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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 ::

I would spend lots of time digressing about the world around me and how weed sucks, but the mountain dew is starting to thin out of my blood stream and I'll crash soon. Life at the moment is seemingly taking itself along its slippery path for now. How can I put it.... it's almost as if i'm trapped in this teenage body which drudgingly goes through his daily routine of video games, school, computers, etc. I have approximately 57 things I must be doing right now, yet have this amazing ability talent of being able to push it all on the back burner and relax myself and everybody around me. Sorry I lost my train of thought....what the hell am I talking about? Oh, you say you come here to hear about me? well then.

So Christina sends me her results for that disorder test I took the other day. Of course, what kind of a friend would I be if I blurted out the results, but it'll suffice to say that I personally was a bit surprised. These scores weren't as accurate as they really are, She is always to self critical of herself. I've never understood why Christina usually tries to find a way to blame it on herself. Actually, I do partially understand but such things aren't fit for discussion in this blog. I'm sure though she knows I don't care what scores she got, i'm still a close friend and am simply here to help her with anything anytime in anyway. Speaking of friends, what the hell is April up to these days? It depresses me that I feel so many friendships i painstakingly constructed day by day in the past 3-8 years being demolished to some extent with every day that goes by and we never talk. I blame myself for lack of real effort to hook up with April and other folks, so if your reading this and your one of these people you have full right to blame me, then pick up the damn phone and call so we can fix this problem....ok enough rambling. MAMA.......oooOOooOooooooo didn't mean to make you cry....

Starfox adventures kicks. I will expand upon these incredibly deep and insightful impressions at another time! wahoo! Now leave me be, I have a big Geometry test and much nothing to do.

And so castles made of sand melt into the sea......eventually.....

:: Floydthebarber 10/09/2002 08:40:00 PM [+] ::
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