:: Friday, April 07, 2006 ::
Megan and I went to see Franz Ferdinand (and *cough* deathcabforcutie *cough*) tonight, though we left 4 songs into Death Cab. Franz was SO AWESOME THOUGH. While I'm thinking about it, let me try to compile a mostly complete set list (this is easy to do when the band only has two albums and a few B-sides):
This Boy (opening song I think?)
The Fallen - great song. what great commentary by me.
Do You Want To - "this next one isn't much of a song but more of a question - DO YOU WANNA?!?!?!"
Dark of the Matinee - apparently this is a song about dirty things teenagers often do in theatres!
Jacqueline - This song kicks so much ass.
40' - I think this is my favorite song off of their debut LP. Just as good live as crusin' down the road in the car.
Take Me Out - Hey let's all cheer for the only song we recognize! yay!
Come On home - I seem to remember the keyboard solo being really great tonight.
Michael - Yep, still gay even live.
Something I can't Remember - This is a partially acoustic song they said they wrote recently while touring in Australia, and had never played it in the USA before! Other than a rogue guitar string at the beginning of the song, it went pretty smoothly. I'm interested in what they do with it if they decide to record it.
Walk Away - Kinda gay song, but catchy and fun to sing along to.
Elanor Put Your Boots On - I always thought this song was pretty weak on their new LP, but it has a totally different feel live. Instead of just a meek keyboard medly and some acoustic backup, the drums and bass kick in as well and it has a much more punchy, effective sound. I liked it live.
Outsiders - OH MY FUCKING GOD. THIS WAS ONE OF THE GREATEST PERFORMANCES OF A SONG EVER. The addictive guitar riff and spacey keyboard medley weren't the half of it. They started out with just the drummer doing his kickass thing. Then one of the guitarists put down his guitar and started playing the dummer's symbols like a maniac. Finally, a semi-fifth member of the band came out and started banging on the tom-tom. The sights and sounds of those three ATTACKING this drumset was too awesome to describe. Definitely a great, strong song to (almost) end the show on.
This Fire - Last song if I remember correctly, very energetic. This song makes you want to BURN CITIES.
They played a few other songs too, but those are the ones I specifically remember. There was plenty of kicks, jumps, and kickass poses struck throughout. I just hope we gave them a warm enough welcome to have them come back around here sometime soon.
Nathan's eagle project and prom are tomorrow. Such a busy and fun weekend.
:: Floydthebarber 4/07/2006 11:11:00 PM
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