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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Sunday, July 20, 2003 ::

What the freakin' crap, since when did Anna and Jen and Corey get blogs? Well at least Jen and Anna. Thanks for telling me guys! Hehe well I've taken the liberty and adding you all to my "friends" links down there that seem to be lacking a bit. So yes. God, I read Jen's blog and I am royally confused. I know I shouldn't go dabbling in other people's buisness, I'll just get the cold shoulder from her which is probably the best. I just hope she doesn't get THAT attitude if I ever ask her about it. You know, the attitude that follows the lines of "oh trust me, you DON'T REALLY WANT TO KNOW THIS you can't handle it leave it to close friends, an outside third party would never ever help the situtation we'll just talk about it in front of you a lot blah blah blah" you know, the first thing that comes to mind is whatever the hell is going on with this SB girl. Or friends I sorta-kinda know and I hear whispers of suicide?!?! And they expect me to just sit here. God dammit you children. But whatever. If people don't want me to talk with them, I'm not gonna impose myself they are just missing out I guess. I can take it easy, its my profession.

I'm going to ramble on about my birthday for a few seconds, bear with me. Right now the people attenting looks to be Jen, Matt, Dave, Katie, Anna, Megan, Ryan T, Ryan H, Nathan, Nate, Phil, and David. That's 12. April, Christina, Jill, and Corey will all be gone :( Very sad indeed but not wholly unexpected. So for all of you looking for a cheap substitution or supplement to my birthday list, I got it. AOL CDs!!!!!!. I need approximately 546 to finish up my room, and that translates to needing lots of help from YOU all. I know I can count on you! Just grab handfulls from store displays don't be shy, I really need those CDs. My old passion for finishing this project up has been rekindled, and you all each bringing 20 CDs or so would help immensely. Thank you Thank you Thank you! See you all wednesday at around 5ish yaya. Some of you that would normally just sit around until five ANYWAYS are welcome to come by early I'm pretty sure, just do me a favor and informing me of this decision beforehand. hehe.

Is there anything left for me to ramble about. OH YES, teh partay I went to tonight. I'm getting the feeling that the subconcious purpose of this paragraph is to assure my girlfriend and everybody else that we didn't have some sort of wild orgy or something. I don't think you all understand. I've been friends with Ron and Sam (Veronica and Samantha) for a long time, and nothing will ever ever ever happen between us. There was also about a dozen of us kids there, so it wasn't like we were running off doing god knows what your imaginations are flaunting in your minds. we just drank a lot of soda and ate some food, played a little DDR, and watched our parents get drunk and start playing Jimmy Buffet really horribly on the acoustic guitar while Eric's mom "danced" in a drunken daze like we are accustomed to on new years....yeah you get the point. So uh anyways I get to see megan in about *looks at watch* holy crap, 12 hours! I could be a moron and not sleep through any of that from severe anticipation, but I should do myself a favor and get offline. Remind me to email Jared Siegel a letter sometime soon. Also, to wear my hat tomorrow. Just mention THE HAT I'll understand.

:: Floydthebarber 7/20/2003 02:37:00 AM [+] ::
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