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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Monday, June 13, 2005 ::

[00:01:11] Floydthebarber: haha the pixies show opened so funny
[00:01:12] TheHumanCow: and i liked the setlist
[00:01:16] Floydthebarber: yeah i saw that
[00:01:18] Floydthebarber: dogs is sweet
[00:01:25] Floydthebarber: anyways the pixies come our right
[00:01:36] Floydthebarber: and they play the song mike and i guess they'd start with, Bone Machine
[00:01:51] Floydthebarber: and about a minute and a half into it, the drums and guitar and vocals just sound muddy and rhythmically off
[00:02:11] Floydthebarber: and frank (lead singer) looks at dave (drummer) and after a second throws his hands up and tells them all to stop
[00:02:18] Floydthebarber: so they stop dead in the middle of the first song from fucking up
[00:02:49] Floydthebarber: and they're all talking... "we've done this 500 times..." "we shouldn't start with such a hard song" "well should we start over??" and frank says, "nah, let's just go to the next one"
[00:03:03] TheHumanCow: hahaha
[00:03:07] Floydthebarber: i everybody was all "uhhhhhhhhh omfg you wrote this song in like 1986 how come you can't do it by now"
[00:03:33] Floydthebarber: but after bone machine they did fine with the other 25 or so songs
[00:03:46] TheHumanCow: not bad
[00:03:54] Floydthebarber: i bought a recording of our concert for $30 that is professionally mixed and printed and sent out in 5 weeks
[00:04:01] Floydthebarber: i really hope they leave all the bone machine fuck up shit on there haha
[00:04:05] Floydthebarber: it'll make the CD totally worth it
[00:04:25] Floydthebarber: frank still screams just as well as he did in the 80s which was surprising. kim has smoked about 98374098347520 cigarettes and isn't so pretty sounding, but still good
[00:04:36] Floydthebarber: she was playing bass half the time with a cigarette in her playing hand haha
[00:05:16] Floydthebarber: during the song vamos, the drummer Dave threw one of his sticks at joey who caught it then proceeded to play an extended solo with it then throw it back, which was awesome
[00:05:25] Floydthebarber: I think i'm done talking about it now
[00:05:25] Floydthebarber: haha'
[00:05:34] Floydthebarber: i need to frame these autographs and ticket
[00:05:47] TheHumanCow: definitely

I waited with megan after the show and got all of their signatures :D time to frame! I'd talk more, but It's bedtime... first day of work!

:: Floydthebarber 6/13/2005 12:08:00 AM [+] ::
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