:: Thursday, June 27, 2002 ::
The past weeks has just sorta been a blur to me, sleeping and eating irregularly, not being concious of the time, not caring about anything in particular. Lazily waking up around 11:30 to the most god-awful banging and sawing noises from the bloody builders working on constructing my brother's room. You know, the usual shit i have to put up with everyday at my house. I'm just waiting for the clock to tick down to zero and I leave on my trip to New Mexico. Well crap, the clock better click a little slower cuz i have about 39247309 things i gotta pack and do before they drag me to the airport at 4 am sunday morning. can you say "BLACHABLERGAVGHA."
After agonizing and patiently waiting for 4 years, Eternal Darkness has now hit the shelves. That's right, we all thought the glorious day would never come. I'm sure if you know what i'm talking about, then you've already heard impressions about how great this game is. Every gamecube owner should have this game in their collection. I can't say what genre it is, everything is done so perfectly and intricately that it defies any genre. Resident Evil clone, this isn't by far. The thing that amazes me is that the magick system actually makes SENSE. It's integral to the plot, and perfect in it's simplicity. Red defeats green, green defeats, blue, and blue defeats red. with mantorok (sp?) in the middle. Mixing and matching runes to create your own custom spells is one of the coolest ideas i've seen in a game. Everything is seamlessly integrated to created one glorious, and very freaky, video game experience. I am in absolute awe of the detail that was put into this story line. It goes to show you that having a reasonable story to go along with your game is appreciated by gamers worldwide. Insanity is indeed a wonderfully freaky thing. blood dripping down the walls, tilted camera angles, eerie noises, random effects that mess with the gamer's mind both inside and OUTSIDE of the video game world is such a great idea. I won't reveal anymore of the effects, you'll have to play for yourself but believe me it's a damn good idea which is executed beautifully.
I was banned from teh DorksNet server for saying teh goatman addy.......honestly I dont think that was worthy of banning me from the whole server. no warning or anything. maybe i'll talk to somebody on the server about it....who knows. All i want back on there for is the N-philes chat. perhaps there is a way around. who knows.
You all suck. Except Christina and April.
:: Floydthebarber 6/27/2002 02:08:00 PM
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