eventually. The whole ordeal leaves me very frustrated and even more untrusting with people than 12 hours ago, and further reinstates my theory that most people suck in general and don't deserve to be spoken to or have eye contact with or anything. Fools like me come in last I guess...

Shall we move onto the subject of girls? Ah yes, the beautiful gems of society which guys clamor after usually because of the girl's looks. Don't get me wrong, it's not that i don't like girls. They're awesome for friends, what with their sound advice and nice smelling hair and comforting voices, but that's about it. Anything beyond a friendship is mostly damaging to me, seeping money from my pocket and leaving me high and dry when it's all said and done. Why bother? Whenever love is potentially around the corner the whole idea unravels into shambles...a waste of time leaving you heartbroken. Yeah, it'd be nice to find my soulmate and whatnot at Cary High, but what's the fun in that? I hate to be the pessimist, but we'd both go our separate ways most likely in 4 years and it'd leave us both heartbroken. Listen to me, i'm thinking four years ahead for Christ's sake! Sill though, it's true. I need to concentrate of building my own personality and character first before i try starting any relationships with a girl or anything. I have to keep reminding myself i'm still only 15, no matter how mature I act or what I say or do.

Video Games. Yes yes, still the staple of entertainment and escape in this teenager's life. Who cares what i do or play? That's right. moving on.

Okay, enough writing for today. Shout out to christina for reading this blog. hope our friendship is never trashed. Excuse me while I retire to go read and play video games and soccer and sleep and whatever else is on my agenda. lates. And keep pimpin.

:: Floydthebarber 9/17/2002 04:42:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, September 15, 2002 ::
jeebus it has been a long time, i apologize. no i am not dead, everything's just dandy. I'll give you the super quick low down.

I was hired for www.n-philes.com about a week ago, and everything's just excellent. I'm the Release Dates coordinator officially, but basically i can help out wherever i can. Writing retro reviews, posting some news, helping with trivia, posting codes or whatever. Tis' very fun, and the staff is top of the line. Jon is a great editor-in-cheif as well as a counselor in letting me know the inner workings of a site like this and being patient while helping me out. I definitely recommend you all check out the site!

Mario sunshine is conquered, dune, and dusted. Well, technically i only have 90 out of 120 shines, but i still beat the final boss so that basically counts. Easiest boss ever! my god! Super Mario 64 had a much more difficult final boss than this. Of course, mario sunshine overall is much harder than SM64 overall so i guess it balances out. It really ticks me off though that i don't get that tremendous feeling of giddy school boyness and excitement when i beat SM64 in mario sunshine for the boss....oh well. still a great game.

Starfox adventures comes out the 24th. I'm not going to bore you with the whole dealing with Rareware, search online somewhere and find out for yourself. I'll post some impressions later tommorow when i complete my paper for English class. Which brings us to the quick rundown of schools!

school is doing good.

there. you have a brief insight into my life. actually not, but whatever. i still need a girlfriend after i get some moneys, a job, and a liscense. okay i gotta run, places to lounge at and things to do.

oh and the beach rocks. and we won our soccer game today. and i love april and about a million other people. and those babies in church were, and i quote tommy "making brownies"......lol

:: Floydthebarber 9/15/2002 10:59:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 ::
Yes yes, i am indeed alive and well; excuse the lack of updates on this pitiful soul's weblog. Mario has made everything else in my life obsolete; I've gone into the "eat, sleep, breathe, and think" mario phase which i haven't wholly experienced for over 6 years. I'm overdue so excuse me if i talk with any of you and randomly bring up mario, drift off into thoughts of mario, or begin answering your questions with "woo! wahoo! hooah! woohee!" and such. I'm not joking when i mean this is easily the most fun i've had with a game on the Gamecube yet, although Super Monkey Ball's multiplayer holds it's own on my favorites list. I'm 21 shines into the game and savor every moment i'm immersed by the world. It pulls me in as only a Shigeru Miyamoto game can.... anybody who's ever played a mario game for any period of time knows what i'm talking about. It's just so FUN you can't let go. Yeah, so then, mario is fun blah blah best game ever blah blah nobody reads this blog blah blah blah......

I bet you all are incredibly interested in the fact that i'm not FAILING high school so far! A's and B's on all tests so far....wonder how long i can keep it up. I feel sorta sorry for our Geometry teacher Mr. Lupien. He's faced with the impossible task of keeping everybody's attention in class by making things interesting and stuff, which we all know isn't possible with math. We were doing truth table "relays" to see who could produce one the fastest for jeebus sake..... Oh well I guess it could be worse hehe. French is awesome aslaslaslasl.

So the world turns much like it has for the past few months.........life goes on nothing too ground shattering. We're going to Mr. Cooke's beach house again in a few weeks i think...sweetness. Ok well since you know that i'm not dead i'm going back to playing mario.....SHINE GET!

:: Floydthebarber 8/28/2002 05:54:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Monday, August 12, 2002 ::
Wellity, I have successfully survived my first day as a freshy in High School. The previous night i guess the rising seniors decided to throw themselves a little party, toilet papering all the trees and writing over every square inch of cement and brick outside. Ketchup on the benches, signs taped in windows......fun stuff. I found my way around the campus easy enough.....Didn't really get lost or anything. All the teachers are great too, at least so far..... I'd have to say my Advanced Biology teacher, Mr. Caudill is the most humorous and enjoyable, but Mr. Jessee is borderlining a good teacher. If you ever needed a case for a person who's overly enthusiastic about HS english, this man would be it. He's dripping with drama, and it's already starting to get on my nerves, however. Hopefully he'll mellow out before the semester is out.

It's already apparent that I'll be needing to make lots of new friends while i'm here. The friends I have that are going to Cary are few and far between, not to mention the chicks here are beautiful.... one of them has to be waiting for me...hehe. Sucks that I'm not athletic and that all the clubs looks boring to me. Maybe i'll join yearbook club if i can....who knows. Maybe tommorow i'll just randomly sit down with a bunch of people and start chatting.....ya never know.

I ran into a few people who i hadn't seen in a while. Most notably was Lan Le, any of the you people from Morrisville Elem. will remember her. Lmao she instantly recognized me and after a second i remembered who she was. I could see myself chatting with her more often

:: Floydthebarber 8/12/2002 04:59:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, August 08, 2002 ::
You know when you are working on that gigantic 2000 piece gigsaw puzzle with your grandma and you get to that last piece? How of course it doesn't fit into the puzzle, no matter how much you try to mash it in there by brute force? Well that's sorta how i'm feeling about high school.....I don't think that i'll be able to fit in and find my group of friends no matter how you look at it. Let's see.....i'm not goth, punk, emo, preppy, jock, geeky (perhaps just a bit...), or anything else. It's.....it's all just a big mess. Haha, i'm afraid of what will happen if i be myself. on second thought, screw it I don't need to be 'accepted' by any group or try to fit in with anybody. I feel sorta sorry for christina because her parents are trying to shape her into something different than what she really is. I wonder how long she'll tolerate it.....or perhaps i'm all wrong and she likes trying to be all 'popular' and stylish and friends with everybody and stuff. She's having fun though so what does it matter? I don't know, i guess to be honest i don't care what she does as long as it's not goth....for god's sake not goth!

Don't get the idea here that i think it's all going to be a total drag, i have a few good classes and none of the teachers i met briefly today seemed cruel and unusual. Well, at least not cruel. I just don't want to start drifting away from all the friends i already made the past years at school. Who knows, maybe there's a girl i'll meet there who instantly connects with me and we could go on dates and have a great time together.....eheheh, nevermind. who knows, who cares? HS is my stepping stone into college which is the ultimate goal before a CAREER, so i better make the best of it, academically and socially. oh, and what the hell is a CARY IMP?????

painted Nathan's mom's fence today.....got 30 bucks instead of 60 cuz a few more people decided to help. I guess i don't mind because i probably would have helped her with it for free. The sooner i find a real job with hours and such to fund myself the better. A license would be nice too, if only i got off my butt and took a CLASS. Actually, what would driving help me if i don't have my own car? bah, too much stuff to worry about.......time to go back to resting before school starts. **wishes his hot tub was up and running** later folks.

:: Floydthebarber 8/08/2002 08:21:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Monday, August 05, 2002 ::
I'll fix the blog when i feel like it. ahah!

:: Floydthebarber 8/05/2002 10:20:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, August 04, 2002 ::
Alright, so I can't help the fact that I'm an uber-lazy person. Forgive me, I have other things on my mind, like savoring the last few days I have of break before school starts up again. Christina's apparently made 4123423 friends at band camp and says i'll fit right in with the people at the school, but I'm not so sure...... :-/

Her and I talked for the longest time last night on the phone, at least 3-4 hours. Her attitude's completely changed, it's like HS worked some sort of spell on her so she's not depressed or anything like that anymore. Her life isn't the mess it used to be, and I can't be happier for her. I can't think of a single other person (other than April) that I would want to spend my years at Cary HS with, to be honest. I was listening to her when I suddenly remembered how much i really do care for this girl and how lucky I am to have her as a friend. It's hard to put into words exactally what I felt, sort of a realization of a few unspoken things. I probably sound like i'm crazy. I sure am crazy.

I'm biting my fingernails and counting down the days (23!) until my greasy little hands rip that Super Mario Sunshine disc out of that case and lovingly snap it into my gamecube to immerse myself in complete and utter gaming bliss. This will be the best game for gamecube yet, no doubts in my mind. I have freaking DREAMS about this game for christ's sake, I can't stop thinking about it. I have started adding mario's "yah! wohoo! beyahoo! yippee!" yells to the activities I do in everyday life. Seriously. If i don't get this game soon i'll freakin keel over and die. Being the big platformer buff I am, i've been waiting the entire 6 years since Super Mario 64 for this. The 27th of August is completely devoted to Mario, all other things come first.

Until inspiration strikes me, I won't really try to fiddle with the layout of the blog too much. Something will strike me soon though, promise! Just like that promise i made that the blog would be revamped by this weekend......eeeeeeeeyah whatever James. If you'll excuse me, i have to move a boat and eat some waffles. No that is not some weird metaphore.

:: Floydthebarber 8/04/2002 12:25:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 ::
I've been staring at this stupid thing off and on the entire day, and something's not right. The whole page seems.....flat, boring, and lacking of any character whatsoever. Unfortunately inspiration is failing to strike me upside the head and i don't have the knowledge to do anything amazing......Maybe Megan can help me in the transferring of an idea of a layout on paper into cyberspace...and ryan could help me out in doing things in Photoshop, not sure... this thing WILL be revamped by the weekend, i have nothing else to do. Unless you count replaying through Super Mario 64 (66 stars in) and sitting on my butt rotting away. The color scheme is cool though, i think i'll keep it. Good color scheme, nice colors scheme *strokes colors*....

Back to work....

:: Floydthebarber 7/31/2002 09:05:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 ::
I'm messing around with the layout.....trying some things in photoshop which i'll add later. By the end of the week the blog shall kick it, i promise! aslaslaslals

:: Floydthebarber 7/30/2002 04:22:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Friday, July 19, 2002 ::
erm......testing 123 craaaaaaaaaaaaaap! the layout just got farked, sorry bout' that. all the customizations are gone at the moment. I'll try to fix the code and have the blog back to it's old self again tommorow. perhaps i can bring it back better......who knows.............k well lates

:: Floydthebarber 7/19/2002 12:55:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
oh, and always remember you have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk............

:: Floydthebarber 7/19/2002 12:49:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
so then.......back from philmont. it's 12:51 pm and i don't really wanna type up all the crap that's happened into this blog. I'll put together some philmont page with all my pics and experiences i have from there on it.......i'll probably transcribe my journal i kept while hiking on there for you all to read too. Just sit tight until after summer camp.

Almost done with eternal darkness......the past 2 nights have been spent video gaming myself to death with Ryan H......wheeeee. fun. joy and rapture. time for summer camp. once again far away from home and the troubles of the city. score. i'll write more later. you all suck. good night.

:: Floydthebarber 7/19/2002 12:49:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Friday, June 28, 2002 ::
My dad's making me get rid of all this stuff..........if you really care to know about it and mysteriously haven't been informed by now, just drop me a line and i'll send it to ya. K lata.

:: Floydthebarber 6/28/2002 12:01:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
Your eyes so blue
So crystal clear
Watch as I slip
And fall into your gaze

I want to be
Part of you
And you to be
Part of me

You lead me to believe
We had a future
Leave me with nothing
But memories of a false friendship

:: Floydthebarber 6/28/2002 09:46:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
I feel a little better now. Writing is both theraputic and reflective. I'm not so angry anymore. The sooner this stupid guy is gone and away the better. people like that should be sent far, far away. feel free to Flame this guy, by all means. Although it probably won't be worth your time. So then, anybody looking for a single, attractive guy with green eyes, blond hair, and who is desperately lonely and feels down on his luck? I didn't think so either.....friends with benefits, god I suck. Is all hope lost though? apparently not but it's not looking to great. We'll see what happens when i get back from Philmont and this Zach Stoll guy has come and gone. I can only pray for Christina, this is going to be another big mistake of hers i fear......too bad i won't be around.

If i had it all again i'd change it all.........change it all.......all........ :(

:: Floydthebarber 6/28/2002 08:57:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 27, 2002 ::
so this prick emails me about how he and christina are going out..........whatever. ok this is most of the conversation we had, it was cut off but oh well you get the gist of it. i need to talk to christina and also talk to this guy and at the same time figure out what the hell is going on and what i should do.........3 votes for "take him out" lol

:: Floydthebarber 6/27/2002 05:25:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
blaah blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!! who cares????? this guy's an idiot and this christina crap is in the past. You guys don't need to worry about this zach buisness, and it's aggrivating my dad that it's on here. Don't worry, it's all archived on a floppy somewhere.......i think.......

:: Floydthebarber 6/27/2002 05:04:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::

:: Floydthebarber 6/27/2002 03:46:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
The past weeks has just sorta been a blur to me, sleeping and eating irregularly, not being concious of the time, not caring about anything in particular. Lazily waking up around 11:30 to the most god-awful banging and sawing noises from the bloody builders working on constructing my brother's room. You know, the usual shit i have to put up with everyday at my house. I'm just waiting for the clock to tick down to zero and I leave on my trip to New Mexico. Well crap, the clock better click a little slower cuz i have about 39247309 things i gotta pack and do before they drag me to the airport at 4 am sunday morning. can you say "BLACHABLERGAVGHA."

After agonizing and patiently waiting for 4 years, Eternal Darkness has now hit the shelves. That's right, we all thought the glorious day would never come. I'm sure if you know what i'm talking about, then you've already heard impressions about how great this game is. Every gamecube owner should have this game in their collection. I can't say what genre it is, everything is done so perfectly and intricately that it defies any genre. Resident Evil clone, this isn't by far. The thing that amazes me is that the magick system actually makes SENSE. It's integral to the plot, and perfect in it's simplicity. Red defeats green, green defeats, blue, and blue defeats red. with mantorok (sp?) in the middle. Mixing and matching runes to create your own custom spells is one of the coolest ideas i've seen in a game. Everything is seamlessly integrated to created one glorious, and very freaky, video game experience. I am in absolute awe of the detail that was put into this story line. It goes to show you that having a reasonable story to go along with your game is appreciated by gamers worldwide. Insanity is indeed a wonderfully freaky thing. blood dripping down the walls, tilted camera angles, eerie noises, random effects that mess with the gamer's mind both inside and OUTSIDE of the video game world is such a great idea. I won't reveal anymore of the effects, you'll have to play for yourself but believe me it's a damn good idea which is executed beautifully.

I was banned from teh DorksNet server for saying teh goatman addy.......honestly I dont think that was worthy of banning me from the whole server. no warning or anything. maybe i'll talk to somebody on the server about it....who knows. All i want back on there for is the N-philes chat. perhaps there is a way around. who knows.

You all suck. Except Christina and April.

:: Floydthebarber 6/27/2002 02:08:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 23, 2002 ::
she's ever-present on the site....damn i just can't get over how beautiful this girl's eyes are. the clearest blue i've ever seen.

:: Floydthebarber 6/23/2002 11:21:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 20, 2002 ::
For the first time in ages, James actually did something SEMI PRODUCTIVE ONLINE!!! Well, in a way. I got around to downloading Adobe Photoshop 7.0, and started Messing around with all teh |337 things you can do!. If I do say so myself, it's not half bad for my first photoshop attempt. Mad props do go to Megan though for helping me out some (THANK YOU VARY MUCH M'LADY).

Well then, I think i'm going to play around on photoshop, crank up the video game mp3s, and spend another night simply relaxing and enjoying myself. later!

:: Floydthebarber 6/20/2002 06:59:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 ::
The constant throbbing in my head from sweaty guys banging on our house all day is unbearable. I hope they finish building my brother's room soon so i can sleep in until at least 10 without being rudely awaked by circular saws and sledgehammer-weilding wild men.

Went to the ol' bowling alley today with April, Hannie, Evan, Tommy and Andrew. I had forgotten how easy it is to blow 20 bucks at the arcade.....Stupid overpricing for 5 minutes of gaming. I'm spending the weekend at my Nana's, so we'll prolly go out and see a movie next week monday or tuesday, i'm not sure.

Keep in mind my dad is now reading everything i type..... -_- stupid internet. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE

:: Floydthebarber 6/19/2002 07:42:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 ::
He's ever-watching over all i do online.......lol just keep that in mind james ol' buddy. (forgive me for talking to myself)

:: Floydthebarber 6/18/2002 02:34:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Friday, June 14, 2002 ::
It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.
What is it?

If you don't get this one i will be ashamed..... IM your answer to me MrMoo237

:: Floydthebarber 6/14/2002 01:27:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 13, 2002 ::
Perhaps if i keep at it and just continuously write, i'll learn to be poetic and my entries will flow and be awesome. Unfortunately i'm not there yet.....i should consult Daniel or something. All I want to do right now is hold her close to me, and tell her how much I love her. She means the world to me. Leave james' little world alone, won't you please?

:: Floydthebarber 6/13/2002 10:43:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Monday, June 10, 2002 ::
Welity welity welity! It has been a while sense i've actually updated with content about my pointless life, hasn't it? I have so much planned this summer that I wouldn't be surprised if my head literally exploded from all the logistics....ALRIGHTY THAN

Friday was teh last day of middle school for ol' James here. I got all of my friends to sign my yearbook, and took about 40 pictures, which surpisingly came out very well. I should take up photography. Everybody signed yearbooks, chatted, played soccer and shit, yadda yadda yadda. After school got out I hung out at Allison Shuster's house for a few hours with her, Hannie, Megan M, Alexandra, Andrew, Max, Nathan, Rachel, and Katie Phillips. Ping pong, cool music, fooseball, swinging outside, goofing around, hair highlighting, and the likes. And NO THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN HANNIE AND I, SHUT UP ABOUT IT KATIE GEEZ.

So this is what it feels like to be out of 8th grade. Joy, rapture, hooray, etc, etc. Good riddans to bad rubbish I say, wot wot. The past 3 years have simply been small stepping stones for the High School and College years to ensue. The only thing i'll miss are all of the friends i've made in that time. I know what your thinking, your thinking "How can a guy like james possibly miss friends if he has none?". Well contrary to popular belief, i DO have friends, and I WILL miss them greatly. But it's not like it's the end of the world. We can still hang out over the summer and weekends and such. Besides, I've got Nathan, Katie, Addison, and Christina coming with me to raise hell over at Cary so it's all good. Christina.....speaking of her...... **James Presses the 'mindless teenage love rant' button**

Not quite sure what the heck to make of us. Or if there is an us. I can tell you there's definitely something between her and I. I want to ask her out sometime soon over the summer, but I've heard she has a "boyfriend" at the moment. I'll have to wait until that blows over to make my move. It's not as hopeless as I had once thought, however. She's still talking to me and being friendly, and she liked the tapes i had made with me singing (everybody says i have a good singing voice but don't listen to them, i'm NOT THAT GOOD!). I got a sweet ass pic of herself and I from the last day of school on Friday, i'll try to scan it so you all can see Yours Truly with an attractive chick. You must see to believe......oh and she wants to go out riding in our family's boat this summer, which i dont' think would be a great idea. It'd be way to incredibly awkward, we wouldn't be able to talk about anything with my parent's on the boat. Seeing her in a bathing suit would be a plus though.....(Your not as flat as you keep thinking, Christina....Your still sexy)Gah April says yes and I say no, it's like having an arguement with my second self. I swear April knows me better than anybody else.

On a completely unrelated note, I thought I might as well tell you what the hell i've planned for teh awesome summer. I'm going of course to the Philmont scout ranch in New mexico from June 30th to July 14th-ish, and I have summer camp sometime in late July. Summer camp will rock, i'm taking Environmental Science (well, it will rock except that class but hey, ya gotta do the required classes for Eagle), Journalism (shwing!), and the last half of the day i spend sailing. sweetness. Insert going to the movies, wandering the new mall, upgrading my computer, playing video games with my friends, hanging out at April's pool, cruising the flea market, and God knows what else i'm going to do and i think i have a pretty eventful summer. Of course, i've left plenty of time to sit around and sleep and do absolutely NOTHING. Hooray for me. I wish I was rich.

I don't really know what the hell else to tell you.......I'm sure April or Hannie will remind me of something and i'll add it in here later...Peace i be outta here.

:: Floydthebarber 6/10/2002 10:19:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 08, 2002 ::

:: how jedi are you? ::

Good thing i never update this site, eh? i'll talk about it all lata. peace.

:: Floydthebarber 6/08/2002 03:23:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, May 26, 2002 ::
Hey there, James here once again to inform you silly saps on what the hell is going on. I've got a fever of 99.5 (down from 101.5) while i'm typing this, so i'll keep it short and sweet.

It seems surreal that i only have 9 days left to spend with a lot of my closest friends i've met during Junior High. I don't give a flying f*** about the school itself, i'm dying to get to HS where i'm not surrounded by fucking 12 year olds who come up to my waist. However unless i work hard to meet all my friends on weekends and such, i probably won't see many of them again.......pretty sad considering i only have a small circle of friends to begin with. I would have to say out of every single person at LRMS, i'll miss April the most. She's been one of the best friends i've ever had, and we really and truly care for each other. It's gonna be tough in many aspects, but I'm sure i'll survive. All things must come to an end, right? besides, Nathan and Christina will be going to Cary HS with me so it's not all bad.........

Speaking of Christina, I don't really know what the fuck is going on right now hehe. I think for these last few days at school and over the summer i'll just follow where my heart leads me.......who knows what'll happen.

EOC's are Wednesday, so i better study over the few concepts in Algebra I i still don't have down quite securly so i can PASS. 80 questions in 115 minutes. absolute PAIN AND HELL. After that, i don't even know why the fuck we still even go to school, it doesn't matter after that.............. K well my cough and stuffy nose are acting up on me so i better leave.

Peace, I be outta here.

:: Floydthebarber 5/26/2002 07:37:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 ::
hi everyone (which is not many ppl cuz no one reads this) its april!
im at school right now. we just finished taking the Calculator Inactive part of the EOG...... very boring! hehe. newayz..
ok... james wants me to write what i think about him.... lets see.....
~ he has a very nice butt! hehe! christina told me to write that.
~ he's obsessed with many things including.... nintendo stuff, christina, and old music
~ he has this cute thing with his hair.... he says he doesnt like it, but i do and thats all that matters. hehe, im conceited.
~ and im mad at him cuz hes goin to fuckin cary! and so is tons of other ppl that im really good friends with! so he sux!
newayz.... i cant think of anything and im kinda missin something funny going on with christina and carmen's butt. so im gonna go. bye.
~ * <3 April Wilkinson <3 * ~

p.s. james is so cool and hott and sexy and i love him sooo much!

:: Floydthebarber 5/21/2002 10:50:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, May 19, 2002 ::
life goes on as normal. EOG testing this week. why the fuck do you care what happens in my life?!??!!? go the hell away. unless your Christina. then i want you here with me right now because we have some buisness to take care of ;-)

:: Floydthebarber 5/19/2002 09:11:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 18, 2002 ::
I saw Episode II last night and i must say that it was absolutely spectacular. i'll finish this later gotta go hehe. SLFDJ:SDF

:: Floydthebarber 5/18/2002 11:42:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 ::
I'm sure the few of you that come here to read about my little life have no interest in what's happening (or rather, what's not happening) in my "love" life. So, i'll spare you the torment of reading by summing it all up: I don't know what the fuck is going on between Christina and I, when we'll be a couple (if ever), and I can't conquer my inner fears and anxieties of girls which i've had my entire life. Ack! I'm not one of those guys where dating and shit comes easy...... -_- any suggestions would be welcome plzkthxasl

I don't know why, but i just can't get into Resident Evil for Gamecube. I think it's due partially to the fact i only get to play it at 3 in the afternoon instead of midnight, sort of ruining the entire mood for the game. Not to mention it's damn difficult, the fucking zombies have ripped and dragged my chugular vein in that game all over the mansion. I'll try to play it a bit more tonight, and post some impressions perhaps, if i feel like it. Yeah, you'd love that, WOULDN'T YOU!!?!?!?!????? Oh, and while i'm on the subject of entertainment, allow me to reiterate what the whole damn world knows: Spiderman is one major KICK ASS movie. $115 million in it's first weekend, an unheard of record. The special effects, storyline, and the fact i can relate to Peter Parker and his girl problems, just to name a few things, gave me a good movie experience which I hadn't had since i saw Lord of the Rings last December. There's no way in hell Episode II will dethrone Spiderman in ticket sales, sorry George.

Life's pretty slow right now, i'm in the regular groove of things. School, games, and practice hikes for Philmont consume most of my time, with ample space allowed in the week for grossly large amounts of sleeping and surfing the internet until my retinas start to burn. Perhaps a girl in the near future, but alas having money is a critical part of the boyfriend/girlfriend equation.

Is it just me, or does this blog have too much blue in it? @_@ I'll mess around with the layout maybe if i find the time, not to mention i've conveniently forgotten almost all of my HTML skillz due to lack of using them......oh well who cares.

:: Floydthebarber 5/08/2002 06:37:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, May 02, 2002 ::

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.

:: Floydthebarber 5/02/2002 04:42:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 ::
Wow it's been a while since i have updated, my sincerest apologies. I've been busy with all sorts of things i don't even know where to begin. But don't blame me for my complete and total laziness, Blame Video Games! For the first time in God knows when, i've started a relationship.......

After being totally blown off at the school dance, me and Christina are starting to become more and more like a couple everyday. See, my orginal plan was to wait until High School before i revealed how i felt to her, but it's all started prematurely, and i'm having to do things early. We are just now unravelling a relationship with each other, and I'm loving it. Although i hate having to follow these so-called rules of society where the guy has to make teh first move. Damn my shyness around the opposite sex, it will be the death of all relationships i have i swear. If anybody has any date ideas to do around here in Cary, North Carolina Drop me a line.

I'm saving all my monies for Philmont, so I can't afford Resident Evil for gamecube as of the moment. That and Eternal Darkness are the two mature rated games which i have been craving for for many a month. Hopefully Blockbuster will have it to rent soon. I'm still mad at them for deciding not to rent out Sega Soccer Slam......SL:DFJ! Oh, and did i mention i'm slowly killing myself? I spilled hot grease all over my leg on saturday, burning it to hell and creating incredible pain. I've also got several bruises which i'm painfully reminded of every time i sit down, and i've sliced open my little toe making it difficult to wear shoes. Geez @_@.

Ok well i have places to go and other things on my mind, i'll try to type a bit more in this journal thingy later. Pray for meh.

:: Floydthebarber 5/01/2002 07:57:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, April 07, 2002 ::
DISCLAIMER: I'm having a sort of information overload right now, many people are talking to me at once, and so much has happened and is happening it's hard to comprehed. These writings might not make too much sense at some points because I can't think straight. AHEM. Now then.

In short, this weekend was nothing less than spectacular. As you know i'm not a terribly social kind of guy, so weekends like this sort of fry my brain to a point of delerium. I'll try to say it all as best i can put it into words. It started with the anxious hours of school on Friday waiting to ride home to Ryan Tedrick's house. There were 8 of us, all video game fans, so obviously it was a blast. I finnaly got a chance to try out an XBOX for an extended length of time, for better or worse. Perhaps i'll post some impressions on a site if I feel so inclined to do so. Alright, so we played games, opened presents, ate cake, and did all that fun stuff until around 11 when we decided to go bowling. We had all these wacky names like RoseanneIsFat, HungryHippo2002, YourMom, UrGonnaChokeJames, hehe it was fun. I scored a 98, which when you consider the amount of goofing around that went on, is pretty good. Of course ample time was spent in the arcades at Galaga and Pinball. We got back at his house pretty late, then watched Blade on DVD with his new XBOX and DVD kit which he was dying to try out. I drifted off into sleep, woke up around 8, then ate and played more games until i left around 2. A game of football, nerf gun fights, and other goofing around activities should be randomly inserted into this paragraph.

My grandmother was basically my chaffeur for the weekend, driving to friends houses and stuff. She dropped me off at April's house around 5, after becoming confused where the hell we were in the east-nowhere part of NC. Her party was pretty fun, we played volleyball, ate, and opened presents. While she was busy opening presents, which included my bottle of maple syrup for her, Whitney was sitting in my lap. Now you must first understand that it's extremely odd to find a girl with any interest in me at all, much less who wants to be around me, namely sit in my lap. But she was with me, and my arm was around her, it was great. It's hard to have a hot girl sit in your lap, then you can't get a boner or she'll think your sick, so you keep thinking about this instead of concentrating on anything else then you start to sound like an idiot.......ok nevermind. Pardon my thinking out loud. I was hoping neither of us would have to get up off of that damn chair. It didn't last forever of course, and she had to get up so we could leave for this teen club place. but then, she wanted to hold my hand and ride with me there! I had no idea what the fuck to say or do, i was so confused. We also went on a walk outside of the club, which was nice. Too bad nothing will ever happen between us, but it was still fun. At the club i played several rounds of pool agains Crystal, which was great. Surprisingly, when she concentrates she can pull off some nice shots and isn't too bad. I beat her still anyways every time though hehe :-). I'm now obsessed with the idea of owning a house with a nice pool table in it......too bad you have to be rich to have that happen. So we played air hockey, foosball, video games, and all kinds of stuff there till i went home with my grandmother around 10:45.

I woke up today around 1, which is a new record of sorts, but it's due partiall to daylight savings. I haven't done much of anything today, except mow the lawn and check out our new boat. Damn that thing is awesome, I can't wait to take it out to Jordan Lake one weekend when I get a lisence and go boating with some of my friends. So now you know all that has happened in my incredibly awesome weekend, one of such fun calibur is not likely to happen for a while. I'm on a soda high and i've got a bit of Math homework to do so i better run. Damn this update will be a mouthful for you all to read hehe. lata!

:: Floydthebarber 4/07/2002 08:56:00 PM (1) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 04, 2002 ::
I'm in Captain Ennis' class right now, just wasting time until the period is over. MONEY HATS!!!!! DO YOU LIKE MY HAT!?!?! IT'S MAD OF MONEY. hehe ok i'm done. do you hate it when people read what you type over your shoulder, yeah, that suspicious feeling. It's annoying as hell, talk is cheap, later.

:: Floydthebarber 4/04/2002 10:43:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 ::
Well, i'm sorry for not updating, the blog was just sorta pushed to the back of my mind while other things happened. I started school up again this week (only 9 fucking weeks left till freedom, w00t!) which has been pretty great already. I've started the quarter on an upnote, with 5 100%s on tests in Language Arts, a 90 in Algebra I, and a 101.8% in Science. yay for me. Pretty soon i'll be planning out what courses for High School i want to take (i'm interested in French and any computer networking classes especially) which will be fun i guess. I'm not the kind of guy that likes to look too far ahead, i tend to live for the moment, persay. So anyways that's what's been going on in my stupidly boring educational life. Let's give myself a round of applause **mutated slave worker monkeys clap for James**. Ahem, thank you all very much.....

I'm skipping a trip to the beach to pick up our new boat so I can go to Ryan Tedrick and April's parties. Other than a big bottle of maple syrup, I have no idea what to by April, but i'm sure i'll think of something. I'm already warming up my gaming fingers in anticipation of all the time we will waste at Ryan's playing video games. Sweet lord when 7 Nintendorks get together for a night of gaming love, it's a beautiful thing. **wipes geek tears from eyes**

I'm trying to balance funds for Philmont and video games at the same time, which believe me isn't an easy feat. I know i **NEED** 50 bucks for Resident Evil, i suppose the wavebird and Eternal Darkness can wait until i return from my trip. Jeez, the list of stuff for the Philmont Trek keeps growing.....Sleeping Bag, new headlamp, boots, socks, nalgene bottles, god knows what else i'm too tired to think of it all. I swear to God this is the busiest year i've had yet, out of all 15 of em'.


Alright, it's outta my system now, and i have other things to do. I'll chat later. BYE!!

:: Floydthebarber 4/02/2002 09:07:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 ::
DISCLAIMER: There's 5 other fucking kids running around the house and i can't concentrate, so forgive any or all of the parts of this entry that are incohesive or jibberish.

I think waking up at noon every single fucking day is a bit of a waste of my vacation time, but i'm loving it. This has to be the most relaxing vacation from school yet. Too bad it ends Monday....At least i'll get to see all my friends again. I'm in a serious envy mode right now of This Dude's Collection. I have about 6 or 7 of those models left, then i'll be done as well. Someday i'll finish them all.....someday...

I'm thinking of writing a letter to Her tonight (you know who it is April) and expressing my feelings. Too bad i'm not good at this kind of crap, but if i don't ask or anything it'll bug me maybe for the rest of my life. Can't wait till High School later this year...finally some real women. We'll see what happens.

If you'll excuse me i need to drink some Cafe' Latte and wonder what the hell has happened to this household. I'll update when i can fucking think straight. If you'll excuse me kind ladies and gentlemen.

:: Floydthebarber 3/26/2002 09:42:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Monday, March 25, 2002 ::
"He's not dead, he's Resting!" pretty much sums it up. I've been too lazy to update this blog, my apologies. I finally gathered up enough courage to enter the goth/punk store in our local mall, Hot Topic. Much to my surprise and delight there was an |337 pink floyd Dark Side of the Moon t-shirt which i bought of course. At EBworld they also had the single greatest Gameboy perripheral ever: the Gameboy Camera! i've been messing with it for hours, and it's the coolest damn thing ever. I even hooked it up to my SNES and recorded some crappy quality movies! It's a sin not to own this amazing little gadget.

Resident Evil April 30th. Eternal Darkness, memory card 251, and Wavebird June 24th. Mario Sunshine August 26th. Starfox and Metroid in fall. My god what an awesome year it is to be a Nintendo fan. I'm ready for the kick ass AAA games to start rolling. If you'll excuse me i have to go find a bean-bag chair to sit in, and play all my classic games through again in anticipation of the Video-gaming goodness to come. I leave you with some soothing Pink Floyd lyrics:

Almost everyday you fall
Upon my waking eyes,
Inviting and inciting me
To rise.
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning.

And no one sings me lullabyes
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky....

:: Floydthebarber 3/25/2002 11:24:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, March 21, 2002 ::
It's been a while since the last update, i apologize. I've been terribly busy playing video games and sleeping :) The Paper Nintendo Models have become almost an obsessive hobby, as I have made almost the entire fucking collection. Nathan is working on Koopa so when he finishes we'll snap a pic of every single one of them together. Fun. On a completely random note, this Preservation Hall Jazz Band CD kicks major ass. One day i shall become a clarinet masta like the guy on this album.

So i'm in #planetchat like I am most nights. S-U-P-E-R then comes in and posts This Link. Obviously they'll send your e-mail adress to every spamming company on earth, but you get a FREE PEN and LETTER OPENER with your choice of engraving. I don't recall what mine said, but they'll supposedly be here shortly and i'll tell you.

Last night i spent the night at my Grandmothers, which was pretty fun. my advice is spend as much time with your grandparents as you can because they won't be around forever.

Ok well i'm bored of typing to you loosers so i'll talk to you later when i'm not so damn hungry. I think ice cream and a hot pocket are in order. later.

:: Floydthebarber 3/21/2002 02:31:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, March 17, 2002 ::
I was away Friday and Saturday on an Order of the Arrow pow-wow, a sort of boy scouts honor society meeting. they had drums and dancing and food, pretty fun. I earned my brotherhood which is great. Other than that, not much else has been happening lately.

Well, exept for These little paper guys. I found the link on Nintendorks and have been having a blast. Who ever knew i posessed such Incredible artistic talent basic paper cutting/folding/glue skills? I have 2 weeks left of break to relax and complete the whole collection!

Tonight is the bluegrass concert with my Grandmother, it should be a lot of fun seeing how i'm a big bluegrass nut. Hey! it's not like I can help denying my musical heritage, sheesh!

I'll talk to you looser later.

:: Floydthebarber 3/17/2002 01:54:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 ::
Ok before i have a fucking seizure i have to show this site to you all: Blueroses Gameboy Advance Engine. Simply put, those are the most amazing 3-D graphics ever seen on a portable console. I HIGHLY reccommend you see those 4 videos. The potential this engine has is amazing, i can easily now envision versions of my favorite N64 games on the GBA. Could a Goldeneye-esque game be put on there with multiplayer? Wow, that would kick some serious ass. If only they didn't work in italy i'd apply to work with them someday.......

:: Floydthebarber 3/12/2002 07:28:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Monday, March 11, 2002 ::
Here's the goods:

On the Bottom we have the SNES, N64, and Genesis. Above that is the VCR and black Gamecube. on the left of you can make out the rolling rack that holds all the extra game cartridges. The 20" flat screen TV is hooked up to the phillips audio reciever thing with the 2 huge kick ass speakers down there. I know it's not the best but i'm proud :) many a long night have been spent up there trying to beat that last boss.

:: Floydthebarber 3/11/2002 10:42:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
Hold the presses! In case you have been living in a cave for the past week, you'd know that Squaresoft and Nintendo are working together again!. This isn't very much news to me, as i have never been very interested in RPGs in general, much less FF. However remakes of the classic Final Fantasies and Chrono Trigger on the GBA would be spectacular. In places across the world, Nintendo fans Have been rubbing it into Sony fanboys.

As far as other games on the gamecube are concerned, we are being fed nothing but B quality games until June. I rented Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and i'd have to say i am with most people as far as how dissapointed i am. Sonic Team took one of my favorite franchises, added some gay-ass shooting/hunting levels in the mix and made the game 60% crap. I bought SA2B for sonic and unfortunately, it doesn't deliver on the games strongest aspect. Oh, and i case your wondering, the Chao garden rasing thing is pretty lame, i found little interest in it. I also rented Simpsons Road rage, and i must say i'm fairly pleased with it, moreso than Crazy Taxi itself for Gamecube! The levels are more fun, and the simpsons voice acting is a riot. A very fun experience. When the games go back tommorow i'll spend my time working on Conker's Bad Fur Day. And that wraps up my little video game rant.

Being on vacation rocks, all i have to do is surf the internet, play video games, eat, and sleep. Life is good. Sometime this week i'm going hunting for a cool bean-bag chair to sit in while i play, the floor is getting rather uncomfortable.....And somebody take me to that new mall! i have monays to burn!!!!

I'll be posting a picture of my video game setup sometime tonight probably. It's nothing to be amazed by, but it's MINE and i LOVE IT. heh ok then.

April, we need to get all our friends together and do something. I need to be more social. Suggestions plzma'amthxasl. In conclusion, life is relaxing and i haven't been doing a helluva lot more than video games lately......and i couldn't be more happy. I swear i don't know how my future girlfriends/wife will deal with my addiction. Who the hell am i kidding, who would want a poor bugger like me? ahh oh well, there has to be SOME girl out there who wants me. maybe. hopefully. probably. not. ever. I suck.

:: Floydthebarber 3/11/2002 10:24:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Friday, March 08, 2002 ::
Well it was Planet Gamecube's 3 year anniversary today. Well actually, 3 years since the staff formed a site together but still. It's really late and i'm too fucking tire to type much. I think a little Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is in order for the next few days asl. That game rocks. Oh, and i sucked at trivia of course i wasn't really paying attention so it doesn't matter. I was busy downloading errm STUFF on morpheus let's just say.

And Lorena don't ever piss me off again like that not funny kthxaslbye.


I need nerd gear. NOW

:: Floydthebarber 3/08/2002 01:21:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 ::
I'ts been a few days so i better let all of my non-existent readers know i'm alive. Hell I do this for my benefit mostly, reading what i type and looking back in awe at what a worthless, stupid, boring life I ha....err right I need to stay on topic. School's out tommorow, which means more time for VIDEO GAMES!!

Oh yes and before i leave you See this music video. And once your done, be sure to check out
This picture too. so true. so true. Alright sorry for so many randomly linked thoughts and nothing thorogh or explainable, but i don't have much time and i'm a bastard. lata

:: Floydthebarber 3/06/2002 06:28:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Saturday, March 02, 2002 ::
Well, Team trivia last night Kicked Major Ass. I Scored the one and only point for team Yumi_Sex0r, but I potentially could have scored at least 3 more. Need to be quicker on my feet. Nathan aka "comet"'s team won trivia, but only because he partnered with Tavir. Seriously, nathan DIDN'T DO A DAMN THING! haha I can't blame you on your defficientcy in video game knowledge can i man? Note: never stay up till 3:30 AM on line again. EVAR.

My god, this Terra's theme in black rocks!!! I have the link on the left side of this blog, i highly reccomend you downloaded if you ever have appreciated fine music in your life. It's video gaming music at it's absolute best. I'm still patiently waiting for my new batch of games to buy in June, and have kept myself busy with True Love. Sex0ring 4 chicks in 45 minutes has to be some sort of record. Ah, i have 3 weeks starting next thursday to do JACK SHIT since i'll be out of school. And poetry sucks, asl. bye.

:: Floydthebarber 3/02/2002 06:41:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, February 28, 2002 ::
Alright, so i was se><0ring a chick, Mikae, for the first time in True Love. The scene was getting pretty cool when i hear faint steps coming from outside of the door. DAMMIT MY MOM CAME HOME!!! so i didn't get to finish my game. Oh well i found a very Kick Ass guide to help me get all the chicks, include miss Yumi...mmm miss Yumi...I want to jump into your breasts. hehe. ok i'm probably scaring all the little kiddies here now with the fun i'm having with a hentai game, so let's continue on.

So we went to see Elizabeth Dole today, a small group of Lufkin students. April, Christina, Allison C, Hannie, and Julie (fuck!). well we got lost as hell and ended up at the right place precisely when she was getting ready to sign the official candidate papers. I shook her hand and took a few pictures. Pretty neat, more fun than school. I think. Maybe. Not.

Stupid fucking poetry....I'll post my one poem i wrote later, i'm too lazy to type it all up for you now, not to mention it kinda sucks. My poetic abilities are minor. So anyways, School's out in less than a week! wahoo!!!! later.

[want to have sex]

:: Floydthebarber 2/28/2002 07:31:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 ::
work dammit! damn you blog!

:: Floydthebarber 2/26/2002 09:19:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
With my meager income i've managed to scrape together about 70 bucks....now i just have to decide what the hell to do with it. it'll be some sort of video game love Because I'm a fucking dorky looser because i've got noting better to buy. Either a black gameboy advance and a game, or a gamecube game and the wavebird controller. either way, I win! I finally downloaded True Love off of Morpheus the other day, and man that game R0><00Rs my B0><0rs. hehe I haven't played long enough to [sex0r] any chicks yet but when I do i'll let ya know.

If you do ONE THING on the internet today, You will see this comic strip I 100% agree. These are the times that test a true Nintendork like myself, when we must suck it up and play our beloved older games until new ones arrive. I am sure that the long wait until June will be certainly worth it, and i'll forgive The Big N like I have so many other times in the past for delays. ED and SFA WILL kick ass, or i shall start on a killing spree like Tycho did up there. It's not just Gamecube owners either, PS2 and XBOX owners are recieving but a trickle of games right now, with almost none of them noteworthy in my mind. That's my 2 cents worth.

Poetry sucks, I have several projects due on it Tuesday, including 5 original pieces. Dammit I suck at that poetry shit. My rant is over. Good bye sir.

:: Floydthebarber 2/26/2002 09:13:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, February 24, 2002 ::
I'll be hanging out at Mr. Fred's house tonight watching his two boys and my little brother Alex. Fun fun fun! In a showdown that will most likely end in Tarheel humiliation, NCSU will be playing UNC tonight. Of course my parents are going to watch, thus leaving me with the kids. Ah, at least i'm getting paid :).... well i've gotta run, there's about 291849 things to do in this house and not a lot of time to update this blog thoroughly....

Alex and Christian want me to marry Christina so that they can be brother....lol that'd be weird.

:: Floydthebarber 2/24/2002 04:10:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Friday, February 22, 2002 ::
It's getting awfully monotonous and lonely around here. I expect with the upcoming vacation my life will become quite dull. I need a girlfriend, but let's just say the pickin's at Lufkin road middle are real slim. I'm desperate for a relationship, i need somebody to relate to and be with. I'm tired of waiting, whoever this dream girl is needs to show herself to me before I go mad. My mind is set on one particular girl, but she isn't very interested in me and I feel that something between us would just end in two broken hearts. Perhaps that's my problem, i'm so afraid of a relationship not working out that i'm too timid to make any moves. I suppose i'm truly a bit shy at heart. Dammit.

Well, school for the quarter is over, I believe I pulled away with all A's except for two B's in Math and Language Arts. Ah oh well fuck it, school sucks anyways. March 7th is creeping up faster than i expected, i can pleasantly say. I see myself lazily waking up around noon every day and surfing the internet. God bless the internet and all the sick psychos who lurk here.... If you'll excuse me i have some PlanetGamecube Trivia and other important things to do. Peace luvyakthxbyewingoal!

:: Floydthebarber 2/22/2002 08:44:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 ::

My miserable life seems to be working at great lenghts to keep me from going nowhere and accomplishing nothing. Let's see, if i had to sum up my life right now i'd have to say uninteresting, dull, dreary, mind-numbing, lackluster, unexciting, monotonous, repetitive, wearisome, humdrum, and uninspiring pretty much covers it. Grades for this quarter in school are due this friday, for some moronic reason about 2 weeks before we actually get out of school. I feel i can pull away with 6-7 A's and 1-2 B's if i don't totally screw up between now and Friday. Great relief, this now increases my change of getting a Black Gameboy Advance as well as ordering a Screen light from these guys. I need to somehow manage to buy Eternal Darkness, Starfox Adventure, and a Wavebird too. blech.

Seeing how completely desperate i am for money, James has actually decided to work. yes. that's right the words WORK and JAMES used in the same sentece. My God. heh. Well i'll be babysitting some kids and doing odd jobs, plus mowing lawns for extra cash. As soon as i'm old enough i suppose I could work at the Cary Garden Center nearby where my dad worked when he was a kid.....we'll see how it turns out.

I've been thinking about beginning to exercise for Philmont in July. I need to loose some fat on my stomach and thighs (what little there is) and mostly help Nathan. I'm worried he's gonna hold us all back when we're 50+ miles out there and his fat is dragging us all down. The positive thing is i'll be one sexy mofo (yeah, right) after all this. Busy, busy months up ahead.

I need to go do some homework and read my nintendo power. Can't wait till trivia this friday, my goal is to get 3 points! unheard of! hehe we'll see what the questions turn out to be. Talk is cheap, later!

:: Floydthebarber 2/20/2002 04:55:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::

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