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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Sunday, September 25, 2005 ::

Wellity, I haven't paid attention to this in a while. Don't I always tend to start out with something like that... Let's see.

Today was rather unproductive! I woke up at a leisurely 10:00am and enjoyed a breakfast that wasn't consumed while walking or driving. I then proceeded to hammer out my application to UNC-Chapel Hill, finishing up my 500 word essay for admission. I wrote it about religion and questioning beliefs and such, so it makes me a little nervous to show it to my parents. I never talk with them about religion or anything. I don't think they'd be upset persay, but definitely surprised a little. I'll have to show it to an english teacher or someone before I send it off. I still have a 250 word essay to complete, but that shouldn't be too hard at all. November 1st is fast approaching!

Let's see... today I decided I would figure out Usenet. I got into a roadrunner online chat with a techie, who told me that rr offers an unlimited bandwidth usenet server at news-server.nc.rr.com. SWEET. I downloaded a newsreader (newsleecher), and proceeded to browse a few of the free nzb sites to test it out. All is going swimmingly; I've already gotten two new harvey birdman episodes i missed. The question is, once the trial runs out on newsleecher, will i want to pay for that and newzbin.com? I doubt it, but we'll see. I'd really enjoy downloading stuff faster than 128KB/sec.

What are some older things I haven't mentioned here? It's not old, but I saw corpse bride friday with megan and some friends. 3/5 stars. If you want a review, try reading the next issue of the Cary Spirit, which hits newsstands at school in about two weeks! I love that class.

I have a cellphone now... (919) seven five seven three four one four. Please call me, I enjoy it! Especially on weekends and after 9, when it's free. Unless you're with cingular, in which case you may call me whenever you like.

I am trying to win an xbox360 off of every10minutes.com. I think if I win, I am goin g to sell it either to wal-mart or on ebay for money. Money for E3 perhaps. Oh man. I can only dream.

So yeah, today has been pretty lazy. I should have done some physics or calculus, but I got lost in the cesspool that is the internet. I didn't even do something productive like play a video game. I'm going to write up a feature this week about my power glove and touch upon the Nintendo Revolution somehow. The ideas are just now brewing and will probably be fleshed out when I space out in newspaper fourth period tomorrow. Goodnight!

:: Floydthebarber 9/25/2005 10:07:00 PM [+] ::
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