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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Thursday, July 24, 2003 ::

well I survived teh party, and its actually still going on technically; David, Nate, and Ryan H are still here DDRing and such. My Red Octane pad is pretty broken in, and if it hadn't been for my retardedness corrupting our DDR save this morning we'd have even more songs unlocked. Oh well, it won't take that long to get them back. I can get a C on MAX 300 light, and almost pass on standard, so rock on! I think everybody had lots of fun last night, and I'm thankful for everybody that came. I wasn't expecting so many presents! I now have around $180, $20 best buy certificate, pocky, an old school mario t-shirt, a Joyride Link action figure, AOL CDs, and of course megan's personal gift to me.... which wasn't exactally what I expected, and I'm glad. Its the most touching thing anybody's ever given to me, the way I can express my gratitude and love is incomprehensible in a blog. I hope Megan likes my gift for her just as much. So yes, we drank over 70 cans of soda, a pot of coffee, and about 45 pixy stix, so I'd call everything a success. Its depressing how we only have 2 and a half weeks in summer to live up before school starts! ack.

In other nerd news, I got my C drive all fixed up and repartitioned together so now I only have a fresh installation of Windows XP on my C drive and all my files on the D drive. Hee haw. The cable guy (LOLMOVIEOMG) said that our internet signal is fine, and that we need to exchange our modem. Hooray for an outing idea for tomorrow. Hopefully then I can finish up downloading all these cowboy bebop episodes. Once I get that stupid $700 or so saved up for Philmont, I can start thinking of getting a new computer. I'm in love with my elumiX keyboard by the way, it'll get a full testing on saturday night when I host Keopardy and Trivia for N-Philes. Much fun! I'll start thinking up questions tonight and tomorrow night, so hopefully I'll only have to prep for keopardy on saturday, which is relatively easy.

So yes, I'm on a complete caffeine recovery buzz, and I'm sort of done coherently typing for the day. Unless of course Ethan and I catch up to each other and I get crackin' on news. So yeah buh bye!

:: Floydthebarber 7/24/2003 04:40:00 PM [+] ::
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