:: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 ::
I'm sure the few of you that come here to read about my little life have no interest in what's happening (or rather, what's not happening) in my "love" life. So, i'll spare you the torment of reading by summing it all up: I don't know what the fuck is going on between Christina and I, when we'll be a couple (if ever), and I can't conquer my inner fears and anxieties of girls which i've had my entire life. Ack! I'm not one of those guys where dating and shit comes easy...... -_- any suggestions would be welcome plzkthxasl
I don't know why, but i just can't get into Resident Evil for Gamecube. I think it's due partially to the fact i only get to play it at 3 in the afternoon instead of midnight, sort of ruining the entire mood for the game. Not to mention it's damn difficult, the fucking zombies have ripped and dragged my chugular vein in that game all over the mansion. I'll try to play it a bit more tonight, and post some impressions perhaps, if i feel like it. Yeah, you'd love that, WOULDN'T YOU!!?!?!?!????? Oh, and while i'm on the subject of entertainment, allow me to reiterate what the whole damn world knows: Spiderman is one major KICK ASS movie. $115 million in it's first weekend, an unheard of record. The special effects, storyline, and the fact i can relate to Peter Parker and his girl problems, just to name a few things, gave me a good movie experience which I hadn't had since i saw Lord of the Rings last December. There's no way in hell Episode II will dethrone Spiderman in ticket sales, sorry George.
Life's pretty slow right now, i'm in the regular groove of things. School, games, and practice hikes for Philmont consume most of my time, with ample space allowed in the week for grossly large amounts of sleeping and surfing the internet until my retinas start to burn. Perhaps a girl in the near future, but alas having money is a critical part of the boyfriend/girlfriend equation.
Is it just me, or does this blog have too much blue in it? @_@ I'll mess around with the layout maybe if i find the time, not to mention i've conveniently forgotten almost all of my HTML skillz due to lack of using them......oh well who cares.
:: Floydthebarber 5/08/2002 06:37:00 PM
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