:: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 ::
With my meager income i've managed to scrape together about 70 bucks....now i just have to decide what the hell to do with it. it'll be some sort of video game love Because I'm a fucking dorky looser because i've got noting better to buy. Either a black gameboy advance and a game, or a gamecube game and the wavebird controller. either way, I win! I finally downloaded True Love off of Morpheus the other day, and man that game R0><00Rs my B0><0rs. hehe I haven't played long enough to [sex0r] any chicks yet but when I do i'll let ya know.
If you do ONE THING on the internet today, You will see this comic strip I 100% agree. These are the times that test a true Nintendork like myself, when we must suck it up and play our beloved older games until new ones arrive. I am sure that the long wait until June will be certainly worth it, and i'll forgive The Big N like I have so many other times in the past for delays. ED and SFA WILL kick ass, or i shall start on a killing spree like Tycho did up there. It's not just Gamecube owners either, PS2 and XBOX owners are recieving but a trickle of games right now, with almost none of them noteworthy in my mind. That's my 2 cents worth.
Poetry sucks, I have several projects due on it Tuesday, including 5 original pieces. Dammit I suck at that poetry shit. My rant is over. Good bye sir.
:: Floydthebarber 2/26/2002 09:13:00 PM
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