:: Thursday, February 05, 2004 ::
Hey I'm a teenager and I have a lot of free time and little paper in creative writing, so I just scribble stuff down then don't edit it and decrease my blog readership by posting random shit!
The rings slowly close up their gaps
to face a grasp on numbing chores
Mine is gone, on hers I wait
behind invisible doors
A remote enters from the right
and triggers much delay
Her face now fills with worried tears
as my spark turns away
A soggy pair of shoes turn filled
with misery of broken days
Reforged with touch of flesh on flesh
and radiant shades of grey
Left to right she pushed herself
a tustle of the two
Yet one lay lumped upon the rug
the lights burned grey to blue
The sandbox gone
Sinatra stays
Friends and foes
feel gone today
The more I read it, the better it sound but everybody is always obsessed with their own work.
:: Floydthebarber 2/05/2004 08:34:00 PM
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