:: Sunday, May 26, 2002 ::
Hey there, James here once again to inform you silly saps on what the hell is going on. I've got a fever of 99.5 (down from 101.5) while i'm typing this, so i'll keep it short and sweet.
It seems surreal that i only have 9 days left to spend with a lot of my closest friends i've met during Junior High. I don't give a flying f*** about the school itself, i'm dying to get to HS where i'm not surrounded by fucking 12 year olds who come up to my waist. However unless i work hard to meet all my friends on weekends and such, i probably won't see many of them again.......pretty sad considering i only have a small circle of friends to begin with. I would have to say out of every single person at LRMS, i'll miss April the most. She's been one of the best friends i've ever had, and we really and truly care for each other. It's gonna be tough in many aspects, but I'm sure i'll survive. All things must come to an end, right? besides, Nathan and Christina will be going to Cary HS with me so it's not all bad.........
Speaking of Christina, I don't really know what the fuck is going on right now hehe. I think for these last few days at school and over the summer i'll just follow where my heart leads me.......who knows what'll happen.
EOC's are Wednesday, so i better study over the few concepts in Algebra I i still don't have down quite securly so i can PASS. 80 questions in 115 minutes. absolute PAIN AND HELL. After that, i don't even know why the fuck we still even go to school, it doesn't matter after that.............. K well my cough and stuffy nose are acting up on me so i better leave.
Peace, I be outta here.
:: Floydthebarber 5/26/2002 07:37:00 PM
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