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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Sunday, August 04, 2002 ::

Alright, so I can't help the fact that I'm an uber-lazy person. Forgive me, I have other things on my mind, like savoring the last few days I have of break before school starts up again. Christina's apparently made 4123423 friends at band camp and says i'll fit right in with the people at the school, but I'm not so sure...... :-/

Her and I talked for the longest time last night on the phone, at least 3-4 hours. Her attitude's completely changed, it's like HS worked some sort of spell on her so she's not depressed or anything like that anymore. Her life isn't the mess it used to be, and I can't be happier for her. I can't think of a single other person (other than April) that I would want to spend my years at Cary HS with, to be honest. I was listening to her when I suddenly remembered how much i really do care for this girl and how lucky I am to have her as a friend. It's hard to put into words exactally what I felt, sort of a realization of a few unspoken things. I probably sound like i'm crazy. I sure am crazy.

I'm biting my fingernails and counting down the days (23!) until my greasy little hands rip that Super Mario Sunshine disc out of that case and lovingly snap it into my gamecube to immerse myself in complete and utter gaming bliss. This will be the best game for gamecube yet, no doubts in my mind. I have freaking DREAMS about this game for christ's sake, I can't stop thinking about it. I have started adding mario's "yah! wohoo! beyahoo! yippee!" yells to the activities I do in everyday life. Seriously. If i don't get this game soon i'll freakin keel over and die. Being the big platformer buff I am, i've been waiting the entire 6 years since Super Mario 64 for this. The 27th of August is completely devoted to Mario, all other things come first.

Until inspiration strikes me, I won't really try to fiddle with the layout of the blog too much. Something will strike me soon though, promise! Just like that promise i made that the blog would be revamped by this weekend......eeeeeeeeyah whatever James. If you'll excuse me, i have to move a boat and eat some waffles. No that is not some weird metaphore.

:: Floydthebarber 8/04/2002 12:25:00 PM [+] ::
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