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:: Thursday, September 19, 2002 :: Not in the mood for any real update today, i rented animal crossing and i have to study for some tests and quizzes tommorow. Just wanted to say the CD's were returned to me by the bus driver this morning! i thought to myself, horray!!!!! all my cd's are nice and safe. not quite. apparently a person with not-so-great taste made a point to walk off with about 4-5 cds before returning it....not that i can complain, because i have almost all of them. Whoever this is, they had incredibly weird taste for what to steal, taking Barenaked Ladies - Stunt, Sugar Ray 14:59, my Super Smash Bros. Melee burned soundtrack (but not any other VG music.... O_o), and a weird al CD. go figure. If i ever find out by chance who DID take and return them, i'll still beat them silly and reclaim what they did steal. Not to mention payback for the agony they caused by keeping them for 2 days. Ok time for animal crossing and test stuff! later!
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