:: Monday, March 11, 2002 ::
Hold the presses! In case you have been living in a cave for the past week, you'd know that Squaresoft and Nintendo are working together again!. This isn't very much news to me, as i have never been very interested in RPGs in general, much less FF. However remakes of the classic Final Fantasies and Chrono Trigger on the GBA would be spectacular. In places across the world, Nintendo fans Have been rubbing it into Sony fanboys.
As far as other games on the gamecube are concerned, we are being fed nothing but B quality games until June. I rented Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and i'd have to say i am with most people as far as how dissapointed i am. Sonic Team took one of my favorite franchises, added some gay-ass shooting/hunting levels in the mix and made the game 60% crap. I bought SA2B for sonic and unfortunately, it doesn't deliver on the games strongest aspect. Oh, and i case your wondering, the Chao garden rasing thing is pretty lame, i found little interest in it. I also rented Simpsons Road rage, and i must say i'm fairly pleased with it, moreso than Crazy Taxi itself for Gamecube! The levels are more fun, and the simpsons voice acting is a riot. A very fun experience. When the games go back tommorow i'll spend my time working on Conker's Bad Fur Day. And that wraps up my little video game rant.
Being on vacation rocks, all i have to do is surf the internet, play video games, eat, and sleep. Life is good. Sometime this week i'm going hunting for a cool bean-bag chair to sit in while i play, the floor is getting rather uncomfortable.....And somebody take me to that new mall! i have monays to burn!!!!
I'll be posting a picture of my video game setup sometime tonight probably. It's nothing to be amazed by, but it's MINE and i LOVE IT. heh ok then.
April, we need to get all our friends together and do something. I need to be more social. Suggestions plzma'amthxasl. In conclusion, life is relaxing and i haven't been doing a helluva lot more than video games lately......and i couldn't be more happy. I swear i don't know how my future girlfriends/wife will deal with my addiction. Who the hell am i kidding, who would want a poor bugger like me? ahh oh well, there has to be SOME girl out there who wants me. maybe. hopefully. probably. not. ever. I suck.
:: Floydthebarber 3/11/2002 10:24:00 PM
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