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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 ::

Hello everybody. Here I sit in Ehringhaus, serenaded by an eclectic mix of Squirrel Nut Zippers from my stereo and Tiny Tim's acoustic banter in Ryan's room across the suite. I really hope his musical career gets off the ground, I enjoy his confusingly british singing voice and mandolin. Who knows, I might be listening to history right now. Actually, I'd rather be drinking their yeungling and listening to their music, but that's alright.

I've been (or am trying to be) busy with studying/getting ready for finals. I've done so-so to alright this semester, but I need to finish strong so everything falls into the 'alright' to 'good' categories. I have two Comp Sci programs and two Astronomy labs due early next week... what the hell. So much for an easy weekend!

the Ohio State/UNC basketball game is tomorrow and I'm PSYCHED. We'll kick Sharparoni's school's asses, let me tell you what!!!!!!11111 Kentucky on saturday too... Jesus when am I going to study? @_@

So Megan calls me and says, "check on Cat's Cradle's website." And lo and behold, it lists The Squirrel Nut Zippers for February. Oh. My. God. Then I remembered, "hey, they broke up and haven't played anything live in years (five actually)! I wonder what version of the band this is?" So I started digging. I think it'll be the original guy, Mathus, and some new people. I doubt the lady katherine will be there (she divorced Mathus and just did a solo album so i doubt that would work out), and the two most influential guys, Maxwell/mosher have their own band. I have no idea who the hell is playing, but if it's a reunion i'd be SO HAPPY! I'll go anyways no matter who is there though, so whatever. Oh, and Deerhoof is a couple days after them. Sweet.

So anybody who reads this feel free to drop me a line on facebook, or come by my dorm for some Wii Sports/Monkey Ball action. I think I'll go play a little bit of Zelda now instead of doing one of those astronomy labs. Hooray procrastination! Don't worry, I'll repent for these sins soon enough. Bye everybody!

:: Floydthebarber 11/28/2006 09:44:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 ::
Yes, this is college. Relaxing on my laptop awaiting a call from Anna to go eat dinner at Ram's Head. Stephen's microwaveable Stouffer's macaroni smells heavenly. Sports or the Colbert Report are constantly on the TV, Weird Al has been listened to in 5.1, Astronomy quizzes and Math HW continue to be trampled.

I love it here, in case you couldn't tell. I've been waiting a long time to get to college and I plan to make the absolute most of it. All of my professors are amicable and the class material is no cakewalk (well, french is pretty easy actually) but I'm not drowning in it like some irresponsible friends I know.

I've been to see Ryan and Megan at UNC-G (of course) but I haven't really made the trek out to another campus which is something I want to attempt before or perhaps on fall break. I do miss people... April, Nathan, Christina, the kidney (yes i still hate that term), everyone. I think we're all busy with our respected classes and stuff, but getting out to see other campuses would be sweet. Maybe I'll go visit Sharp at OSU!!111111111111

Oh man new rollercoaster at both Cedar Point and Busch Gardens though I'll likely only go to one of those parks in the next year and I think you can guess which one. It's ridiculous how often I reference that trip among friends we must return... Spring Break? Summer? Arg. It wouldn't be open until summer anyways.

Where is Anna I'm hungry.

So does anybody else have their bones saved up for the Wii? Feel free to drop by the dorm on November 19th for some hot hot zelda/red steel/wii sports/whatever action. I'm thinking of camping out for a PS3 to make a ridiculous profit. I'll probably do it if Ryan T seriously agrees to camp with me. Speaking of Zelda, I'm in the middle of finally finishing OoT. I know don't even ask.

Well I'll post later.

:: Floydthebarber 9/26/2006 05:40:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 ::
Times are changing... Ryan T moves off to UNC-G tomorrow and Megan follows on friday. Bittersweet it all is, but mostly positive; if you think about it, most of our lives have sort of evolved over the past year so we don't spend too much time in our own houses anyways and we're all pretty independent people. It's just a change of scenery that has people a bit melancholy. Nobody's really moving FAR FAR away though (save Nate), so i'd say it's likely we all see each other in some capacity at least once a month. We'll still huddle outside of Best Buy at 3am for black friday and grab milkshakes at odd hours of the night from Cookout. Doom and gloom on all fronts regarding the transition of high school love relationships to college, but I'm willing to at least try. I have a car, I have the money and the time, and it's only a 30-40 minute distance anyways. You know, with the car, things don't really change too much for me. I can go visit Ryan T and Megan, or go the other direction and see Phil, Ryan H, and David. I guess it's the whole Ryan-to-Ryan etc that'll be difficult to pull off. Maybe I'll become some sort of helpful liason person hehe.

I'd rather spend a day a week seeing megan without her parents annoying us and being in a college town with lots to do than seeing her three times a week in boring suburban cary doing nothing. Sounds like a good enough rationalization to me.

I'm trying to wrap up some things before everybody disappears for a while... gonna have lunch with April soon and I wanna do something with Nathan before he REALLY goes away for a while... seeing him when it isn't fall break/christmas will be a stretch. We'll meet halfway in Asheville and catch a concert. TMBG better return!

I guess tomorrow I should start sorting shit in my room into the "take/not take" piles. Oh, and wax the car, contact Sandy about storing the car, replace the car stereo. Speaking of car, I got my high mileage award in the mail from Mercedes and it's aces. Comes with a billfold certificate thing and all kinds of cool literature. Trusty old car.

Facebook makes remembering my blog hard. I can articulate here though! I should do some writing here this semester, since I LOL PLACED OUT OF ALL ENGLISH BLOL. See you guys.

:: Floydthebarber 8/08/2006 11:31:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 22, 2006 ::
OH GOD I ONLY USE facebook anymore. UNC orientation was fun. I got my laptop. Heehaw. I'm gonna go see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy in a couple of days. later.

:: Floydthebarber 6/22/2006 12:10:00 AM (1) comments [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 01, 2006 ::
Well here we are; my last blog post as a highschooler. I have done something similar once before I'm sure from the transition to HS from middle school. This is of course much more grandiose and interesting! There are plenty of things to be happy about, and plenty of things to worry about. Mostly the loss and dissipation of the many friends i've made at Cary High. Yes, I made some friends, and they are pretty nice. Not just Cary, but other schools too. It's been fun. We've grown up. I don't think I imagined four and a half years ago I'd be posting here as a legal adult going off to chapel hill. It's surreal.

Nobody knows exactly what is to come, but I'm not afraid. I will make the effort to keep the friends I want, and let the rest fade away. Megan, the love of my life, will continue to be part of my life as long as we both are willing to work for that. No matter what happens we will always be close. April, Christina, all the other girls in my life too... I love you all and hope we keep in touch. The internet will be our savior. Same goes to all of the "kidney" (how i hate that term!) and the usual david ryan ryan nate phil me etc crowd.

I'm glad I'm leaving high school without the bitter hatred some kids have or the unnecessary romanticism and sadness of others. It's about the people, not our shitty campus or (occasionally) shitty teachers. I feel very fortunate that I didn't spend all of high school walking around listening to my mp3 player glaring at people. Sure I've made some mistakes, but I tried not to be a total asshole. And if I did, it was usually in jest and high schoolers don't detect sarcasm well.

It's been good to rant all of this out. I have lots of plans for the summer and even more for the fall. I'm sure I'll have more time to post in this blog when not working for Fred or HP. Thanks to whoever stuck with this blog for the whole duration so far (read: probably nobody except myself), or whoever even reads it. I know it gets neglected. I'll have a facebook alive and kickin' specifically for chapel hill and not CHS soon so I'll be sure to remind myself and post blog posts here and refer people to them. Why let the tradition die out?

I wonder if I'll keep using my green binder from 7th grade in college. It'll probably be unwielding, faded, and not even useful. I'll take it anyways. Enjoy your summer everybody. Excuse my melodramatic language tonight. Au revoir.

:: Floydthebarber 6/01/2006 11:42:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 ::
I got done with oral surgery about 5 hours ago, no worries. The worst part was predictably the IV in me. I hate that shit so much. I just felt the need to inform the internet of how cool I feel right now! My body feels like i'm full of helium and I'm going to drift off out of my chair. I'm sure staring at a computer monitor isn't helping. I would tell you what drugs are giving me this crazy side effect but That'll have to wait. Goodbye!

:: Floydthebarber 4/11/2006 09:24:00 PM (2) comments [+] ::
:: Friday, April 07, 2006 ::
Megan and I went to see Franz Ferdinand (and *cough* deathcabforcutie *cough*) tonight, though we left 4 songs into Death Cab. Franz was SO AWESOME THOUGH. While I'm thinking about it, let me try to compile a mostly complete set list (this is easy to do when the band only has two albums and a few B-sides):

This Boy (opening song I think?)

The Fallen - great song. what great commentary by me.

Do You Want To - "this next one isn't much of a song but more of a question - DO YOU WANNA?!?!?!"

Dark of the Matinee - apparently this is a song about dirty things teenagers often do in theatres!

Jacqueline - This song kicks so much ass.

40' - I think this is my favorite song off of their debut LP. Just as good live as crusin' down the road in the car.

Take Me Out - Hey let's all cheer for the only song we recognize! yay!

Come On home - I seem to remember the keyboard solo being really great tonight.

Michael - Yep, still gay even live.

Something I can't Remember - This is a partially acoustic song they said they wrote recently while touring in Australia, and had never played it in the USA before! Other than a rogue guitar string at the beginning of the song, it went pretty smoothly. I'm interested in what they do with it if they decide to record it.

Walk Away - Kinda gay song, but catchy and fun to sing along to.

Elanor Put Your Boots On - I always thought this song was pretty weak on their new LP, but it has a totally different feel live. Instead of just a meek keyboard medly and some acoustic backup, the drums and bass kick in as well and it has a much more punchy, effective sound. I liked it live.

Outsiders - OH MY FUCKING GOD. THIS WAS ONE OF THE GREATEST PERFORMANCES OF A SONG EVER. The addictive guitar riff and spacey keyboard medley weren't the half of it. They started out with just the drummer doing his kickass thing. Then one of the guitarists put down his guitar and started playing the dummer's symbols like a maniac. Finally, a semi-fifth member of the band came out and started banging on the tom-tom. The sights and sounds of those three ATTACKING this drumset was too awesome to describe. Definitely a great, strong song to (almost) end the show on.

This Fire - Last song if I remember correctly, very energetic. This song makes you want to BURN CITIES.

They played a few other songs too, but those are the ones I specifically remember. There was plenty of kicks, jumps, and kickass poses struck throughout. I just hope we gave them a warm enough welcome to have them come back around here sometime soon.

Nathan's eagle project and prom are tomorrow. Such a busy and fun weekend.

:: Floydthebarber 4/07/2006 11:11:00 PM (2) comments [+] ::
:: Monday, April 03, 2006 ::
Well, this has certainly been an eventful spring break. It's late at night and I'm being rather solitary for the first time in a while, so I figure this might be a good time to blog some. I'm rather enjoying this quiet; relaxing in the dark and chilling to some Sigur Ros is perhaps the one thing I haven't done on spring break. And don't take that perverted (at least not very).

Tonight I hung out with the Apex/other people at Matt's and had a grand time. Food, Katamari, hot tub, fire, and perverted stories make me happy. Break has been even more eventful up to tonight though. Let's rewind.

On the first saturday of spring break I awake at 5:30 am to pick up Nate and Phil to get on the road to none other than Busch Gardens! We get there around 9:45 after a rather painless 225 mile trek and the fun begins. It was mostly cloudy which scared a lot of the crowds away and left us happy to cycle through what normally would be busy roller coasters all day. Ryan and Ryan join us that night and we go out to dinner at Chili's. What happens afterwards in the Days Hotel should probably be top secret, but I can tell you it involves lots of ice and cups covering Phil strategicaly. No, this wasn't some perverted sex shop thing. Ice is amusing though in large quantities. Anyways, sunday becomes day two at the amusement park, and much fun was enjoyed by all. Pictures shall be forthcoming as it's past 1am and I'm a little too tired to upload them all and link em' up. We drive back sunday around 5pm and get home just in time to play some video games and crash at Ryan T's house. Sweet trip.

I can't exactly recall all of this past week's excursions, but I believe it went something like this: Ryan's, Phil's, Ryan's, Phil's (?), BEN FOLDS then Phil's, Jillian's party for Ryan H then Ryan H's, Ryan's, XBOX 360, Bike Shopping, today. Oh, and of course I saw megan some in there too :P

There you have it spring break nothing to see here wot wot. Prom is coming up this weekend and Jen's parents are committed to letting us invade her house saturday night! At least we won't have to be heckled by Megan's parents or, even worse, go home after prom. Hee haw.

I want to buy things. I will.

Tommorrow is the last day of freedom. Oh snap, I also think I have to go to work! Oh well, I need things, remember? If all goes according to plan, i might score a second part-time job as a Hewlett-Packard rep for $15/hr over the summer. I would be so happy to get that job.

I don't know if I'll be up to the Dinosaur Jr. concert on thursday, but FRANZ FUCKING FERDINAND WILL BE SO AWESOME ON FRIDAY. Then prom. Nice. Oh, and Ryan Ryan and I bought grass passes to see Nine Inch Nails on the last day of school, april 9th. I guess I better get at move on for ordering that cap and gown. Shit. I hope they don't rape me with late fees and such. I hope I get to graduate! Ack. I can't be the only senior who didn't get this taken care of god dammit. I just now realized that only towards the end of my ranting and blogging have the curse words emerged. There is a severe lack of pictures in this post!

:: Floydthebarber 4/03/2006 12:46:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Monday, February 06, 2006 ::
On a stranger's living room rug.

:: Floydthebarber 2/06/2006 07:02:00 AM (2) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, January 22, 2006 ::
Haha, holy shit. I haven't blogged in about three months! I apologize. I've been pretty busy too. I'm trying to organize a trip with N-Philes to E3 and pass my classes, among other things. Speaking of school:



I'm leaning towards Chapel Hill at this point, and if I decide I really want to pursue engineering, I'll transfer over to state later on. We'll see though. I don't think I can screw second semester up enough to let them drop my admission to either, so yay!

My friends and I have been into nerf fighting recently. Specifically, we've been modding the excellent Nerf Maverick Rev-6 and Nite Finder EX-3 guns to deliver more power and awesomeness. Nothing beats a nerf fight in the crossroads mall parking lot in the middle of the night. If any of you want to be in a Nerf war with us, probably a 3v3 or 4v4, drop me an e-mail. I highly doubt anybody will respond to that offer ever. These wars are no joke; I've modded my Nite Finder and it has an accurage range of about 40 fucking feet with the velcro darts, and they sting like a motherfucker if they hit your face anywhere. Totally sweet.

Yes, megan and I are still dating and in love and etc etc. :)

Hopefully I'll make enough money this year to upgrade my computer for Unreal Tournament 2007 and pay for E3 and maintain/increase my savings account.

I think I'll start using this blog more frequently just to stick it to all those myspace idiots and facebook losers. Actually, I'll probably end up using my facebook for realz once college begins. BLOGGER LIVES ON INDIVIDUALLY FOREVER.

I dare any of you former bloggers to update your blogs too!

:: Floydthebarber 1/22/2006 11:22:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::

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