:: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 ::
mr mOo237: so here's my studio64 moment
mr mOo237: [22:07:48] today our soccer team of 16-17 year olds scrimmaged alongside these 14 year old girls and i jumped for the ball and headed it while simultaneously grinding my privates into this girl's back \m/
[22:08:11] I think I scarred her for life
[22:09:17] Is your penis sharp?
[22:09:24] zing
The Uber Baka: hahahahaha
mr mOo237: they were hot for 13-14 year olds
mr mOo237: :-[
The Uber Baka: lol. poor floyd
mr mOo237: is it sad that the first thing I think of when picturing them is "way too tight"?
The Uber Baka: uhm
The Uber Baka: yeah, probably haha
mr mOo237: poor floyd indeed then
mr mOo237: lollers the thought never REAAAAAAALLY crossed my mind
mr mOo237: it was more like "that poor girl just got mah nuts all over her sorry"
mr mOo237: then I kept playing
mr mOo237: time to end this conversation
mr mOo237: heh
The Uber Baka: haha
The Uber Baka: yeah, might be a good idea
The Uber Baka: or not
mr mOo237: hahaha
mr mOo237: what with all the budding teenagers and their beautiful, new, gently protruding breasts.....mmmm...
The Uber Baka: I have no idea dude
The Uber Baka: lol
mr mOo237: suuuuuuuure
The Uber Baka: so how about those supple bosoms eh?
***********END TRANSMISSION ABORT ABORT*************************
:: Floydthebarber 4/20/2004 10:23:00 PM
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Okay, so last night I had this dream where I went to www.thinkgeek.com and signed into my account, only to notice that there was more information there than normal; there was this section that displayed the date, location, and charge of a bunch of arrests of my mom for smoking marijuana in 1974 which made me very confused later as to why I would dream of something like that until I realized I love the 70s, its 4-20, and I'm an insane guy who revels in the fact that he can create ridiculously long sentences while still maintaining a near-perfect level of technically grammatical prowess and correction- something many people, young and old, have a difficult time coming to grips to.
:: Floydthebarber 4/20/2004 07:27:00 PM
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:: Thursday, April 15, 2004 ::
Not much can be said that hasn't been played through hundreds of times already through my mind; the accident that killed two students and has permanently scarred the third has left me in a deep state of thought, even though I didn't personally know the two who died. I haven't spoken to Katie in almost two years, but she's always been the sweetest girl... my first crush and obsession in elementary school and as time wore on a more distant source of perkyness during the school day. The entire situation lies more distant from me than others, but perhaps I should be grateful in a way for that. From what I can gather, both the truck and the car had green lights, but as we all should know with green on a left turn you should yield in places like that... or at the very least watch where you're going... I don't to place any blame directly upon anybody at this point, especially Katie; I'm sure she'll do plenty of that to herself, and the law will have its way... such a terrible thing.
I'm fairly convinced that Megan's parents will have a change of heart and not let me drive her around, but we'll see. My parents wouldn't do anything like that though. I think I need to redirect these thoughts I'm having towards the friends whom I owe it to to keep up with them. My life would become real miserable real fast if I didn't get that last chance to speak with my Christinas or say that final I love you to my Aprils... you all are not forgotten in the least.
It's 12:15 and I have school tomorrow... sleep is the operative word in this sentence. God bless. (And while I'm thinking about it, I hope Dave comes to grips with God and how he relates to situations like this unfolding... it doesn't make any sense for God to prevent such catastrophic occurances, because he would be breaking all of the foundations of life and the universe that we all, for better or worse, appreciate so dear. Free will, Dave... Anna seems to have come to grips rather well with this "questioning God's actions or lack thereof" dilemma, and I pray Dave does too... I pray for that kid whenever I can. Who knows if one day he or any of us decides to go driving on a similar disasterous path.)
:: Floydthebarber 4/15/2004 12:05:00 AM
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