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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Friday, October 11, 2002 ::

Got a new letter from the hilarious Zach Stoll last night. I pasted my response which includes amusing quotes from the wealth of knowledge he gives me!

Dear Zach, what a pleasure it is indeed to hear from you again! Your have me feeling all funny inside. Well, it's either that or those bean burritos i had last night. At any rate, i'm glad you've sent me such words of encouragement! How about we break down every part of this letter to make sure i'm clear on what you mean and how i feel, sound fun? Here we go:

Laf i know why. ur too busy wondering what she thinks, ur being a [censored] geek playing comp games and vid games and makeing a [censored] [censored] site. Alright, allow me to first state that Christina and have have been friends and nothing more for almost 5 months now. Quit dwelling on one stupid subject that doesn't even exists anymore.

Yes, i do play video games and work on sites (the blog and N-philes.com), but that doesn't make me [censored] or unpopular. Everybody has a passion or hobby, and video games and technology are it for me. Back off moron.

So get out of ur little hole and go find something to do.

I play soccer, am on AB honor roll at school, I'm in the French club, and i spend a lot of time doing fun stuff with Boy Scouts as well. Remember when you were supposed to meet Christina? And i couldn't come because i was busy hiking in New Mexico? Yeah, i do fun stuff like that all the time so your reasoning that i have no life and live in a hole is crazy. If you ever saw my room you'd know it looks more like a cube missing a face than a hole, duh!

what do u thinks more important to a hot gurl?having a website or big muscles?

Any chick with any shred of intelligence doesn't really care for either of those things in a man. Besides, most of the chicks i know think it's really cool to have/work at a website when i tell them. Most guys aren't as shallow as you i suppose when picking their women out.

AND FOR GODSAKES GET SOME FRIENdS U [censored] [censored] [censored].

Haha! This is my new favorite moron quote.

if u act like ur self and not super geeky like "i have a t309543987 calculator with 3000 games on it!", then ull make more friends.

I act geeky most of the time and can count dozens of close friends right off the top of my head. You sir need to get these stereotypical images of people who play games and such as part of their life out of your head. It's just wrong and shows how simple your thinking is.

stop using such big words that no1 gives a [censored] about...for most kids we find that "[censored]" and "[censored] [censored]" so lay off. use that around adults n stuff.

Excuse me if I act and speak more like an adult than you. Doesn't that register in your mind that maybe, MAYBE the way i speak reflects the greater amount of maturity i have than you? My friends are all tenfold times as smart as you and can understand me fine. Pick up a book and read some time or expand your mind and vocabulary in another way. You bum.

That last little part of your lovely E-mail was just a bunch of garbage, so there's no point in wasting my time to sum it up. Whatever I say must be too "[censored]" for you to understand. I think i've told you about a million times I have no intentions of going out with Christina. I have a social life, it's just none of your buisness quite frankly. If i'm in an unusual benevolent mood your screen name might be unblocked if only for the amusement of seeing what crap you will pound into your keyboard next. Keep sending these hilarious E-mails, everybody who reads them finds you as a quite entertaining moron! --- feel free to respond to this guy! zach stoll

Enough laughing for today.

:: Floydthebarber 10/11/2002 05:07:00 PM [+] ::
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