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:: Monday, August 12, 2002 :: Wellity, I have successfully survived my first day as a freshy in High School. The previous night i guess the rising seniors decided to throw themselves a little party, toilet papering all the trees and writing over every square inch of cement and brick outside. Ketchup on the benches, signs taped in windows......fun stuff. I found my way around the campus easy enough.....Didn't really get lost or anything. All the teachers are great too, at least so far..... I'd have to say my Advanced Biology teacher, Mr. Caudill is the most humorous and enjoyable, but Mr. Jessee is borderlining a good teacher. If you ever needed a case for a person who's overly enthusiastic about HS english, this man would be it. He's dripping with drama, and it's already starting to get on my nerves, however. Hopefully he'll mellow out before the semester is out.
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