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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Monday, June 10, 2002 ::

Welity welity welity! It has been a while sense i've actually updated with content about my pointless life, hasn't it? I have so much planned this summer that I wouldn't be surprised if my head literally exploded from all the logistics....ALRIGHTY THAN

Friday was teh last day of middle school for ol' James here. I got all of my friends to sign my yearbook, and took about 40 pictures, which surpisingly came out very well. I should take up photography. Everybody signed yearbooks, chatted, played soccer and shit, yadda yadda yadda. After school got out I hung out at Allison Shuster's house for a few hours with her, Hannie, Megan M, Alexandra, Andrew, Max, Nathan, Rachel, and Katie Phillips. Ping pong, cool music, fooseball, swinging outside, goofing around, hair highlighting, and the likes. And NO THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN HANNIE AND I, SHUT UP ABOUT IT KATIE GEEZ.

So this is what it feels like to be out of 8th grade. Joy, rapture, hooray, etc, etc. Good riddans to bad rubbish I say, wot wot. The past 3 years have simply been small stepping stones for the High School and College years to ensue. The only thing i'll miss are all of the friends i've made in that time. I know what your thinking, your thinking "How can a guy like james possibly miss friends if he has none?". Well contrary to popular belief, i DO have friends, and I WILL miss them greatly. But it's not like it's the end of the world. We can still hang out over the summer and weekends and such. Besides, I've got Nathan, Katie, Addison, and Christina coming with me to raise hell over at Cary so it's all good. Christina.....speaking of her...... **James Presses the 'mindless teenage love rant' button**

Not quite sure what the heck to make of us. Or if there is an us. I can tell you there's definitely something between her and I. I want to ask her out sometime soon over the summer, but I've heard she has a "boyfriend" at the moment. I'll have to wait until that blows over to make my move. It's not as hopeless as I had once thought, however. She's still talking to me and being friendly, and she liked the tapes i had made with me singing (everybody says i have a good singing voice but don't listen to them, i'm NOT THAT GOOD!). I got a sweet ass pic of herself and I from the last day of school on Friday, i'll try to scan it so you all can see Yours Truly with an attractive chick. You must see to believe......oh and she wants to go out riding in our family's boat this summer, which i dont' think would be a great idea. It'd be way to incredibly awkward, we wouldn't be able to talk about anything with my parent's on the boat. Seeing her in a bathing suit would be a plus though.....(Your not as flat as you keep thinking, Christina....Your still sexy)Gah April says yes and I say no, it's like having an arguement with my second self. I swear April knows me better than anybody else.

On a completely unrelated note, I thought I might as well tell you what the hell i've planned for teh awesome summer. I'm going of course to the Philmont scout ranch in New mexico from June 30th to July 14th-ish, and I have summer camp sometime in late July. Summer camp will rock, i'm taking Environmental Science (well, it will rock except that class but hey, ya gotta do the required classes for Eagle), Journalism (shwing!), and the last half of the day i spend sailing. sweetness. Insert going to the movies, wandering the new mall, upgrading my computer, playing video games with my friends, hanging out at April's pool, cruising the flea market, and God knows what else i'm going to do and i think i have a pretty eventful summer. Of course, i've left plenty of time to sit around and sleep and do absolutely NOTHING. Hooray for me. I wish I was rich.

I don't really know what the hell else to tell you.......I'm sure April or Hannie will remind me of something and i'll add it in here later...Peace i be outta here.

:: Floydthebarber 6/10/2002 10:19:00 PM [+] ::
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