:: Friday, November 28, 2003 ::

#10 ~ The Complex ~ The Blue Man Group
I hear the concerts rock. I should go sometime. Not all of the songs on this are stellar, but there are definitely some catchy ones. Hooray for weird tubes. Oh oh! And it’s funny. They’ve grown a lot over all these years. I would recommend this to you if you enjoy pvc and weird noises and blue people. Oh yeah!

#9 ~ Room On Fire ~ The Strokes
TheHumanCow told me to download the new album from these guys, and once again his musical taste doesn’t fail in paralleling my own. I had heard a few songs by The Strokes before, and after listening through this one so much I feel guilty not digging their older stuff sooner. The riffs are straight up and catchy, and the music is very American sounding.

#8 ~ Self-Titled ~ The All-American Rejects
So I bought into a pop band… fuck you. These guys are pretty good. Well I think this album is pretty good for a first release. Their next one will be a true testament to their lasting value and talent. In the mean time, I can look past the vaguely whiny lyrics and appreciate the catchy tunes and energy these dudes have. I saw a video one time of them all getting tattoos together.

#7 ~ The Wolf ~ Andrew W.K.
Those brits have a lot of pent up angst, and Andrew W.K. is their (an my) savior for release. He also happens to be the hilarious pillar of hilarious hilarity among many many nerds online. I didn’t think it could get better than Party Hard, but the song Make Sex is an epic and MOVING piece of musical art. This album will be touching the bleeding hearts of angst-filled teenagers for millennia to come. And besides, this album speaks to me. After all, I LOVE MUSIC and also I am TOTALLY STUPID and REALLY IN LOVE. \m/

#6 ~ True Love Waits ~ Christopher O’ Riley
Okay, so O’ Reiley didn’t actually write the music on this album himself, but his playing is so fucking incredible that it merits it’s own place on the top 10. Basically he covers about 15 Radiohead songs entirely solo and entirely on the piano. I don’t think I’ve heard somebody play piano this expressively in a long time. While most of it is slow, somehow it seems perfectly fitting for background music during Gunbound or whatnot. You don’t even have to be a fan of radiohead, just a fan of classical. A perfect blend of the two.
:: Floydthebarber 11/28/2003 09:47:00 AM
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