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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Sunday, September 21, 2003 ::

Man did you see that huge comment left in there? Yeah, I'll respond to that later tonight maybe. I just had a long AIM convo with Jen, but I don't think we got very far. hey I got an idea I'll just paste the whole thing in here instead of summarizing.

hyperpoptart1212: hey...i just put a comment on your blog I'd appreciate if you'd read
mr mOo237: mmkay sure
mr mOo237: i love getting comments
hyperpoptart1212: you might not love this one
mr mOo237: uh oes
mr mOo237: if it's really long, you can email me
mr mOo237: *reads*
hyperpoptart1212: yeah, but i wanted this one posted
mr mOo237: haha, the two choices you gave me were "say nothing and keep your opinions to yourself" or still say nothing and keep my opinins to myself, but understand more. nice options.
hyperpoptart1212: lol oops
hyperpoptart1212: well i meant if u didnt want to talk about it and realize that im not kidding
mr mOo237: I shall address this in the open
mr mOo237: since you put it out in the open in the comments thing
hyperpoptart1212: fair enough
mr mOo237: this is the strategic point where I SHOULD shut up but will end up probably sounding like an asshole...but maybe someday, somewhere, you'll see in hindsight what i'm saying and apologize to me later.
hyperpoptart1212: i do see what youre saying, im doing everything in my power to understand what you mean
hyperpoptart1212: but you refuse to listen to me
hyperpoptart1212: because i'd imagine i've said this before, and i nkow anna has
hyperpoptart1212: *know
mr mOo237: you're saying the same things over and over
hyperpoptart1212: yes i am
hyperpoptart1212: but u havent understood it in the past
hyperpoptart1212: i thought maybe if it was that explicitly written out, maybe you'd at least try to
mr mOo237: your idea of understand is "agree with your point of view"
hyperpoptart1212: so is yours
mr mOo237: not for me to understand and "for my own point of view"
hyperpoptart1212: no
mr mOo237: *form
hyperpoptart1212: i think you need to stop complaining about what i write in my blog
hyperpoptart1212: thats all i said
mr mOo237: haha
mr mOo237: i'm not allowed to say anything?
hyperpoptart1212: it was either shut up and keep it to yourself, or try to understand
hyperpoptart1212: because things arent going to change
mr mOo237: come now, when you get all wishy-washy and say "GUYS THERE IS SOMETHING SO HUGE GOING ON RIGHT NOW BUT I CANT SAY BUT ILL SAY THAT I CANT SAY"
hyperpoptart1212: you say things arent important, nothings "really" the matter w/anyone
hyperpoptart1212: i just dont understnad how u can think that
hyperpoptart1212: well u know what james?
mr mOo237: because you are too immersed in things
mr mOo237: i think..
mr mOo237: what?
mr mOo237: i'm an asshole?
hyperpoptart1212: if i had told someone what was going on a while before, and they found out, someoen wouldve *CENCSORIEDKEVIDYKEV
mr mOo237: i get that alot :-(
hyperpoptart1212: excuse me for not wanting that to happen
mr mOo237: yes that *CESDF* thing was handled immaturely
mr mOo237: and thus i couldn't take it serious
mr mOo237: THE COPS
mr mOo237: oh well
mr mOo237: i already know your counter it's okay.
hyperpoptart1212: yeah, that "*FCDSFK*thing" was partially "CENSORIEDKEVIDYKEVKEVINJOGB"
mr mOo237: yes yes i know dear
mr mOo237: and nobody was going to KEVIDY KEV KEV
hyperpoptart1212: i agree
mr mOo237: so there wasn't a problem
hyperpoptart1212: gah
hyperpoptart1212: u just wont listen
hyperpoptart1212: you never will
mr mOo237: i'm listening right now
mr mOo237: it's just when I do listen
mr mOo237: you don't like what i have to say
mr mOo237: heh
hyperpoptart1212: u have no f******** idea whats gon on lately, and when i try to say i can't explain, you decide that means its nothing!
mr mOo237: not that it's NOTHING
mr mOo237: but I highly doubt it's that big, i'm sorry.
hyperpoptart1212: there's nothing that evil and horrible going on in anybody's life right now,
mr mOo237: at least with people you are mentioning that immediately know
hyperpoptart1212: *rolls eyes*
mr mOo237: i'm sorry if I don't like to dabble in these emotions and feelings that I don't feel I need to
hyperpoptart1212: exactly! youve got to pick one james!
mr mOo237: you're too immersed in all of this
hyperpoptart1212: either stay out of it completely
mr mOo237: that's your problem
mr mOo237: I like to keep ties with people
mr mOo237: since it's not very easy for me to make ties with people
hyperpoptart1212: i like to keep ties w/people too
mr mOo237: it just sounds like you don't like what i have to say so you're trying to get me to shut up
hyperpoptart1212: isnt that what u told me to do? "i dont understand what ur blog is talking about, so u shouldnt say it"
hyperpoptart1212: that was the general idea
mr mOo237: yeah, not say it in a blog.
hyperpoptart1212: why?
hyperpoptart1212: its ur choice to read it
hyperpoptart1212: im not forcing you
mr mOo237: pointless...repetitive...forces me to form an opinion of what is going on that is not completely right since i only hear whispers...
hyperpoptart1212: exactly...if you're not really involved in something, you're not going to understant. thats not your fault, but u act like its ours
mr mOo237: i'm glad that you once tried to tell me everything, and I tried to give you my honest to god nice opinion of it all and you didn't like it :-(
mr mOo237: so it's not my fault but you can get mad at me
mr mOo237: haha
hyperpoptart1212: james, i told u far from everything, but from waht i do remember telling you, i listend to your oppinion
mr mOo237: yes yes we all keep secrets
hyperpoptart1212: i told u about jill and matt...where u said i deserved better, and guess what? i got out of that relationship!
hyperpoptart1212: tada!
mr mOo237: so why hold back from me?
hyperpoptart1212: because people have told me things they dont want spread around
hyperpoptart1212: and im not going to betray them
mr mOo237: then maybe you shouldn't inadvertantly spread it around by saying wishy-washy things in a blog
mr mOo237: write it in a journal
mr mOo237: or better yet
mr mOo237: talk with the person having problems!
hyperpoptart1212: i do!
hyperpoptart1212: but sometimes its just a really good way to vent in a way that lets people know that im not going to be in a great mood
hyperpoptart1212: b/c if i say absolutely nothing
hyperpoptart1212: and then act pissed off, which i cant always help
hyperpoptart1212: everyone gets mad at me for not saying anything
hyperpoptart1212: i did that for MONTHS
hyperpoptart1212: and then i got a blog
mr mOo237: I don't think I have
hyperpoptart1212: and w/most people, it calmed down
hyperpoptart1212: u havent
hyperpoptart1212: others have
mr mOo237: so maybe it's their problem not yours
hyperpoptart1212: but u complain now instead
hyperpoptart1212: well then maybe this is ur problem not mine too?
mr mOo237: i'm not really "complaining" as much as observing
hyperpoptart1212: i cant make everyone happy james
mr mOo237: in the grand scheme of things it all doesn't matter
hyperpoptart1212: but this is working best for me
hyperpoptart1212: so thats what im going to continue doing
mr mOo237: i'm sorry if i find some things you talk about rather lighthearted
hyperpoptart1212: yeah, well u generally find out the less serious ones and after the fact
hyperpoptart1212: i just wish u could realize that, and know that im not kidding around when i get really scared sometimes
mr mOo237: i don't mean to sound condescending, but you'll learn to see things from my point of view and not get so bent out over some things...
hyperpoptart1212: im not a little 5 year old who cries when they drop their dolly
mr mOo237: millions of teens feel exactally like you
hyperpoptart1212: and thats what it feels like ur saying
mr mOo237: always
hyperpoptart1212: i know
mr mOo237: you deserve better than to let all these things bog you down
hyperpoptart1212: not exactly something i can control
mr mOo237: i don't know where to go with this conversation
hyperpoptart1212: like i said, i've dropped as much of the nosyness as i could
hyperpoptart1212: but people tell me things, and im not about to defy them the chance to have someone listen
mr mOo237: i'm just inherently incompatible with all of you i'm fairly certain
mr mOo237: I didn't choose you all to be friends... i started dating megan then realized "hey these people are nice and i'd see them a lot with megan now so why not be friends" things are bound to not work out as well between you and I as, say, someone you decided to be friends with yourself over time
mr mOo237: i'm not saying the friendships i've made are BAD
mr mOo237: far from it
mr mOo237: it's just they aren't the handpicked, close ones I am used to
mr mOo237: and i'm going to run into incompatibility issues
hyperpoptart1212: im not trying to say that i dont want to be friends with you...its just that you have a tendancy to over express your oppinions at times. i mean, even tonight...u just decided that friends get into bad relationships
mr mOo237: i'm learning how to have certain friends jen
hyperpoptart1212: uv never even seen me and corey since we've been together
mr mOo237: they normally do
mr mOo237: i said you two were an exception
hyperpoptart1212: so i dont think its fair to be judged on a statistical basis
hyperpoptart1212: and if we werent in the chat, would u ahve made us the exception?
mr mOo237: probably
mr mOo237: because when i think "sweet" you and corey's names come up first
mr mOo237: least likely to hurt each other kinda thing
hyperpoptart1212: ok...well them im dropping that point
mr mOo237: heh
hyperpoptart1212: look, im sorry that blogs have been so bad that you feel that great of need to talk about them in urs...and i dont want to lose ur friendship. i just wanted you to know how i felt, because if i didnt tell u i'd end up like secretly mad at u and never get over it. so yeah...now im just worked up so im going to stop arguing b/c its going to make me look like a jerk b/c i'm starting to say things more out of anger than i should after i calm down
mr mOo237: pink floyd music helps that
hyperpoptart1212: lol

----- uh, what? yeah. Let me consider my current assets and I'll get back to you later. bleep ------

:: Floydthebarber 9/21/2003 12:12:00 AM [+] ::
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