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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Thursday, August 08, 2002 ::

You know when you are working on that gigantic 2000 piece gigsaw puzzle with your grandma and you get to that last piece? How of course it doesn't fit into the puzzle, no matter how much you try to mash it in there by brute force? Well that's sorta how i'm feeling about high school.....I don't think that i'll be able to fit in and find my group of friends no matter how you look at it. Let's see.....i'm not goth, punk, emo, preppy, jock, geeky (perhaps just a bit...), or anything else. It's.....it's all just a big mess. Haha, i'm afraid of what will happen if i be myself. on second thought, screw it I don't need to be 'accepted' by any group or try to fit in with anybody. I feel sorta sorry for christina because her parents are trying to shape her into something different than what she really is. I wonder how long she'll tolerate it.....or perhaps i'm all wrong and she likes trying to be all 'popular' and stylish and friends with everybody and stuff. She's having fun though so what does it matter? I don't know, i guess to be honest i don't care what she does as long as it's not goth....for god's sake not goth!

Don't get the idea here that i think it's all going to be a total drag, i have a few good classes and none of the teachers i met briefly today seemed cruel and unusual. Well, at least not cruel. I just don't want to start drifting away from all the friends i already made the past years at school. Who knows, maybe there's a girl i'll meet there who instantly connects with me and we could go on dates and have a great time together.....eheheh, nevermind. who knows, who cares? HS is my stepping stone into college which is the ultimate goal before a CAREER, so i better make the best of it, academically and socially. oh, and what the hell is a CARY IMP?????

painted Nathan's mom's fence today.....got 30 bucks instead of 60 cuz a few more people decided to help. I guess i don't mind because i probably would have helped her with it for free. The sooner i find a real job with hours and such to fund myself the better. A license would be nice too, if only i got off my butt and took a CLASS. Actually, what would driving help me if i don't have my own car? bah, too much stuff to worry about.......time to go back to resting before school starts. **wishes his hot tub was up and running** later folks.

:: Floydthebarber 8/08/2002 08:21:00 PM [+] ::
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