:: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 ::
This moment of blogging zen brought to you by #studio64:
[22:41:42] *xsex> thats definatly tuna and not a vagina in the dish washer though lolololololol
[22:44:04] *Mank> You know, I've never smelled a vagina that smelled like fish
[22:44:15] *Mank> Does it only smell like fish if it's not properly groomed or something?
[22:44:38] *Admiral_Tailz> also if it belongs to a mermaid
[22:45:08] *Mank> The vagina I've smelled just smell like pennies mixed with a super strong sour tang powder
[22:45:20] *Ed> I'd say dig, Waffle.
[22:45:20] *Admiral_Tailz> haha
[22:45:42] *Mank> Oh man I was driving home from allie's and sniffing my fingers and I shivvered in delight and almost crashed
[22:46:02] *waffle> Ed: ha, I just remembered nslookup is depricated
[22:46:13] * evil_gordita (robman7000@evil.org) Quit (Quit: This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. )
[22:46:29] *waffle> jesus, are you looking to double the size of !mank?
[22:46:35] *Sigma> haha
[22:46:43] *Mank> Hah
[22:46:53] *Sigma> Paging Lak to the studio
[22:46:54] *Mank> Just bored!
[22:47:05] *Admiral_Tailz> I'm just trying to imagine this smell you described
[22:47:06] *Ed> can nslookup even find servers by zone?
[22:47:29] *Lakitu7> I've always found that drying saliva can sometimes smell like vagina.
[22:47:35] *Mank> HAHAHAHAHA
[22:47:36] *Sigma> ...
[22:47:52] *Admiral_Tailz> this should be a gameshow
[22:48:03] *Admiral_Tailz> where you have to smell things and guess which one is a vagina
[22:48:04] *Emily> Thaaanks, what a lovely image.
[22:48:05] *Mank> "And now it's time for... Smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell that vagina!!!!"
[22:48:08] *Lakitu7> Thank you, than you. The internet is cool.
[22:48:09] *Admiral_Tailz> haha
[22:48:31] *Emily> Really, can someone help my sister with this virus thing?
[22:48:31] *Admiral_Tailz> I'm sorry, it's actually week-old ham!
[22:48:46] *Lakitu7> My newly-ex ex informed me that the aftertaste of white wine tastes exactly like semen.
[22:48:48] *Sigma> I think the last vagina I saw was defective.
[22:48:59] *Lakitu7> May as well ruin that for you too.
[22:49:02] *Sigma> to go along with the defective personality she had.
:: Floydthebarber 2/24/2004 11:25:00 PM
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