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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Thursday, June 01, 2006 ::

Well here we are; my last blog post as a highschooler. I have done something similar once before I'm sure from the transition to HS from middle school. This is of course much more grandiose and interesting! There are plenty of things to be happy about, and plenty of things to worry about. Mostly the loss and dissipation of the many friends i've made at Cary High. Yes, I made some friends, and they are pretty nice. Not just Cary, but other schools too. It's been fun. We've grown up. I don't think I imagined four and a half years ago I'd be posting here as a legal adult going off to chapel hill. It's surreal.

Nobody knows exactly what is to come, but I'm not afraid. I will make the effort to keep the friends I want, and let the rest fade away. Megan, the love of my life, will continue to be part of my life as long as we both are willing to work for that. No matter what happens we will always be close. April, Christina, all the other girls in my life too... I love you all and hope we keep in touch. The internet will be our savior. Same goes to all of the "kidney" (how i hate that term!) and the usual david ryan ryan nate phil me etc crowd.

I'm glad I'm leaving high school without the bitter hatred some kids have or the unnecessary romanticism and sadness of others. It's about the people, not our shitty campus or (occasionally) shitty teachers. I feel very fortunate that I didn't spend all of high school walking around listening to my mp3 player glaring at people. Sure I've made some mistakes, but I tried not to be a total asshole. And if I did, it was usually in jest and high schoolers don't detect sarcasm well.

It's been good to rant all of this out. I have lots of plans for the summer and even more for the fall. I'm sure I'll have more time to post in this blog when not working for Fred or HP. Thanks to whoever stuck with this blog for the whole duration so far (read: probably nobody except myself), or whoever even reads it. I know it gets neglected. I'll have a facebook alive and kickin' specifically for chapel hill and not CHS soon so I'll be sure to remind myself and post blog posts here and refer people to them. Why let the tradition die out?

I wonder if I'll keep using my green binder from 7th grade in college. It'll probably be unwielding, faded, and not even useful. I'll take it anyways. Enjoy your summer everybody. Excuse my melodramatic language tonight. Au revoir.

:: Floydthebarber 6/01/2006 11:42:00 PM [+] ::
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