:: Monday, October 24, 2005 ::
Blog? Facebook? LOLmyspace? I guess people are trying to pick one. I've also had a Xanga and LiveJournal (still have the LJ right here)... not for me. I have no idea why I'm even writing here. I guess I felt bad seeing the updates slip. I could ramble on about how I am a genius and have singlehandedly saved Newspaper, or how i'm planning my Eagle Ceremony and sending off applications for college but I won't. HAHA.
:: Floydthebarber 10/24/2005 08:24:00 PM
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:: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 ::
mr mOo237: want to hear something amusing mr mOo237: okay mr mOo237: today at lunch fLAMEingbathtub: ok mr mOo237: i look outside the mcdonalds and going through the drivethrough is a white ford F-150 mr mOo237: a contractor/buisness truck of some kind fLAMEingbathtub: yeah mr mOo237: and the logo on the door is a big orange "V" mr mOo237: and the name of the company is "Vertical Walls, Inc." fLAMEingbathtub: lol mr mOo237: and i think to myself, "what the hell. as opposed to uh... horizontal walls?" fLAMEingbathtub: haha mr mOo237: "aka CEILINGS AND FLOORS???" fLAMEingbathtub: hahahahaha fLAMEingbathtub: yeah mr mOo237: must not have been a very bright company founder fLAMEingbathtub: i wouldnt use a company with a name that indicates the owner is retarded fLAMEingbathtub: yeah mr mOo237: haha mr mOo237: call em' up "yes, i'm looking for a wall... but a special wall, like, 82 degrees tilt, not quite vertical, but could you guys do that?" fLAMEingbathtub: lol mr mOo237: "what sir are you talking about! we do VERTICAL WALLS GOD" fLAMEingbathtub: hahaha fLAMEingbathtub: or "ive been thinking of installing a wall but ive been undecided. what are the advantages to your 'verticle' model?" mr mOo237: haha yeah mr mOo237: or could you give me the number of a horizontal wall company fLAMEingbathtub: lol
:: Floydthebarber 10/11/2005 10:34:00 PM
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:: Thursday, October 06, 2005 ::
I wish the whole world wasn't converting over to myspace. The fad has to end sometime, right? RIGHT!?!?! Besides, blogger is so much better. There's no retarded social networking; it's all about me. Not to mention tradition! So let's see.
College! I was invited to a sort of admissions information session seminar thing at UNC last week, and of course I went. I got to talk with students and professors and all was well. I should be sending off my applications to UNC and NCSU this week, and letting Schafer write my teacher recommendation this weekend. Awesome! And no, I still have no idea what I want to major in or anything.
I'm really enjoying newspaper. Apparently I'm one of the only competent ones in the classroom that actually tries. It's so awesome to finally put all the articles together into a tangible page (although at the moment they're virtually tangible in Qwark). The next step is to write something interesting and original that the whole school will enjoy. The world never ceases to provide interesting material though.
I'm eating fudge we bought labor day weekend, and it still tastes excellent. This shit is magical.
Still working for Fred, still dating megan (<3), still doing mediocre in Calculus. I'll be refereeing a few games saturday morning for at least $50, which is nice. I like moneys. Mario kart and Animal Crossing online in one and two months, respectively! I always love how these blog entries degrade into incoherent, random rants about various things.
Oh yeah, in case I didn't mention before, you may now hit me up, 919, 757, 3414. What.
:: Floydthebarber 10/06/2005 08:14:00 PM
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:: Sunday, September 25, 2005 ::
Wellity, I haven't paid attention to this in a while. Don't I always tend to start out with something like that... Let's see.
Today was rather unproductive! I woke up at a leisurely 10:00am and enjoyed a breakfast that wasn't consumed while walking or driving. I then proceeded to hammer out my application to UNC-Chapel Hill, finishing up my 500 word essay for admission. I wrote it about religion and questioning beliefs and such, so it makes me a little nervous to show it to my parents. I never talk with them about religion or anything. I don't think they'd be upset persay, but definitely surprised a little. I'll have to show it to an english teacher or someone before I send it off. I still have a 250 word essay to complete, but that shouldn't be too hard at all. November 1st is fast approaching!
Let's see... today I decided I would figure out Usenet. I got into a roadrunner online chat with a techie, who told me that rr offers an unlimited bandwidth usenet server at news-server.nc.rr.com. SWEET. I downloaded a newsreader (newsleecher), and proceeded to browse a few of the free nzb sites to test it out. All is going swimmingly; I've already gotten two new harvey birdman episodes i missed. The question is, once the trial runs out on newsleecher, will i want to pay for that and newzbin.com? I doubt it, but we'll see. I'd really enjoy downloading stuff faster than 128KB/sec.
What are some older things I haven't mentioned here? It's not old, but I saw corpse bride friday with megan and some friends. 3/5 stars. If you want a review, try reading the next issue of the Cary Spirit, which hits newsstands at school in about two weeks! I love that class.
I have a cellphone now... (919) seven five seven three four one four. Please call me, I enjoy it! Especially on weekends and after 9, when it's free. Unless you're with cingular, in which case you may call me whenever you like.
I am trying to win an xbox360 off of every10minutes.com. I think if I win, I am goin g to sell it either to wal-mart or on ebay for money. Money for E3 perhaps. Oh man. I can only dream.
So yeah, today has been pretty lazy. I should have done some physics or calculus, but I got lost in the cesspool that is the internet. I didn't even do something productive like play a video game. I'm going to write up a feature this week about my power glove and touch upon the Nintendo Revolution somehow. The ideas are just now brewing and will probably be fleshed out when I space out in newspaper fourth period tomorrow. Goodnight!
:: Floydthebarber 9/25/2005 10:07:00 PM
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:: Saturday, August 20, 2005 ::
Oh man, a good month since my last post! I won't bother recounting everything that's happened in the last month. I might get bored in the next 10 seconds and stop typing but who cares. For now, I'm joining the "POST TEH SCHEDUAL!" bandwagon:
HN Physics w/ Goodloe - He's a funny guy and I know people like him, so I think this class will be fun even if it is at 7:30 in the morning.
AP Calculus AB w/ Rudd - I don't like Mrs. Rudd. There, I said it. Hopefully I'll be able to stand a whole YEAR of Calculus with her.
Weight Training & Conditioning I w/ Coach Winterton - He coaches Tommy on the wrestling team and is apparently really rough in this class on the wrestlers, but pretty slack with the rest of the students. I can't wait to beef up olololol.
Newspaper II w/ Cooper - I have briefly met Mrs. Cooper and know she is a really sweet lady. I think this will be my favorite class all year. I love digging up dirt and I love writing, so w00t about that.
AP Physics w/ Goodloe - More physics, more goodloe, more at 7:30 am. Sweet.
HN English IV w/ Nantz - Haven't heard bad things about Nantz, so this class should be relatively painless.
HN Calculus AB w/ Rudd - This is the "completer" class to make AB calculus year long, and I get an honors math elective credit for it. SWEET.
AP Economic w/ O'Quinn - The more I think to myself about how I'm taking this class, the more I wonder if I made the right decision. What if I hate it? What if it's pretty fucking hard? I mean, I'm already doing calculus and physics all year, why pile this atop of it? I guess it doesn't matter as long as I can keep a B in it (if I don't feel prepared for the AP test I just won't take it. It seems likely I won't be, since it's being taught second semester and AP exams are in the beginning of May, giving me like 3 months to learn college-level economics. We'll see.)
So there we have it. Other than my doubts on AP Economics, I think I'm okay. I kinda wish I had gotten newspaper in one semester and weight training in another, but whatever. I also wish I was really talented at something like art or drama or band or something like that so I could take classes like that. Oh well. I also wish that there were more computer science classes I could take. DAMN!
So uh do I still feel like typing? I guess. I'm just sort of watching time burn before I can go see Megan tonight. I cleaned my room and anything else I could consider seriously doing is entirely too productive. Read a book? PSHAW! Write a rough draft essay for my UNC application? Get outta here! Pick out an Eagle Ceremony? ACK! Even after I have the award I procrastinate. Cool.
:: Floydthebarber 8/20/2005 01:46:00 PM
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:: Monday, July 18, 2005 ::
[20:46:14] Floydthebarber: hahaha good times [20:46:17] Floydthebarber: i just got a phone call [20:46:30] Floydthebarber: "would you like to participate in a short survey on kitchenware?" [20:46:34] Floydthebarber: "sure" [20:46:42] Floydthebarber: "okay sir have you bought any cutlery in the last 12 months?" [20:46:44] Floydthebarber: "of course" [20:46:51] TheHumanCow: hahaha [20:46:55] Floydthebarber: "what kind was it?" [20:46:57] Floydthebarber: "sharp" [20:47:04] Floydthebarber: "uuhhh no sir i mean" [20:47:07] Floydthebarber: "...black" [20:47:14] Floydthebarber: "okay well was it a steak knife?" [20:47:20] Sharparoni: you should have started talking abou tme [20:47:20] Floydthebarber: "no, it was a butcher's knife" [20:47:25] Floydthebarber: "what brand was it?" [20:47:30] Rimmer: Cutco! [20:47:36] Floydthebarber: "I don't know, it was too covered in blood" [20:47:38] NightsB: knife inc [20:47:41] Floydthebarber: *silence on the other end* [20:47:48] Floydthebarber: "well uhhhh how much did you pay for it?" [20:47:52] ShanD: hmm I really should have done this when I was trying to get meteos [20:47:52] Floydthebarber: "nothing, I STOLE IT" [20:47:57] Daisy: DCC Chat session [20:47:57] Daisy: - [20:47:57] Daisy: Client: zeldalink93 ( [20:47:57] Daisy: Time: Mon Jul 18 20:42:26 2005 [20:47:57] Daisy: - [20:47:57] Daisy: Acknowledging chat request... [20:47:57] Daisy: DCC Chat connection established [20:47:57] Daisy: - [20:47:57] Daisy: DCC session closed [20:48:00] Floydthebarber: *another bout of confused silence* [20:48:00] Daisy: wtf? [20:48:08] Floydthebarber: "okay sir can I have your age?" [20:48:10] Floydthebarber: "0" [20:48:14] zeldalink93: I'm pming you genius [20:48:17] zeldalink93: plz [20:48:18] Floydthebarber: "look, i'm sorry for doing this to you. bye" [20:48:20] HadesGigas: daisy is being hacked! [20:48:20] Floydthebarber: then I hung up [20:48:23] Floydthebarber: I had fun :D
Haha, I love having fun with telemarketers. Also, dad ordered my stuff today. YAY!
:: Floydthebarber 7/18/2005 08:50:00 PM
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:: Friday, July 15, 2005 ::
I don't really feel like blogging (so much else to do!), but I thought I'd go ahead and throw up my revised school schedule for SENIOR YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL 2005-2006 WHAT. Oh, and I am also an Eagle Scout now. Yay!
1st Semester:
HN Physics, Goodloe (awesome teacher, class with nathan I think)
AP Calculus AB (with phil and stephen, Mrs. Rudd isn't my favorite teacher but she's the only one doing the course)
Weight Training & Conditioning I (I don't know why I chose this over honors psych or something, I guess I have to try something different! Plus the teacher isn't hard on you unless you're on the wrestling team)
Newspaper II (Mrs. Cooper, super sleuthing about! Writing! Sweet!)
2nd Semester:
AP Physics (with Stephen and Goodloe again, yay)
HN English IV (Nantz, I've heard of him but don't remember if he's a good teacher. Help me out cary folks let me know!)
AP Calculus AB Part II (just the second half of AB calculus spread out over the whole year, more mrs. rudd yay...)
AP Economics (holy shit, I just realized how much my 2nd semester is going to suck with 3 AP and one honors class. Fuck. I should fix this)
Well shit... now I think I hate my schedule. Perhaps somethign can be arranged. I'll talk later bye
:: Floydthebarber 7/15/2005 02:28:00 PM
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:: Sunday, June 19, 2005 ::
Also, just to let you all know, you REALLY SUCK for
a) not updating your damn journals! (I know corey has a "new" one, I need to fix that link)
b) not planning any sort of get togethers! Sure people are working and out and about, but something can be made to happen on a friday/saturday night. I'd imagine.
Kirby Canvas Curse is so cool; I'm on the final boss and got him about 3/4 dead on my third try (I know all of his weaknesses/mannerisms/etc now!). Time to go play. Happy father's day to nobody who reads this because none of you are fathers!
:: Floydthebarber 6/19/2005 05:18:00 PM
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:: Monday, June 13, 2005 ::
[00:01:11] Floydthebarber: haha the pixies show opened so funny [00:01:12] TheHumanCow: and i liked the setlist [00:01:16] Floydthebarber: yeah i saw that [00:01:18] Floydthebarber: dogs is sweet [00:01:25] Floydthebarber: anyways the pixies come our right [00:01:36] Floydthebarber: and they play the song mike and i guess they'd start with, Bone Machine [00:01:51] Floydthebarber: and about a minute and a half into it, the drums and guitar and vocals just sound muddy and rhythmically off [00:02:11] Floydthebarber: and frank (lead singer) looks at dave (drummer) and after a second throws his hands up and tells them all to stop [00:02:18] Floydthebarber: so they stop dead in the middle of the first song from fucking up [00:02:49] Floydthebarber: and they're all talking... "we've done this 500 times..." "we shouldn't start with such a hard song" "well should we start over??" and frank says, "nah, let's just go to the next one" [00:03:03] TheHumanCow: hahaha [00:03:07] Floydthebarber: i everybody was all "uhhhhhhhhh omfg you wrote this song in like 1986 how come you can't do it by now" [00:03:33] Floydthebarber: but after bone machine they did fine with the other 25 or so songs [00:03:46] TheHumanCow: not bad [00:03:54] Floydthebarber: i bought a recording of our concert for $30 that is professionally mixed and printed and sent out in 5 weeks [00:04:01] Floydthebarber: i really hope they leave all the bone machine fuck up shit on there haha [00:04:05] Floydthebarber: it'll make the CD totally worth it [00:04:25] Floydthebarber: frank still screams just as well as he did in the 80s which was surprising. kim has smoked about 98374098347520 cigarettes and isn't so pretty sounding, but still good [00:04:36] Floydthebarber: she was playing bass half the time with a cigarette in her playing hand haha [00:05:16] Floydthebarber: during the song vamos, the drummer Dave threw one of his sticks at joey who caught it then proceeded to play an extended solo with it then throw it back, which was awesome [00:05:25] Floydthebarber: I think i'm done talking about it now [00:05:25] Floydthebarber: haha' [00:05:34] Floydthebarber: i need to frame these autographs and ticket [00:05:47] TheHumanCow: definitely
I waited with megan after the show and got all of their signatures :D time to frame! I'd talk more, but It's bedtime... first day of work!
:: Floydthebarber 6/13/2005 12:08:00 AM
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:: Monday, June 06, 2005 ::
Only 6 days until the pixies. omfg. Also, I'm just starting to really miss Megan. 6 days until her as well. I'll make it, it's been way worse before. In other news, I finally got the Benz back. Marshall fixed the oil leak, but discovered that the wrong type of freon had been added to my AC at some time, corroding away everything aluminum. About $2500 in damage. I guess i won't have AC for a while!
Fix You is an excellent Coldplay song. The whole album is so-so, but this song is awesome.
:: Floydthebarber 6/06/2005 06:34:00 PM
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:: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 ::
Well, here I sit, listening to the new Coldplay album named X & Y, after what has to be one of the most eventful summer days of my life. By the way, while I'm still thinking about it: This coldplay album is so-so so far. It sounds very generic and very Coldplay, and I was hoping for some sort of new direction or new sounds to trickle through. It's already growing on me on the second listen through, so I haven't given up hope yet. I still need my Husker Du to drown out Alex and his drum set during the day.
So anyways, Today. Today today today. My my. How about I just list everything that happened today and elaborate upon it. I think I remember the HTML for a list.
- Woke up, showered, and went to see Mr. Fred and everybody at his buisness to look for a job. It turns out I can't drive the dump truck due to insurance liabilities since I'm not 18 yet, but I will be helping out in the office. Phone answering, paper filing, bill paying, data entry, you know, office bitch stuff. But I'd much rather have fun being an office bitch than sit at home doing nothing. So yeah, I have a part-time job there several days a week which is awesome. I don't know pay or any type of schedule though. She was supposed to contact me back about that today but she didn't. Ah well.
- Came home, and left with mom to the DMV to get tags and registration for the Benz. Stopped at Burger King first (which was rather unsatisfactory). We arrive at the DMV only to discover much to our dismay that mom and dad both have to be present to transfer the deed over since both of their names are on it. Lovely. We stop in the vacuum store for a few minutes and browse before leaving.
- Since mom and I had some free time, we drove across the street to Crossroads Ford to take a peek at the new 2005 Mustangs. God they're hot. We stopped our car so we could get out and take a closer look. Mom turns to me and says, "James start your watch, no less than 30 seconds before somebody is out here." I smile and laugh. There wasn't a soul within sight, 100 yards of nothing but cars. Sure enough, after 35 seconds a guy walks out and starts talking with us about the mustang we were checking out. He was quite a nice fellow though for a car salesman; he had just retired from the army after 21 years (we thanked him) and was new at the job. Anyways, he asks if we'd like to look inside and my mother says sure. "well, would you like to crank her up, maybe let the top down?" "sure, why not." "wanna take her for a spin?" My mother smiles and says, "yeah, I think I would!" So we hop into a red 2005 Mustang tan-top convertible and go on our merry way. Those things ride so smooth and sexy. I want one really badly. I think mom and dad will trade in the escape when at least Tommy and I are off to college before they get one. They'll get a sports car though, since both love them so much.
- This is the real fun car stuff for the day. We come home so we can turn around an d take tommy to work, then head off to the bank, home depot/somewhere to look for furniture, and other errands. Tommy is driving us over to the garden center and gets into the left turn lane. We tell Tommy not to turn yet, he has a green light but not the right of way. He doesn't stop. We scream stop, and he doesn't stop. He freaks, and we get hit in the intersection by a black ford focus coming the other way. That's the second fucking time I've been in the seat of a car closest to where it was hit. Scared the shit out of me; it's the same setup that kassel died in, only in a little town intersection with two smaller cars. There isn't too much damage to the escape luckily; those plastic bumpers do their job well. The focus is kinda mashed up on the corner though. Tommy will take care of the $500 deductible cost and the cost of fixing the other person's car though, which is good. So yeah, car wreck. whew. Thank God nobody got hurt.
- I leave with the pontiac to Ace Hardware to have copies of my Benz key made. Much to my dismay, they don't copy my car model's keys! I did some online detective work and found out that I need to take the keys somewhere in Raleigh to get it done. Whoopee.
- Nathan comes over to help me test out my Atari 2600 I picked up in Wadesboro for $8. I should have haggled with the guy... I have no idea why I didn't. Anyways, we determine we need a little adapter and head over to radioshack at park place 16 for it. The fucking thing was $5.24!!! That's fucking ridiculous. The guy wasn't terribly helpful either. We stopped by Amante's pizza, but Maura wasn't working there (I think she's in Europe now!). We get home with the piece, only to find that our switch box is also a piece of shit and needs to be replaced. At least we got a (barely playable) signal. The box will be at least another $5, making the total cost spent on the fucker $18, which is ridiculous for a god damn old Atari that probably works. Blech. I'll find a cheapo box somewhere.
Am I forgetting anything? I hope not. I have a sort of headache. Last night was fun, just spending it with Megan. I can't talk with anybody else so relaxed like I can with her. Well, pretty much anybody (april hehe). She's a good listener. I think she's helped make me a better one myself. We watched the Miss Universe pageant. Canada won, but all the hot south american flavored girls gave her a run for her money. I love south american girls. but I digress.
My new gunbound download is almost finished, but I might go to sleep instead of play. I get to see megan tomorrow and set up everything with the Benz, then Nana thursday, then I dunno what friday, then the SAT on saturday! I don't know why I signed up to take it again. I don't think I'll do much better. I haven't really studied :/ I didn't know until today megan leaves saturday for New York and won't be back until in time for the pixies concert on the 12th. I will miss my megan...
:: Floydthebarber 5/31/2005 08:52:00 PM
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:: Friday, May 20, 2005 ::
I hate stress. It's not even my stress. I wish it was; I think I'd be able to dispose of it quicker. I'm about to go crazy.
:: Floydthebarber 5/20/2005 11:18:00 PM
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:: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 ::
I'm still worried after today. It scares me. Just the very thought scares me to death. The question is, how irrational is my fear? It started out very real. I can't remember the last time my heart raced so hard and I felt dizzy and nauseous and had to physically sit down and collect myself. I got home thinking, "hey, everything is back to normal." But something doesn't feel normal. It's probably just an aftershock. I am having a hard time adjusting from "I was thinking of breaking up with you" to "everything is just fine now." That last part is a lie - we both know everything isn't "just fine." Then again, what relationship ever is? Maybe it's just fine with her, but not me... no no, that can't be right it's both of us. I still just don't know. We talked and talked, and reached some good conclusions, but I'm still not seeing progress. For me, if I see a problem and recognize it, it's easy for me to take the next rational step and erradicate it from my mind. I have to remind myself that it's just not that simple for some people, and I get frustrated sometimes. I can't help it. I can't help a lot of things apparently.
I don't want it to even be a possibility. The fact that it was a possibility nay a likelihood less than 12 hours ago still lingers over me tonight I think. I don't know where lines should be drawn anymore. I think I have decided (and she knows this) to let her draw the lines for a while and see where that leads us. I've been drawing the lines for two years now and it's not working. I can't figure it out. Staying with her hasn't really helped her cause, but leaving sure as hell wouldn't help either. So what can I do? I feel rather worthless. No influence. God, my mind keeps floating back to the first message I got before I left immediately. It shouldn't. That moment is gone, those words mean nothing now that we've talked... or do they? No, no they don't. They can't. She said it herself. I just hope she didn't say it merely because I was there and she didn't want to feel worse, or didn't want to make me feel worse. I don't believe what she said at first. School is stressful she admitted that herself, and add that to self-confidence dilemmas you have one tired Megan. She didn't mean it.
I don't feel like going over mushy details in this blog. I love her dearly, I still do, and she says she loves me too. I think we just need to strike some middle ground between our wants and needs. Who is asking for too much? Should it be asked at all? Benefits, drawbacks... It's all rushing through my head. I hope this gets figured out soon. I have no way to rush it though, all out of my control, remember? God Dammit. I just hope I can last longer without everything figured out. I need something reassuring right now. The reassuring from the park seems to have worn off.
This is going to haunt me all day tomorrow when it shouldn't. Somebody say a little prayer for me (her too). Oh, and a prayer for my Nana. Goodnight.
:: Floydthebarber 5/18/2005 10:19:00 PM
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:: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 ::
To the girl that reads this frequently (and isn't April or Megan):
I want to talk to you. I had no idea. Maybe you thought telling me would just hurt me. That's probably it, but the thought of the alternatives are so horrendous. I'm always here. I may not be the greatest listener in the world, but I try. I have in the past and it seemed to work. Even if it's just keeping up with the little day-to-day things, I would like that. Some problems are beyond my scope, but I wish you wouldn't hide them from me. I can't imagine how much I would hate myself for letting you slip. Please call me (481-3744 oh no phone number on the internet) or if you don't have any privacy due to the family, floydthebarber@gmail.com works perfectly. I'm listening, so go ahead and spill it all. Or nothing at all if you want; just knowing you are still around makes me smile.
To everyone else: I enjoy herb alpert and I am going to go study pre-calculus before going to sleep. Pretty hum-drum stuff. Why the fuck is parking $120 at the school? Sheesh... I demand a copy of the budget!
:: Floydthebarber 5/11/2005 10:01:00 PM
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:: Friday, May 06, 2005 ::
Well, here I am at home. I was hoping to go see Megan tonight, but lo and behold, she gets sick! I feel bad for being angry at her about it. I can't help myself, even though I know it's not her fault she got sick. I'm really just mad at the situation and not her. I get to see her what, twice a week? maybe three? I hate waiting the whole week for one person, one evening, then having that evening ripped away from me due to circumstances beyond my control. Man, that's an angsty thing to say. School, School, School, School, School, then OH WAIT sitting at home alone because she is sick and all of my friends are busy. Quite a downer. Tomorrow I have to do my Eagle Project (yay finish that up), then referee two games, then hopefully I can see Megan. If she's still sick, I don't know what the hell I'll do. Hell, even if she is better she won't be in a nice uppity mood, but some sort of really tired and boring one. Goodie. Hey, I could always go to a gathering tomorrow night! Just what I want! No time alone with Megan ever! Sunday is another soccer game to referee, then my own soccer game (with some party thing afterwards, oh goodie!). I love it when things are so predictably, cookie cutter boring.
Man I'm whining a lot here tonight! I don't really know why I'm blogging at all; my wrist hurts from writing so much at a funny angle so intensely during the AP US History Exam. About that exam... I think I did fairly well. At least, I know I did well compared to some kids who I talked with that didn't have a clue what to say for either the DBQ or one of the essays. I forgot the name of stephen douglas' legislation, THE FUCKING KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT ar;askdfasf but I talked about it along with lots of other things so whatever. I think I did fine on the whole thing. The AP Environmental Science test I will have to almost completely BS, and I'm sure I'll do poorly on it. I blame it on a poorly structured curriculum by Mrs. Cobbs. She's really nice and all, but nice does not mean a good teacher obviously. Ah well.
I think tonight I'll finish up Puyo Pop Fever and write up a review. Then I'll talk with dad about sending out Eagle Scout letters, maybe print out the merit badge stuff I need to submit to finish off two merit badges (that'll feel nice). It'll be a productive weekend, but a rather nondramatic one. I think I blame the weather; it's been so cloudy and blech. Aight later!
Sorry all four people that read this had to go through such a bitchy monologue. But hey, what else is the internet for!
:: Floydthebarber 5/06/2005 04:16:00 PM
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:: Thursday, May 05, 2005 ::
date event quantity ticket type delivery type subtotal 6/12/2005 7:00:00 PM Pixies 2 General Admission UPS 2nd Day Air (Domestic) $70.00 USD
ticket total shipping fees service fees ORDER TOTAL $70.00 USD $9.00 USD $13.80 USD $92.80 USD
PIXIES PIXIES PIXIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
:: Floydthebarber 5/05/2005 02:41:00 PM
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:: Sunday, May 01, 2005 ::
I think the problem many times with blogging is that by the time I get home, situated, and ready to type, I've already exasperated the subjects which I would write about by talking about it with people throughout the day. Prom is another example. I'll just say that prom was a lot of fun; the prom itself was a little disappointing due to the fact that they played 100% hip hop and rap the whole time (even the slow songs were R&B ish); the best song they played all night was Push It (extended version) by Salt N' Peppa. Oh well. I went out, danced, saw people (April!!!!!, Hannie, Katie Hart, Rachel Clark, Evan Brothers, lots of folks I never see anymore), and had a pretty good time.
After prom we went back to Liz's house, which was arguably more fun than the prom itself. We played DDR on her HUGE HDTV (I'm talking the biggest one that is made - a 72" I think), hung out, and ended up watching Meet The Fockers (which didn't end until after 4 am) until everybody went to bed. Good times.
Oh, and this is an assbackwards way of referencing it, but the dinner before prom was great. I love kabuki.
Anyways, here are pictures of Megan and I before leaving for Prom (hopefully I can get ahold of other people's photo's like Corey and Matt):

The best part of this picture is Megan's dad in the background. Oh, and doesn't she look gorgeous? I am one dapper fellow myself if I may say so.
There's about 987098370987 versions of this picture taken on three different cameras. Not the best one (I need to do some red-eye reduction), but you get the idea. Weeeee prom.
Time to do other things like study for math and clean, bye!
:: Floydthebarber 5/01/2005 07:04:00 PM
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:: Monday, April 18, 2005 ::
[23:02:22] Floydthebarber: so today in environmental science we are talking about toxins [23:02:24] Rocksteady: in vegas [23:02:28] NightsB: what the fuck [23:02:32] NightsB: i hope you playued that shit [23:02:35] Floydthebarber: and mrs cobb says 'what are some of the ways we test the safety of some toxins' [23:02:37] Rocksteady: it was cool, the funny thing is the moment i saw it i knew ud want it [23:02:38] NightsB: that game is kik ass [23:02:39] Rocksteady: ya dude [23:02:42] NightsB: kick [23:02:42] Floydthebarber: and somebody says 'animal testing' [23:02:50] Floydthebarber: and the yuppies gasp and say nooooooooooo quietly to themselves [23:03:00] Rocksteady: i was like wow this arcade sucks and low and behold it had it [23:03:02] Rocksteady: whats it called again? [23:03:06] NightsB: sonic the fighters [23:03:08] Floydthebarber: and then mrs cobb starts talking and says "what are some alternatives to using animals in testing?" [23:03:11] Rocksteady: ok ya [23:03:15] Floydthebarber: and i shout "POOR PEOPLE!!!!!" really loudly [23:03:28] Floydthebarber: i had been half asleep and i piped up really loud and a billion girls got really mad at me [23:03:29] Rocksteady: all i need from an arcade is ms. pac-man and im set though [23:03:31] Rocksteady: i can play that for hours [23:03:31] Floydthebarber: then i laid back down [23:03:40] NightsB: the arcade in the city has a ms pac man machine [23:03:44] NightsB: they have tons of old machines [23:03:47] NightsB: they have donkey kong jr :) [23:03:49] Rocksteady: ya no one plays them anymore [23:03:49] Floydthebarber: everybody thinks I am an asshole in there, but they do not understand my comedic genius [23:03:52] Rocksteady: thats cool [23:04:06] NightsB: i think you're funny floyd, i would have said something similar [23:04:10] Floydthebarber: man i wonder who has a Street Fighter II arcade IN THERE HOUSE!?!!? [23:04:12] Floydthebarber: heh [23:04:14] YAY the sims 2 for the ds ! http://ds.ign.com/articles/605/605207p1.html [23:04:18] NightsB: hey i wonder fuck you
man, I love Internet.
:: Floydthebarber 4/18/2005 11:05:00 PM
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:: Thursday, April 14, 2005 ::
Hardy har har, I should be sleeping. I took a nap today though so the late-night sleepyness induced around midnight hasn't hit me. Also it's only 11 and not midnight. I think I'll ramble around in here until I feel sleepy.
You know what James loves? Free shit from the internet. As a matter of fact, my nintendo manniquen (mannequin? manniequein? Let's see what google says...yeah mannequin) hand should here on tuesday, and I can't wait for all of the WACKY hijinks we'll be doing... check out Touchingisgood.com if you're confused on what i'm talking about. Keeping in this paragraph's theme of free stuff, my free pack of Skyy vodka playing cards came today. They're pretty nice cards, with the cards of each suit having different drinking recipies on them. I think they'll come in handy in about a year and a half. Whoops, I mean, I would never drink in college EVER NEVER until I am 21. So yeah, I love free stuff. I don't love the 20 tons of free college stuff though.
School? Nobody who reads this cares about school. They announced junior marshalls today, and I'm not one! Not that that isn't expected, but dad was always bothering me about how to become a junior marshall and I didn't even know what the fuck they are. Apparently it means you have an education penis++ and get to walk around with a balloon one day and stand around at graduation. I wish I was that smart! Numbers mean jack shit though. Except on my SAT...I got it back and did pretty well! 1990, out of the new score 2400. 630 math (I'm ashamed of this and want to bring it up), 700 reading (now that I am proud of), and 660 writing (pretty good considering I didn't even completely finish my essay and I got a 10/12 with it). I really should consider being a journalist or a writer or something. My mind doesn't work like an author or storyteller though; I can't think up all those little intricate story caveats that make the great authors great. I can appreciate it, but I can't think it up myself. Maybe I should read more.
When the house was staaaaanding. I want to fix up my Street Fighter II arcade. I hope I get hired later by REI. I need to find other places to apply to. I hope I can go to n-meet. I think my carwash will go fine this weekend and I will do the project in May, and it will be one of the biggest reliefs of my life. I should start studying for the APES AP exam, and reviewing my Schafer notes for AP US History. I need to bust my ass to keep an A in Computer Science III/IV (It's an 89 but she SAYS she'll treat it like an honors by raising everybody a letter grade; so far she's raised people by 3 points, and that's not a god damn letter grade. I will raise hell slash be nice as fuck to her to get an A out of that class if I end up with a 91/92 like I did in CS I/II. I finally got delete to work (with probably 50 lines too much code) but fuck, it works! That makes three of us in class.
I shouldn't have lit that stick of incense. I am so glad Daisy didn't croak today; I'm glad I did what I felt was the right thing and called her to make sure. That stupid fucking ionic breeze keeps buzzing like it's dirty, but I just cleaned it. I think Mario broke it when he ran into it. I should go to sleep but I'm not tired. I should be nicer to Megan but I'm not done coaching myself to not be an asshole. I should end this post with some HILARIOUS picture, since text is always boring:
EEEYEEEEEAHHH my two loves; pink floyd, physics, and oh shit three AND LIL JON RAP.
:: Floydthebarber 4/14/2005 11:02:00 PM
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:: Sunday, April 03, 2005 ::
Hi there. I've been talking about all the things I want to talk about in this blog with other people for the past half hour or so, so forgive my briefness on some matters of discussion. I would just paste various AIM conversations to make it easier, but that would be an insult to the art that is blogging. I think this edition I'll stick with the "write random paragraphs that vaguely congeal thoughts together" method.
Funeral. As I'm sure most of you know, I went to my great-grandma Freeman's funeral this weekend. She was 82 and lived a long, complete, and happy life... it was just time for her to go. I'm really glad she's with grampa Freeman now, where she belongs. The ceremony was quite touching. It was at Forrestville Methodist church. Now you see, this church cannot physically hold more than 100 people. This is your bona-fide little country church. One of the pews has my great-great-grandfather, John Henry Freeman's, name on it. Anyways, I loved how personal it was; the whole thing was rather celebratory of her life and uplifting, but I teared up when the minister opened the floor to the audience so various people could tell little stories about grandma Dot. They were all terribly beautiful and touching stories, mostly funny, mostly sweet, all memorable and very awesome. I was a pall bearer ( a dude that carries the casket for you people that haven't attended a funeral, which is apparently most of you), but it was raining, so there was no outdoor service, we just took the casket to the grave and let the workers finish the job of lowering it in.
Funerals actually aren't terribly sad for me in particular regards to the person dying; they just make me think of other people I love very much that are still alive that I will hate to see go, like my Nana. That kept making me tear up just thinking of losing various relatives, so I concentrated damn hard on the pretty stained glass window and g-grandma and how happy she is now. You learn a lot about your own life and the timespan and genearl course of life from a funeral; they aren't always a negative experience.
One interesting side note is children at funerals. Sally Anne and Madison were there (my cousins) and they're each 5. They understood that "great uncle david's mommy had died" but they clearly didn't really know what it meant to look in the casket, see great-grandma, and realize she wasn't going to wake up again (at least with us here on earth). I think it's one of the later concepts a kid learns, around 7-8. I remember going to grandaddy bodenheimer's funeral in 1998 or 1999 and hell, even at 11-12 I still wasn't completely devastated. I think that's a different thing though, since it was more like "death is really sad, but I didn't know grandaddy bodenheimer so much that i would bawl". I knew him pretty well; we had christmas in red springs and I remember playing around in the furniture store while my dad and he sorted out carolina football tickets. I remember going to games with him and such. I don't know why I didn't cry so much at that funeral. Maybe I did and I just don't remember; remember folks, I have a shitty memory. That funeral was harder than this one because my Dad and Nana were pretty hard hit by it... one of the most prominent memories of my childhood is helping my Nana into her car. She has Multiple Sclerosis, so I've been doing that for years. But I remember helping her into her car that day and she was hugging me saying "oh james, i don't have a daddy anymore..." yeah, that was tough. This funeral wasn't so tough. Hell, even grandma Dot said herself she didn't want a sad funeral, and by God, we didn't give her one.
I was going to talk about something else in regards to the funeral. That's right, afterwards. After g-grandpa died in 2002, g-grandma went to live in myrtle beach with my g-uncle david, so their house stayed abandoned basically for 2-3 years. Nobody obviously lives there anymore, so they essentially left a houseful of memories behind. About 10 of us proceeded to open up cabinet and dresser drawers, some that had things that hadn't been touched in 25 years, and find little sentimental items that meant something to us and took them home. It's better to let the stuff go to family members to whom it actually means something; and besides, that's what they would have wanted. It was the oddest thing though, going through every nook and cranny in an empty house looking for things. I'll just go through a list of some of the funny/cool things I found while looking around: g-grandpa's masonry stuff (as in the masons the sekrat society masons), various old man attire like suspenders, pants, button down shirts, combs, handkerchiefs, hats, canes, cufflinks, etc, an old Brownie camera, too many photos to count, those cool wooden hangers that clam and hold up pants, a leather key-holder, etc. A lot of g-grandma's stuff was already at the beach (since she's lived there for the last 3 years), but my mother and other ladies found things of hers that brought back memories and they took home; mom found some nice depression glass and tabletop doiley things that appeared to be handmade family heirlooms. We don't know who made them though, which is a shame... that along with many things was lost to history when they both passed away. It was rather odd really, if my great-uncle david didn't know what something was, who was in such and such a photo, or the story behind something, it seemed nobody knew... we should archive that sort of stuff for family history. There was lots of cool history in that house for a quaint little poor farming family. One of the coolest things dad found was a ledger book g-grandpa had kept track of his expenses from 1954-1960 in. I mean everything; "$1.27 spent on groceries, april 13 1957... sold 4 shares of AT&T stock for $27.48 on such and such 1958"... it was really cool to look at, dad took it home. We also found some weird stuff, like great-grandpa's wallet... do you ever think of things like that? all those little personal effects we leave when we die... I mean, your wallet. You can learn a lot from a man's wallet... just a funny thing to think about.
So uh yeah, there's two things I didn't mention. One is that hat of g-grandpa's that I found and took:

it's a really fucking sweet hat. I'm totally wearing it to prom.
Oh yes, and I was talking with my uncle david, and i'll just paste what I said to ryan here since i've said it like 9347502398457 times:
mr mOo237: OH RYAN mr mOo237: ANOTHER BIG BIG ANNOUNCEMENT mr mOo237: so I was talking to my great aunt wanda mr mOo237: the one married to my great uncle who is the brother of said "richard/grandad/whatever' mr mOo237: and i was talking about how i'm saving up for a car FlameingSink: lol yeah mr mOo237: and she' like "oh a car??? we're trying to get rid of ours" mr mOo237: sorry i got interrupted by april mr mOo237: story continues mr mOo237: so I'm all "really what car" mr mOo237: and she's like "david's old benz" mr mOo237: now i know this benz mr mOo237: it's AWESOME mr mOo237: it's a 1984 benz 300D mr mOo237: d is for diesel mr mOo237: power windows mr mOo237: power locks mr mOo237: SHOULDERSTRAPS
mr mOo237: ! mr mOo237: and a sunroof 8-) FlameingSink: lol cool mr mOo237: and i think most of them are leather seats but that'd just be like icing mr mOo237: SO mr mOo237: the only thing it needs is a paintjob but not that badly mr mOo237: SO mr mOo237: I ask her how much they want for it FlameingSink: ask ryan FlameingSink: he'll custom paint something for you mr mOo237: "1000? 500? more?" "honey we can do that or that... hell we'll give it to you, and you don't have to make payments until after COLLEGE. i'm dead serious, we want it gone" mr mOo237: and my jaw is like *DROP* FlameingSink: oh that's awesome mr mOo237: the only thing it needs is a battery then we can come pick it up from myrtle beach mr mOo237: yeah mr mOo237: i saw one on ebay with a bit nicer paintjob for like $2500 starting mr mOo237: family is awesome lol mr mOo237: i need to find a weekend to go get it mr mOo237: man we shall have the blazin' benz: resurrection FlameingSink: lol FlameingSink: give it to david FlameingSink: louuuuuule mr mOo237: heh mr mOo237: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4539908125&category=6330 basically this FlameingSink: yeah that's pretty cool FlameingSink: :-D mr mOo237: fuck yeah FlameingSink: you'll still be driving a boat FlameingSink: but it's like mr mOo237: sup sunroof buddy 8-) FlameingSink: a yacht mr mOo237: haha yeah mr mOo237: hahaha mr mOo237: dude it gets 20+ mpg mr mOo237: and mr mOo237: when we run out of petroleum, i can run on peanut oil FlameingSink: lol FlameingSink: this is true mr mOo237: haha i'll be ridin' on.........14s
so yeah, i'm excited about that. What else has happened this weekend. OH FUCK YES UNC BEAT MSU CHAMPIONSHIP GAME MONDAY NIGHT WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched it with megan... such a great game. I know we can win monday.
So uh yeah, I went to megan's monday night and messed around here doing a big of merit badge work until the afternoon when I went over to megan's for the evening... we listened to mitch hedberg RIP. also RIP pope, he was a nice dude. man everybody died this week. also johnny cochran and doubtless others I haven't mentioned.
Okay I think I've typed enough. Peace.
:: Floydthebarber 4/03/2005 10:03:00 PM
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:: Sunday, March 06, 2005 ::
Well now, this has been a most pleasant weekend. The play, the dinner, the time with megan... very nice. Refereeing, UNC killing Duke, homework... will be fine too. Happy.
:: Floydthebarber 3/06/2005 12:04:00 AM
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:: Friday, March 04, 2005 ::
Wow, over a month without posting. Nice. Went to dinner at MacGregor Downs country club tonight, *holds out pinky* eeyeess and then me and my golfing chums discussed our investment strategies over fine cuban cigars in front of an open fireplace. I had salmon.
I think I'm going to go see the school play tomorrow, most likely at the matinee around 2. Good thing nobody has planned any group of people to go and I don't know if there will be. I hate to say it, but maybe it's best I don't go with Megan; she's up to her neck in chemistry. I could probably just see her tomorrow night. But I don't want to go to a gathering. Meh. I think entirely too far ahead!
I'd show you all (and by you all i mean the nobody who reads this) things like my finger or the new n-philes layout or my ap us history essay i wrote today (which i thought was pretty good), but as the story always is, I'm not feeling motivated to type out menial things here. So I'll just say goodnight to myself. Goodnight, myself!
PS: Wind Waker really is quite an excellent game.
:: Floydthebarber 3/04/2005 11:34:00 PM
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:: Sunday, January 30, 2005 ::
Well I've got some time to burn before I leave for Megan's to eat dinner and study pre-calc, and what better way to waste time than by blogging? There are actually plenty of other ways, but my ass is in front of the computer and the thought crossed my mind that maybe a couple of people check up on this every so often. If so, show yourselves in the comment area!
I'm digging all of my classes except Pre-Calc, which is kicking my ass. I failed my first math test ever in High School, with a 67 on the first test. Ouch. NEVER AGAIN. There's a quiz monday that I'm trying to prepare myself for, but tonight's homework is ultra hard compared to the simplicity of what we learned in class; I hate it when the book and the lessons don't corrolate well. At any rate, au toute de facon (OMFG I REMEMBERED SOME SEMBLANCE OF FRENCH OLOL NO MORE FRENCH CLASS!), I will strive hard so that colleges <3 me. I should start a new paragraph here, but I'd rather keep all of the school stuff into one. I got my PSAT scores back, 59 reading, 64 math, 65 writing, 91st percentile and 188 selection index. I got beaten by quite a few of my peers, but I'm rather happy with the scores. I think on the actualy SATs I'll perform much better since I'll be armed with so many vocabulary words and math skillz. Speaking of skillz, I seem to be pretty keen on what's going on in Computer Science III/IV right now... That class != the hell that was french. I love french and all, but that class just wasn't for me. Okay I'm bored typing about school and I'm sure whoever is reading this is bored reading about it.
I'm almost done with referee training classes, which means I can start refereeing soccer matches in march. w00ty w00t. I want to save up as much money as possible, but knowing myself and my insatiable appetite for video game stuff and other electronics, not to mention a girlfriend, this is unlikely to happen. At least half will go into savings though, I've promised myself that. I read a really cool thread on Something Awful about investment and saving up and the different types of bonds there are and such written by a goon who is also certified as a broker. It was pretty cool... I've always been facinated with economics, perhaps my future profession lies there... who knows.
I think I'm going to play King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood at Megan's tonight since I need to have a MIA file up on N-Philes by wednesday. Must not disappoint! Okay Megan is done being glistening, wet, and naked, so I think it is time for me to leave. Sorry I didn't talk about :coll" stuff, such as Rimmer's link hat or no gas in the pontiac. Later.
:: Floydthebarber 1/30/2005 04:05:00 PM
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:: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 ::
yeah this is the bitching zone. Bitch bitch bitch. lots of homework. operation. makeup work at odd times due to operation. soccer classes. the whole megan thing. shoa~~~~~~~~~~~~i'm fukcin tired of all this crap. whatever. I won't even get into mechanics of any of these things because folks would just think I'm a bitchy whiny-ass or I say something wrong and that makes me insensitive or something, oops. I'm going to go study all night and work on my pre-calc review sheet thing. Fuck you all, I don't want to talk to any of you until the shitstorm is over, thanks.
:: Floydthebarber 1/11/2005 09:41:00 PM
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:: Sunday, January 09, 2005 ::
oops I never post here. Someday.
:: Floydthebarber 1/09/2005 01:43:00 PM
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