:: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 ::
Hello everybody. Blogger is different! I have barely messed with anything other than the basic blog entry box for the past few years, but perhaps this switchover will push me to investigate everything (supposedly) new about it. All I know is that integration of my Google and Blogger account is a good thing.
Believe it or not, it feels great to be back in Chapel Hill; I guess things just grew a little stale in Cary after a few weeks. I can only work in so many stores as the HP rep and spend so many nights out with friends before it gets a tiny bit old. Maybe the inner dork is ready to learn again. I'm excited to get a good night's rest, find my classes, search for books, find all of my friends, eat at the dining hall... okay maybe the dining hall isn't that stellar but it's a catalyst for finding friends so I don't mind. My classes will all be great too I believe. I have reservations about Comp Sci, but I'm going to give a damn hard effort this semester before throwing in the proverbial towel and trying something else.
I bought so many videogames over break and I have no idea where I will find the time to play them all. Paper Mario 2, Battalion Wars, Chibi Robo, Donkey Konga 2, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and Super Swing Golf all deserve attention that I feel they won't receive until summer. Ah well. Who needs games when there's a shitload of other things to do and other people to see. I can see myself getting a major hardon for UT2007 though and being incredibly dismayed when my laptop doesn't meet the most basic of basic requirements.
In this world, nothing feels more awkward than biting the side of your tongue. The wound just hides in shadows awaiting a lick of the lips or swallow of water before reminding you with anguish. Also, who determined that the tongue is really the strongest muscle in the body? How in the hell do you test something like that? I'm picturing somebody doing tongue pull-ups or something and I just can't see it. Tie a rope to your tongue and pull tractor trailers? I have no idea.
I know I should fall asleep so I can at least attempt to get back on a regular sleep schedule but I know the SA forums will simply suck me in for the duration of the evening. I would feel better about it if I at least bothered to post and not just read every thread. Hmmm. Well, I bid whoever reads this a fond farewell.
:: Floydthebarber 1/09/2007 01:11:00 AM
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