:: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 ::
DISCLAIMER: There's 5 other fucking kids running around the house and i can't concentrate, so forgive any or all of the parts of this entry that are incohesive or jibberish.
I think waking up at noon every single fucking day is a bit of a waste of my vacation time, but i'm loving it. This has to be the most relaxing vacation from school yet. Too bad it ends Monday....At least i'll get to see all my friends again. I'm in a serious envy mode right now of This Dude's Collection. I have about 6 or 7 of those models left, then i'll be done as well. Someday i'll finish them all.....someday...
I'm thinking of writing a letter to Her tonight (you know who it is April) and expressing my feelings. Too bad i'm not good at this kind of crap, but if i don't ask or anything it'll bug me maybe for the rest of my life. Can't wait till High School later this year...finally some real women. We'll see what happens.
If you'll excuse me i need to drink some Cafe' Latte and wonder what the hell has happened to this household. I'll update when i can fucking think straight. If you'll excuse me kind ladies and gentlemen.
:: Floydthebarber 3/26/2002 09:42:00 PM
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