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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Sunday, September 21, 2003 ::

When in doubt, always consult your best friend. Thanks, April. I'll always love ya!

mr mOo237 (7:49:04 PM): hi april
softballanjul44 (7:49:07 PM): hey
mr mOo237 (7:49:14 PM): today has been interesting
mr mOo237 (7:49:19 PM): i pissed a lot of people off with my opinion
mr mOo237 (7:49:26 PM): but hey what else is new
mr mOo237 (7:49:43 PM): by a lot, I mean jen and anna
softballanjul44 (7:53:55 PM): oh
softballanjul44 (7:53:59 PM): what was your opinion?
mr mOo237 (7:54:06 PM): weeeeeeeeelll
mr mOo237 (7:54:10 PM): let's see if i can summarize
mr mOo237 (7:54:27 PM): it started when anna and jen have just been saying lots of sad depressing angsty etc stuff in their blogs
mr mOo237 (7:54:34 PM): and they say stuff that is really wishy-washy
mr mOo237 (7:55:07 PM): and I told them how frustrating it is to be somebody on the outside and be told stupid shit like that
softballanjul44 (7:55:23 PM): yeah
softballanjul44 (7:55:24 PM): i agree
mr mOo237 (7:55:25 PM): blah diddy blah since they're the ones IN the situtation they took what I said out of proportion
mr mOo237 (7:55:29 PM): you can read my blog etc
softballanjul44 (7:55:43 PM): i already did
mr mOo237 (7:56:41 PM): so what did I do wrong?
mr mOo237 (7:56:49 PM): i need another person's opinion on what I said
softballanjul44 (7:56:58 PM): well they probably are only mad cuz they're the ones IN the situation.. like you said
mr mOo237 (7:56:58 PM): other than from the people I directed my comments to
softballanjul44 (7:57:12 PM): cuz i bet they'd feel the same way if you said something like that
mr mOo237 (7:57:43 PM): yeah
mr mOo237 (7:59:08 PM): so what did I do wrong
mr mOo237 (7:59:11 PM): what should I say to them
mr mOo237 (7:59:20 PM): I dunno....it's a big mess
softballanjul44 (7:59:33 PM): "sorry for coming off so harsh but its just kind of hard to read that and not think that"
softballanjul44 (7:59:37 PM): id say something like that
mr mOo237 (8:00:11 PM): I did take a cheap shot at anna that I don't REALLY MEAN though
softballanjul44 (8:00:32 PM): well apologize for it
softballanjul44 (8:00:43 PM): and just be like its really frustrating, etc.
mr mOo237 (8:00:45 PM): what they are "hiding" from me is one of our friends was feeling suicidal supposedly and anna couldn't help them so jen is
mr mOo237 (8:01:03 PM): and I told anna that she was handling this childishly
mr mOo237 (8:01:10 PM): it's like nobody's fucking heard of ADULTS
mr mOo237 (8:01:16 PM): or other peers that can help
softballanjul44 (8:01:19 PM): are you serious???
softballanjul44 (8:01:23 PM): they need to tell someone
mr mOo237 (8:01:26 PM): they told me "well this person only wants one person to help"
mr mOo237 (8:01:41 PM): jen bitches about how much stress it causes her
softballanjul44 (8:01:43 PM): so! it doesnt matter what they want
softballanjul44 (8:01:53 PM): they're thinkin about fuckin killin themselves
mr mOo237 (8:02:14 PM): obviously it's better to keep it quiet in a close circle of friends so that person doesn't feel upset
softballanjul44 (8:02:17 PM): im sorry this isnt the time to be like "whatever makes you happy" it should be "whatever helps you through this so you will be happy"
mr mOo237 (8:02:17 PM): that is their reasoning
softballanjul44 (8:02:23 PM): thats dumb
mr mOo237 (8:02:29 PM): is their reasoning good?
mr mOo237 (8:02:37 PM): I don't think so.
softballanjul44 (8:02:38 PM): it is in certain situations
softballanjul44 (8:02:40 PM): but not this one
mr mOo237 (8:02:58 PM): it's not like "blah blah broke up with blah blah and feels sad and only wants jen to help"
mr mOo237 (8:03:04 PM): I could understand how I need to stay out of that
softballanjul44 (8:03:08 PM): yeah
softballanjul44 (8:03:16 PM): but this person is thinking of killing themselves
softballanjul44 (8:03:20 PM): this is a little more serious
mr mOo237 (8:03:22 PM): and anna said I know the person
mr mOo237 (8:03:35 PM): I don't know if they STILL feel like that, or if they're recovering
mr mOo237 (8:03:46 PM): either way I don't think it's good to keep it to one or two people
softballanjul44 (8:04:01 PM): i totally agree with you
mr mOo237 (8:04:27 PM): it wouldn't HURT at all
mr mOo237 (8:04:29 PM): i mean
mr mOo237 (8:04:40 PM): if letting one or two people know is causing this much stress on these two people
mr mOo237 (8:04:47 PM): wouldn't it make sense to have several people help?
mr mOo237 (8:05:00 PM): or at least be aware of the situation so they could help inadvertantly by acting different aroudn that person?
mr mOo237 (8:05:05 PM): by not saying certain things
softballanjul44 (8:05:09 PM): yeah
mr mOo237 (8:05:27 PM): because this friend...if i knew who it was, i'd be sure not to press any of their buttons and help them get better without directly adressing them about their problem
mr mOo237 (8:05:32 PM): but that's now how jen and anna feel about it
mr mOo237 (8:05:35 PM): and it's pissing me off
softballanjul44 (8:06:08 PM): g2g

I'll go ahead and paste what I said when I talked with anna too. Maybe I'll edit some.

mr mOo237 (3:21:32 PM): yeah sorry for all those comments i'll keep them to myself and megan from now on
mr mOo237 (3:21:47 PM): no sense making a fuss
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:21:49 PM): it's all right
mr mOo237 (3:22:12 PM): well apparently not so I won't bother anymore
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:22:33 PM): I'm not making a fuss over it
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:23:15 PM): It's your opinion, and well I understand where most of it is coming from even if I don't completly agree
mr mOo237 (3:24:17 PM): " well nothing against you darling but... some of the things going on right now I just can't talk about." this doesn't make sense because you DO talk about them in your blog, just in a roundabout way. blogs are public.
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:24:46 PM): I can't talk about them in detail is what I meant
mr mOo237 (3:24:50 PM): and publicly saying somethign without actually saying the rest to fill people in is annoying to people like me
mr mOo237 (3:25:09 PM): *sigh*
mr mOo237 (3:25:11 PM): say what you mean pls
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:25:48 PM): Well you see I can understand that you feel that way about it but I have to say some things I can't keep everything completly locked inside of me
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:25:52 PM): I learned that lesson
mr mOo237 (3:26:20 PM): i'm not saying to keep it to yourself
mr mOo237 (3:26:28 PM): but maybe it's just not something you should put in a blog?
mr mOo237 (3:26:55 PM): not one that everybody reads
mr mOo237 (3:27:07 PM): you can make private blogs
mr mOo237 (3:27:29 PM): i give up
mr mOo237 (3:27:40 PM): put whatever you want in the damn things
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:27:51 PM): :-) I see where you're coming from I just don't exactly agree that's it
mr mOo237 (3:27:52 PM): you're the sanist of the sane
mr mOo237 (3:27:57 PM): you don't have problems
mr mOo237 (3:28:04 PM): other people have problems which give you problems
mr mOo237 (3:28:22 PM): jen's always so angsty
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:28:26 PM): That's basically it my problems are nothing compared to others
mr mOo237 (3:28:31 PM): and I honestly think it's over stuff she doesn't need to be over
mr mOo237 (3:28:52 PM): but she doesn't see it like that of course she doesn't I dont' EXPECT her to see it like that and I can't change her view
mr mOo237 (3:29:02 PM): so when i bring something up it's completely wrong to her
mr mOo237 (3:29:06 PM): until she notices later
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:29:07 PM): Some of the things she deals with are amazing I really don't know how she does it to tell you the truth
mr mOo237 (3:29:39 PM): I can't take people as having serious problems if I don't ahve any proof
mr mOo237 (3:29:46 PM): so she can't get upset where I come from.
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:30:03 PM): Well she did tell you about the ton of her friends that are.. suicidal
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:30:09 PM): I'd consider that pretty big
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:30:14 PM): and serious
mr mOo237 (3:30:19 PM): I can't sympathize and understand her stress from friends who slit their wrists and feel suicidal since I don't know these people and can't tell if that's true or not
mr mOo237 (3:30:40 PM): the problem is most of the time these teens just need attention
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:30:44 PM): I know a couple of them.. and it's very true
mr mOo237 (3:30:45 PM): they feel that way because of a lack of it
mr mOo237 (3:30:52 PM): and if they are cared for they become okay again
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:31:06 PM): You're right.. and Jen's the one who cares for them
mr mOo237 (3:31:06 PM): like I said i ahve to go on assumptions because I don't know these people
mr mOo237 (3:31:19 PM): well then it's NOT QUITE that serious
mr mOo237 (3:31:26 PM): lots of people can FEEL that way sometimes
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:31:32 PM): well you see it's a TON of stress on her
mr mOo237 (3:31:36 PM): but you don't need to become completely absorbed in their world
mr mOo237 (3:31:39 PM): which is what she does
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:31:47 PM): Keeping a bunch of people alive... that's what she does
mr mOo237 (3:31:49 PM): she won't listen to me
mr mOo237 (3:32:04 PM): you can keep people alive without sacrificing part of yourself
mr mOo237 (3:32:26 PM): she should be trying to help these people help themselves
mr mOo237 (3:32:30 PM): not just help them herself
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:32:31 PM): Not really.. because in situations like this she has to put her heart and soul into it to bring them up.. and it drags her down
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:32:38 PM): I know this b/c I've been in the situation
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:32:47 PM): well you see sometimes people don't want to help themselves
mr mOo237 (3:33:10 PM): i'm sure that jen is not the ONLY PERSON that cares for these people...
mr mOo237 (3:33:17 PM): jen doesn't need to take it all upon herself
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:33:23 PM): I know in one situation she is
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:33:28 PM): And that's acutally my fault
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:33:48 PM): I couldn't handle it so I kinda well gave up and she took over
mr mOo237 (3:33:52 PM): I find that hard to believe that jen is the only peer of this person that cares about them
mr mOo237 (3:34:04 PM): how many people would show up at their funeral? that's how many peers care
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:34:24 PM): Some people don't know how many people that care for them and don't believe anybody cares for them
mr mOo237 (3:34:26 PM): not just jen i can assure myself of that unless you can point me to a teenager who lives a soliasdfl;asdfj ah nevermind
mr mOo237 (3:34:41 PM): which is why the people they are overlooking need to step in
mr mOo237 (3:34:42 PM): not just jen
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:34:51 PM): They won't let anybody help
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:35:04 PM): except jen.. which is my fault again it used to be me
mr mOo237 (3:35:06 PM): if jen wants to take this all upon herself by herself, then this might sound kind of mean but she deserves all that stress
mr mOo237 (3:35:21 PM): for handling it childishly
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:35:27 PM): She doesn't exactly have a choice... if she doesn't then people could die
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:35:39 PM): Actually i don't know about people
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:35:43 PM): let me correct that A person
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:35:49 PM): and i'm not sure if that's still the situation
mr mOo237 (3:35:56 PM): is this person somebody i know or not
mr mOo237 (3:35:59 PM): just tell me dammit
mr mOo237 (3:36:14 PM): don't tell me who just tell me if i know them.
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:36:19 PM): I wish I could tell you that but I think that's a little too much information
mr mOo237 (3:36:30 PM): tell me if i know them or not
mr mOo237 (3:36:53 PM): what makes you so special and privy to this information if you can't help them like you claim
mr mOo237 (3:37:06 PM): *sigh*
mr mOo237 (3:37:37 PM): i'm not going to approach this person
mr mOo237 (3:37:40 PM): it's just nice to know
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:37:47 PM): James, me and jen have taken it upon ourselves to help anybody who asks. This one person I was helping. I just couldn't handle it. So, Jen took over. And I'm very ashamed of this but it's the truth
mr mOo237 (3:37:48 PM): so i know how to treat them.
mr mOo237 (3:38:07 PM): I know that much.
mr mOo237 (3:38:10 PM): do I know this person.
mr mOo237 (3:38:14 PM): ?
mr mOo237 (3:38:23 PM): that is not too much information to ask.
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:38:56 PM): Actually, it is because me and jen have much trust at stake
mr mOo237 (3:39:08 PM): anna
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:39:13 PM): and it's killing me inside I want to answer your question but I can't
mr mOo237 (3:39:22 PM): you can tell me if i know them or not.
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:39:45 PM): Be logical.. what would be the reason i'm not answering your question
mr mOo237 (3:39:49 PM): that has nothing to do with the severity of the problem
mr mOo237 (3:39:58 PM): well then you could have just saved me the trouble
mr mOo237 (3:40:01 PM): i just wanted you to say it.
mr mOo237 (3:40:20 PM): I'm fairly certain it's jill I have heard lots about such things but then again i'm just guessing.
mr mOo237 (3:40:39 PM): and if it is then everything you are telling me is a crazy lie
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:40:45 PM): I can tell you it's not Jill.. but don't guess anymore
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:41:20 PM): Jill's fine
mr mOo237 (3:41:42 PM): if it's somebody i know then obviously everybody else in that group know them too and cars
mr mOo237 (3:41:50 PM): so there's no reason for just jen to attack the problem
mr mOo237 (3:41:58 PM): but go ahead and handle this like you two want to...
mr mOo237 (3:42:10 PM): i'll sit back and do nothing like i'm supposed to since I don't understand or whatever
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:42:10 PM): How do you want her to attack the problem?
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:42:15 PM): What do you want us to do James?
mr mOo237 (3:42:19 PM): not by yourselves
mr mOo237 (3:42:40 PM): and of course not a million people that is overwhelming to the person in trouble
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:43:05 PM): With some people.. having even one person know is hard
mr mOo237 (3:43:56 PM): yep
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:44:02 PM): And james don't think we are excluding you or whatever.. we're not... I mean there are even secrets between me and jen because we don't break people's trust
mr mOo237 (3:44:15 PM): if something bad ever happens that could have POSSIBLY been prevented by having me help I will never forgive anybody involved.
mr mOo237 (3:44:28 PM): or somebody else help
mr mOo237 (3:44:52 PM): I don't want to see bad things come from a problem being solved this way
mr mOo237 (3:44:56 PM): especially when it's avoidable
daannc HICK0 0 7 (3:45:33 PM): I understand what you mean..
mr mOo237 (3:46:31 PM): I wish children understood how serious suicide is and how to handle it.

Later that night, bear with me if you're reading all this...
mr mOo237 (8:06:51 PM): sorry about that last remark i shot at you I didn't wholly mean it.
mr mOo237 (8:06:58 PM): but you aren't acting right about all this...
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:07:07 PM): how do you want me to act james?
mr mOo237 (8:07:38 PM): well I think it would be best for you and this person and me and everybody...
mr mOo237 (8:07:42 PM): if you weren't so secretive about it
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:07:48 PM): it isn't my choice
mr mOo237 (8:07:52 PM): I talked with april tonight and feel a lot better about my opinions now
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:07:53 PM): if it was, then i would tell
mr mOo237 (8:08:20 PM): anna I don't think you're being wholly truthful with yourself..
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:08:28 PM): how?
mr mOo237 (8:08:40 PM): by saying you are incapable of telling others
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:08:50 PM): well I could, yes
mr mOo237 (8:09:11 PM): if you can't see that then........then........god......
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:14 PM): I know what you mean
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:16 PM): I see it
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:21 PM): but don't you see i DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:27 PM): it kills me inside knowing things like this
mr mOo237 (8:09:30 PM): I just suggested to you!
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:36 PM): I know
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:40 PM): you want me to tell everyone
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:41 PM): I know
mr mOo237 (8:09:45 PM): is this person STILL suicidal, or just upset and recovering
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:47 PM): and that's what i want to do
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:09:52 PM): upset and recovering
mr mOo237 (8:10:01 PM): now anna
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:10:07 PM): if they were STILL then i would have told
mr mOo237 (8:10:09 PM): how can anybody help this person if they dont know there is a problem?
mr mOo237 (8:10:23 PM): or what the problem is or how to help it
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:10:29 PM): what do you mean
mr mOo237 (8:10:50 PM): how do I know what to do to help this person, and I DO NEED TO HELP, and EVERYBODY NEEDS TO HELP, if you keep everything secret?
mr mOo237 (8:11:08 PM): If you do not inform me of their situation, I do not know how to act around them
mr mOo237 (8:11:24 PM): if I know, then i can avoid certain subjects and treat them a little differently to inadvertantly help them
mr mOo237 (8:11:34 PM): same goes for everybody else who cares about that person
mr mOo237 (8:11:39 PM): and that's the fact.
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:11:58 PM): I wish there were no secrets...... but people trust me with their secrets you must understand that I can't go telling everybody
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:12:10 PM): I'm not saying I don't trust you... I do trust you and I value your opinion
mr mOo237 (8:12:14 PM): and you repeatedly cannot give me an aswer why
mr mOo237 (8:12:21 PM): you cannot tell me why you can't tell
mr mOo237 (8:12:29 PM): which is why what you're saying doesn't make any sense
mr mOo237 (8:12:41 PM): it doesn't make sense to anybody outside of the situation
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:12:45 PM): It's because the person does not wish for me to tell b/c it is their problem and they don't want a lot of people to know
mr mOo237 (8:12:45 PM): and maybe that's a hint
mr mOo237 (8:12:57 PM): sometimes you have to go agains the sick person's wishes
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:13:03 PM): No james I'm not trying to alienate you if that's what youre saying
mr mOo237 (8:13:06 PM): they're not thinking straight
mr mOo237 (8:13:14 PM): you're alienating everybody
mr mOo237 (8:13:21 PM): me, other friends, this person's parents...
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:13:35 PM): i dont TRY to james i have this problem i keep everything inside of me i'm scared what will happen when people know
mr mOo237 (8:13:48 PM): but it's not even something ABOUT YOU anna
mr mOo237 (8:13:52 PM): it's about somebody else
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:13:56 PM): some things are about me james
mr mOo237 (8:13:56 PM): you're not telling me something personal about you
mr mOo237 (8:14:12 PM): unless you've been talking in the third person this whole time and you are the one that felt suicidal
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:14:20 PM): those people are scared of what people will thing
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:14:22 PM): think*
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:14:27 PM): no i'm not suicidal james
mr mOo237 (8:14:31 PM): I didn't think so.
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:15:18 PM): i understand what you mean by you want to know so that you advoid certain things... but you see some people are paranoid for people to know those sensitive subjects b/c they can also be used against them
mr mOo237 (8:15:46 PM): sometimes you have to go against the will of the person who is in trouble so you can help them in the long run
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:15:57 PM): i know
mr mOo237 (8:16:05 PM): this person obviously does not know what is good for them
mr mOo237 (8:16:10 PM): if they felt like killing themselves
mr mOo237 (8:16:13 PM): agreed?
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:16:17 PM): and i might be about to do that b/c i've been thinking about what you've been saying
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:16:31 PM): but i have to talk to someone first and decide if they are on the road to getting better or if they aren't
mr mOo237 (8:16:49 PM): do you disagree or agree with my former statement?
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:17:04 PM): it depends on the situation
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:17:08 PM): and the people involved
mr mOo237 (8:17:21 PM): well then obviously I am talking about this situation
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:17:37 PM): In this situation you are right
mr mOo237 (8:19:01 PM): well if they don't know what is good for them... why should you worry so much about this "trust" if breaking that trust to get them help will be better in the long run? ponder that for me
mr mOo237 (8:19:17 PM): nobody is going to make the situation worse, not people that it makes sense to tell
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:19:31 PM): James I don't want to get anybody else involved
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:19:39 PM): this whole thing has hurt me more than I could explain
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:19:44 PM): I dont' want it hurting anybody else
mr mOo237 (8:20:14 PM): don't get mad at me but...that's where the "childish" part of my statement comes in
mr mOo237 (8:20:42 PM): it is worse to let it fuck up one or two people than to have everybody, even if it isn't directly, helping the person
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:21:06 PM): But this person is getting better... that's my opinion
mr mOo237 (8:21:20 PM): well then what are you and jen so worried about?
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:21:23 PM): I'm talking to someone tonight and if their opinion differs then I'm going to get the courage to tell someone about it
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:21:36 PM): James, this situation has gone to the back burner
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:21:42 PM): I don't know what Jen's so worried about
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:21:46 PM): I have no idea
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:21:49 PM): I'm asking her tonight
mr mOo237 (8:21:55 PM): you should
mr mOo237 (8:22:02 PM): and tell me if it's applicable
mr mOo237 (8:22:08 PM): since jen doesn't want to listen to me really
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:22:20 PM): It's not that, last night she just got a little caught up in her anger
mr mOo237 (8:22:33 PM): if you talk to "this person" tonight and they are doing okay, which really you should know already, don't hesitate to tell me
mr mOo237 (8:22:42 PM): the ONLY PERSON I will tell is megan
mr mOo237 (8:22:46 PM): i'll be honest with you
mr mOo237 (8:22:53 PM): we can't hide anything from each other...
mr mOo237 (8:23:05 PM): so if you ever tell megan something, i'll probably find out, and vice versa
mr mOo237 (8:23:06 PM): hehe
mr mOo237 (8:23:16 PM): at least i'm being honest with you about that
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:23:44 PM): Yea... well james i do trust you you know, some people just don't like their deepest secrets being told..
mr mOo237 (8:23:57 PM): yep
mr mOo237 (8:24:28 PM): and that brings me to my original statement about what a person knows is or isn't best for them...so yes
mr mOo237 (8:24:32 PM): I am going to go play games now
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:24:36 PM): okay dokay
mr mOo237 (8:24:37 PM): I hope you do the right thing
daannc HICK0 0 7 (8:24:41 PM): so do i

How did James handle himself? Fine.

:: Floydthebarber 9/21/2003 09:25:00 PM [+] ::
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