:: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 ::
Okay well I never do these stupid things, but It's only 3:20 and I don't quite feel like sleeping yet SO... (oh thanks to Jen for letting me steelos this) Hopefully after I'm done with this I'll have the survey itch out of my system for another year.
1. Name: James (that was easy only having to backspace two letters)
2. Birthday: Thursday July 23rd 1987
3. Age: Do the math ya moran
4. Hair Color: dirty blondish
5. Eye Color: hazel green
6. Nationality: American? British, Europeish, Germanish.
7. Sex: yes pls LOL INTERNET JOKES!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
8. Height: 5'8" or 9"
9. Weight: a paltry 135 140 when loaded with taquitos and dew
10. Where were you born?: Rex Hospital Raleigh NC
11. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be? uh probably Jamie since I tend to get that a lot anyways
12. Brothers or Sisters?: two younger brothers
13. How many?: durrr two
14. Names?: Tommy and Alex
15. Who's your favorite?: Hey I can't answer that
16. Who's your least favorite?: ^^^^
17. If you're an only child...do you want any brothers or sisters?: n/a
18. Parents/Guardians name?: Ben and Megan
19. Who's your favorite?: Each of them definitely have different loveable qualities
20. Do you like your family?: I'm incredibly thankful I actually do
21. If you could, who's parents would you have?(out of your friends): oh man... ryan H's dad seems to know lots of cool stuff, Nathan's dad too... I have no idea.
22. If you could, who's brothers/sisters would you have?(same): fuck if i know
23. Best friend(s)?: Nathan, Megan, April, Christina.
24. What do you have in common with them(or he/she)?: Nathan: love of basically all cool things evar and lots of shared experiences. April: the person I can ask questions and listen to on the most emotional, closest level of anybody ever. She's so honest and loveable. Christina: We can relate on a lot of things and there just seems to be this deeper connection between our personalities I can't really explain. Megan: the one person on this earth I truly feel I could spend every day with for the rest of my life and not grow tired of her in the least. We have just enough in common to love each other to death but enough differences to actually sustain a relationship. love love.
25. What do you like to do with them?: el oh el three of them are girls but don't get any ideas. nathan and I rock it up in video games mostly. haha actually megan and i enjoy playing games too, or watching movies or spending hours holding each other close and talking for hours. april and I will do whatever we can whenever that is, and i love laughing with christina.
26. Most trustworthy: probably nathan. I don't think he's ever really broken any sort of promise now that i think about it.
27. Funniest: ryan tedrick nate and phil
28. Dumbest: i'll say phil can act the dumbest, but he's actually quite keen on things so it'd be unfair to call him the dumbest. his comedy is the dumbest we'll say hehe
29. Smartest: I guess that would be Chris Lynch for the longest time. Probably Ryan H, that boy can solve anything evar. Oh and Stephen Semcho in french
30. Best Laugh: Christina and her hand-wavey thing gets me every time, so ridiculous
31. Best Smile: Megan
32. Best Eyes: Megan
33. Funnest to be with: You mean most fun, you illiterate grammar clod? Megan or ryan t
34. If you woke up one morning and one of your legs were gone...who would you call first?: probably God in a very loud, shrill, angry tone.
35. Who's the person you talk to most on the phone?: I barely talk on the phone, but it's definitely megan nowadays
36. Do you have any friends that you have never seen?: All of my intarweb friends. at least 30. E3 2006 baby!!
37. Who do you see the most?: Megan, then Anna, Stephen, and SB at school. Oh and Phil and Nate at school.
38. Who have you known the longest?: Taylor Morrison (not a friend anymore) and Megan (funny how that works out)
39. Who's your worst enemy?: uhhh my inner struggles between what I know is right and the issues I drive between myself frequently. Nevermind I don't think that made any sense...
40. What don't you like about them?: This is too confusing to answer at 3:30 am
41. Was he/she your friend before?: la;sldkfjasf
42. Are they a dumbass?: asd;fjasdf
43. Did they do something to you, or do you just not like them cause of their stupidity?: whatever
Love Life
44. Do you have a crush?: LOL KEKEKEKE CRUSH KAWAII ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; no, I don't have a "crush"
45. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes, I do have a girlfriend.
46. What is their name?: If you read this you know. Megan (best middle name evar: Lianne)
47. How long have you liked them?: Well I remember trying to woo her during naptime in kindergarten or first grade, then there was a little fiasco in late 2001 and we've been steady since valentines 2003 :D
48. How long have you been going out?: uh 1 year, 4 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 12 hoursish
49. Are you really in to them? or Are you just eh?: LOL VERY INTO HER
50. What do you like about them?: her deep-down purity and how much she's helped me grow as a person. oh, and i can spend hours with her and they won't feel wasted :D
51. Do you think you'll last?: I catch myself sometimes doing gay things like imagining our wedding, children's names, etc. You decide.
52. (for crushes ) Do you think they like you?: KEKEKEKE
53. Do you think you'll ever go out?: KEKEK AI HOPE SO!!11
54. Have you gone out in the past?: We did, yeah. Sort of.
55. Color: green
56. Food: pocky, taquitos, mac and cheese, chow mein noodles, lots of nasty shit...
57. Music Genre: Rock, though that's not a fair assesment. Almost anything seriously
58. Band: of all time? Arg okay I'll have to say Pink Floyd
59. Solo Artist: does MC Hawking count lolz? um at the moment it's christopher o' reiley. I can't think of too many literal SOLO acts at the moment heh.
60. Number: it follows my idols... used to be 27 now it looks to be 42 for a while now
61. Letter: durr W because it's so confusing!
62. Word: i've caught myself saying "let's see" online a lot. I don't know.
63. Swear Word: I think I patented the phrase "fucking hell", I often find myself yelling this. Of all the curse words to use frequently this is a pretty bad combo, eh? I actually scared megan while watching Jurrasic Park today and she hit me real hard and yelled 'FUCKING HELL JAMES' and it reminded me of how she must have picked that up from me. Such a bad influence, I am.
64. Song: changes every few seconds
65. Day of the week: Friday
67. Month: November or December
68. Year: I dunno... this one's faring quite well. 1998?
69. Age you were: Learning all kinds of stuff at 15 was fun.
70. Season: depths of winter. an excuse to be a recluse like my nerd-instincts tell me. i'm a rhymin' machine watch out!
71. Fruit: Cantaloupe? Apples? I love lots of fruit!
72. Veggie: French cut green beans mmmmm
73. Ice Cream: chocolate chip cookie dough with sprinkles and caramel mmm god
74. Movie: haha god I can't decide. It used to be UHF
75. Junk Food: Everything I eat is god damn junk food. Probably pocky or barbecue flavored potato chips or OH MAN JELLY BEANS!
76. Cartoon: Probably Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
77. T.V Show: I don't watch too much TV, I dunno. MXC?
78. Reality Show: Fuck em'
79. Celebrity(including musicians and actors/actresses): It'd be an injustice to decide between them
Okay, this thing is fucking long as hell. I'll do the second half tomorrow or whenever.
:: Floydthebarber 6/29/2004 03:13:00 AM
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