:: Saturday, October 30, 2004 ::
Man, It's such a hassle to update this thing nowadays. I don't feel like I have an obligation to ramble on about my life to myself. It's an odd feeling. Almost all of my friends over are asleep except ryan t, who is drifting in and out of a marshmallow-diaper consciousness (it's a long story don't ask).
Yeah things are going great except my eagle project Gawd Dammit I will get something on it done this weekend. Fucking hell. I am working at aheadgames.com now to earn credit for free games, which is nice. Dad should be ordering my DS for me tomorrow. Tomorrow is also kori's party which sounds to be fun! I shant forget The Nightmare Before Christmas, because I'm sure somebody will want to watch that. School is going fine. Each class is pretty fun. Very lucky. Helped Megan with her math. Wrote about it in a journal response about love in English. WTF a weird kid I am. I love 5.1 music.
Okay fuck this I need to be productive. If I get 4 comments on this entry within a week then I promise I'll update this thing at least once a week or more.
:: Floydthebarber 10/30/2004 03:15:00 AM
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:: Sunday, October 17, 2004 ::
How do fat people with no definite chin put pillow cases on pillows? I mean, the patented hold-pillow-with-your-chin technique can't work!
I love the google desktop search program. Dear God.
I'm back!
I'd blog more if it was this easy; I need a quickblog icon in the icon tray down there.
:: Floydthebarber 10/17/2004 01:49:00 PM
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:: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 ::
Oh man, been a while since I've done this. It's not really that I don't care so much anymore, but perhaps I don't feel the need to blog as much as I have in the past; it's so easy to get stuck in this daily routine of school, homework, megan, sleep, soccer, scouts, sleep, etc, that I lose track of the time and the focused will to type out my feelings in a blog. OH MY FEELINGS WAH WAH MUST TELL
So uh, Junior year has been treating me good, I suppose. Doing good in all my classes. The only thing that haunts me, literally, every single day is my eagle project. By God, I will get that son of a bitch done though. eeeeeeeyup, things are pretty fucking normal... almost painfully so but more like blissfully mundane. I love hanging out with my friends bringing the boys to the yard and fragging n00bs, and I love spending time with megan. I love playing soccer games and I love to eat. There's not much to it all at the moment... but don't you dare bring up a job. That would bring the delicate time balance of all of this crashing down to the ground, unless the job was incredibly flexible.
Man, I forgot to mention my intarweb friends in that last paragraph! I enjoy being laughed at on IRC still, and I still want to do stuff with N-Philes... but having no money severely puts a damper on that. I should step it up though. Also, I plan on winning enough money in a fishing tournament next weekend to buy a Nintendo DS w00ty w00t. I'm sure if you know me you'd know that by now though.
I got Megan to weed my entire town clean of 10 months of collective weeds in Animal Crossing; she's so awesome. Insert joke about lol woman doing her job of cleaning up and etc bake pies lol. Man, why the hell am I writing this blog entry. Make me do one when things are shitty and I feel sad.
COol flaming LiPS
:: Floydthebarber 10/13/2004 11:30:00 PM
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