:: Thursday, December 12, 2002 ::
I suppose some of you are wondering about the soap opera which has ensued over the past day over at where I work. I can't fully divulge all of what is happening, since much of it could endanger people and such, I won't divulge certain things. But here we go.
Last night I was chatting it up in #n-philes when Jon mentioned something about playing Need for Speed at the Cube Club. I said something which he didn't agree with, so he decided to kick and ban me, as long as removing me from chanserv on the channel. So there I was, a staffer for a website banned from his own site's chat because one staffer who was the Registerer of the channel simply didn't want to listen to me. Keep in mind that Jon does this sort of thing all the time; If you say something which doesn't agree with what he says, he blocks out you, basically. I had discussed this sort of stuff with the director of our site before, and he had always offerend me sound words of encouragement. So after discussing with a few of my friends online, I sent our Director a letter.
Basically he told me he would take care of it, but he was busy at the moment. I was cool; After all I knew I was in the right and i'd be unbanned shortly. So at this point i'm left to chat amongst the other staffers via AIM and other IRC channels. The basic consensus was that Jon was being a problem, and it would be dealt with. It was around 9:30-10 when Jon AIMed me (I'm only putting in excerpts):
MrMoo237 (10:08:14 PM): respect is a two way street
nphiles (10:08:18 PM): No it isn't
nphiles (10:08:20 PM): it's a one way street
This is how Jon gets.....He's done it before. He'll say things he simply doesn't mean, anything to get his way seem right in a conversation. Even if that requires banning and threatening for no reason.
MrMoo237 (10:09:50 PM): it's technically Ethan's
nphiles (10:09:51 PM): It's mine.
nphiles (10:09:54 PM): no
nphiles (10:09:57 PM): it's not ethans
nphiles (10:09:59 PM): I own the chat
nphiles (10:10:05 PM): all people must pay due respect to me
nphiles (10:10:11 PM): next im, it's a warn; than it's a block
nphiles (10:10:16 PM): thank you for your time
MrMoo237 (10:10:24 PM): yeah, but if your going to do crazy stuff like ban staffers then i'm sure Ethan could just as easily move the chatroom.
If anybody could explain to me how what I said was wrong, just let me know by all means. Basically Jon is just showing how ill-prepared he is to run a professional, roxx0ring, nintendo website chatroom. I'm hoping somebody listens to my idea on how to take care of this whole chatroom ordeal. At this point he blocked me on AIM so I had no way to communicate with him. So at this point, we have Me banned from the chat, and I sent a letter to ethan about all of this. The whole AIM conversation with Jon originated because he went into ETHANS mailbox and read my letter to him. Soon Ethan got online and apparently had a discussion with Jon, because Jon promptly sent a letter out to staffers announcing he was retiring. Personally, I think this was a non-clever bluff by Jon to try to pitifully work the pity factor on some staff. You know, have them say "well that's ok Jon if your going then we'll go too". In fact, Jon asked the head of the GBA dept if he wanted to leave with him. When Jon found out nobody else was leaving, from what I can gather he came back to ethan asking for his job back. Less than an hour after he had sent out his letter announcing his "retirement" he sent another saying he wasn't so sure. Typical Jon. So anyways. Jon unblocked me later to give me words of encouragement:
MrMoo237 (11:10:43 PM): because i needed somebody to talk to all this about. what better person than my director
nphiles (11:10:45 PM): simply put, I hate your fucking guts and I hope you burn
nphiles (11:10:51 PM): I am your director.
nphiles (11:10:56 PM): All lower staff talk to me through ethan
He constantly degrades me and acts like he's so much better than others. I think you get my point that I and other staffers were sick of this attitude.
nphiles (11:12:50 PM): I can't have idiot staff like you in my chatroom
nphiles (11:14:36 PM): ive told u many times not to be liek you are
Maybe he just WANTED to dig himself into a deeper hole via immature name calling.
MrMoo237 (11:21:03 PM): i think the problem is that you run the chatroom like a dictator with too much power, and you need to be kept in check. the problem isn't your work, hardly. you do damn fine work. it's your people skills.
MrMoo237 (11:21:14 PM): so......we both have said what we think the problem is
nphiles (11:21:19 PM): the problem is you're a little fucker who cantunderstand my problem is to dictate your ass
MrMoo237 (11:21:20 PM): so what can we do about it?
nphiles (11:31:15 PM): yeah
nphiles (11:31:19 PM): ill elave alright
nphiles (11:31:23 PM): I sure will leave
nphiles (11:31:25 PM): I hate you
nphiles (11:31:28 PM): no one likes you
nphiles (11:31:30 PM): not even your mother
MrMoo237 (11:31:33 PM): hahaha
That last line had me laughing for like 5 minutes out loud. Comedy Gold. He was really going at me at this point, trying to find SOMETHING to fault me for and give reasoning behind his banning me in the chatroom. Ok, so I think you all get the idea about this side of the events. I get a letter next from Ronald, or GBA dept director.
Basically he told staff to disreguard what Jon said, that if Jon left the site would go on (Jon had threated that the site would collapse without him) and if he stayed that he wouldn't have as much power as before. That's what I was hoping and expecting, and as of right now I don't know exactally which powers Ronald meant. I'm hoping to bring the issue of the chatroom up to Ethan. If all goes according to plan, the chatroom won't be completely Jon's anymore and there'll be a system of checks and balances set by other, less power hungry and more IRC experienced staffers. That's what i'm hoping.
Then of course I have 2 letters i've received from Jon today......both of which insulting and basically making himself sound like he's so very special and vital to N-Philes....gimme a break. He also said that he would "come back to n-philes on one request: that James is fired". This statement has been proven false, I just can't listen to Jon anymore. I take the stance of Ronald.....he's not a friend or enemy, he's a coworker; nothing more, nothing less. Right now I'm waiting for folks to get online so the immediate problems can be worked out. So there you have the soap opera up until this point, in its entirety enough so that you catch the drift. I'll update you guys later.
Those who understand all that, bravo!!!!
:: Floydthebarber 12/12/2002 09:55:00 PM
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