:: Saturday, August 20, 2005 ::
Oh man, a good month since my last post! I won't bother recounting everything that's happened in the last month. I might get bored in the next 10 seconds and stop typing but who cares. For now, I'm joining the "POST TEH SCHEDUAL!" bandwagon:
HN Physics w/ Goodloe - He's a funny guy and I know people like him, so I think this class will be fun even if it is at 7:30 in the morning.
AP Calculus AB w/ Rudd - I don't like Mrs. Rudd. There, I said it. Hopefully I'll be able to stand a whole YEAR of Calculus with her.
Weight Training & Conditioning I w/ Coach Winterton - He coaches Tommy on the wrestling team and is apparently really rough in this class on the wrestlers, but pretty slack with the rest of the students. I can't wait to beef up olololol.
Newspaper II w/ Cooper - I have briefly met Mrs. Cooper and know she is a really sweet lady. I think this will be my favorite class all year. I love digging up dirt and I love writing, so w00t about that.
AP Physics w/ Goodloe - More physics, more goodloe, more at 7:30 am. Sweet.
HN English IV w/ Nantz - Haven't heard bad things about Nantz, so this class should be relatively painless.
HN Calculus AB w/ Rudd - This is the "completer" class to make AB calculus year long, and I get an honors math elective credit for it. SWEET.
AP Economic w/ O'Quinn - The more I think to myself about how I'm taking this class, the more I wonder if I made the right decision. What if I hate it? What if it's pretty fucking hard? I mean, I'm already doing calculus and physics all year, why pile this atop of it? I guess it doesn't matter as long as I can keep a B in it (if I don't feel prepared for the AP test I just won't take it. It seems likely I won't be, since it's being taught second semester and AP exams are in the beginning of May, giving me like 3 months to learn college-level economics. We'll see.)
So there we have it. Other than my doubts on AP Economics, I think I'm okay. I kinda wish I had gotten newspaper in one semester and weight training in another, but whatever. I also wish I was really talented at something like art or drama or band or something like that so I could take classes like that. Oh well. I also wish that there were more computer science classes I could take. DAMN!
So uh do I still feel like typing? I guess. I'm just sort of watching time burn before I can go see Megan tonight. I cleaned my room and anything else I could consider seriously doing is entirely too productive. Read a book? PSHAW! Write a rough draft essay for my UNC application? Get outta here! Pick out an Eagle Ceremony? ACK! Even after I have the award I procrastinate. Cool.
:: Floydthebarber 8/20/2005 01:46:00 PM
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