:: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 ::
Oh man, been a while since I've done this. It's not really that I don't care so much anymore, but perhaps I don't feel the need to blog as much as I have in the past; it's so easy to get stuck in this daily routine of school, homework, megan, sleep, soccer, scouts, sleep, etc, that I lose track of the time and the focused will to type out my feelings in a blog. OH MY FEELINGS WAH WAH MUST TELL
So uh, Junior year has been treating me good, I suppose. Doing good in all my classes. The only thing that haunts me, literally, every single day is my eagle project. By God, I will get that son of a bitch done though. eeeeeeeyup, things are pretty fucking normal... almost painfully so but more like blissfully mundane. I love hanging out with my friends bringing the boys to the yard and fragging n00bs, and I love spending time with megan. I love playing soccer games and I love to eat. There's not much to it all at the moment... but don't you dare bring up a job. That would bring the delicate time balance of all of this crashing down to the ground, unless the job was incredibly flexible.
Man, I forgot to mention my intarweb friends in that last paragraph! I enjoy being laughed at on IRC still, and I still want to do stuff with N-Philes... but having no money severely puts a damper on that. I should step it up though. Also, I plan on winning enough money in a fishing tournament next weekend to buy a Nintendo DS w00ty w00t. I'm sure if you know me you'd know that by now though.
I got Megan to weed my entire town clean of 10 months of collective weeds in Animal Crossing; she's so awesome. Insert joke about lol woman doing her job of cleaning up and etc bake pies lol. Man, why the hell am I writing this blog entry. Make me do one when things are shitty and I feel sad.
COol flaming LiPS
:: Floydthebarber 10/13/2004 11:30:00 PM
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