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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 ::

Well Megan said she would Blog If I did, so here I am. I could split this update into two parts, my online life and my "real" life, how does that sound? Unfortunately they don't seem to intertwine enough to balance everything out. Oh wells.

So work continues at the greatest Nintendo website ever, lots of big changes on the way that I'm not at liberty to talk about, yet nevertheless remain very exciting and I can't wait. Sadly, I have lost interest and most respect for gaming sites on the internet now. Actually, some of them still have my respect; it takes a helluva lot of work to maintain something so passionatly geared towards Nintendo, and I applaud them for that. It just seems like most of them have lost their personal touch, and aren't interesting anymore. The only other two Nintendo sites I still actively visit are Nintendorks and N-Sider. Speaking of N-Sider, they posted a new editorial on their site today, I highly suggest reading it. It's a good analysis editorial to use alongside of our very own Ethan's Nintendo fans who don't care editorial. Maybe this weekend before I leave for summer camp I'll post my own little opinions on this site, since they aren't original and profound enough to render any sort of editorial. I think I don't exercise interest in these things as much as others because I have no offline counterpart to discuss these things with. No offense to all my friends, but they know jack shit about what's going on in the industry right now and I have to seek refuge online for anybody at all to understand my opinions and what I'm talking about. But I digress, enough about the internet...

I spent last night at Ryan H's house, lots of fun. I bought and drank 2 liters of mountain dew from the gas station, and we played ikaruga, zelda, burnout 2, and dance dance revolution all night long. Lots and lots and lots of fun, God I love summer. It turns out Megan leaves for her grandparent's house thursday instead of saturday or sunday, which sucks hard but If I keep my mind vivid and alive I might survive. We watched this crazy anime movie tonight called Ghost in the Shell. Apparently it won all kinds of international awards in 1997; I was too busy watching the robo-boobies and gun fights to really care. It was okay, I guess, but a little bit of a fucking plot would have been nice. But anyways, tomorrow I think Megan, Matt, Jen, and I are going to the pool and playing DDR at Megan's (well at least her and I are). It's late and I'm bored and want to spend some time on IRC, so good night!

PS Christina I don't know if you read this but by the time you get home to talk to me I'll already be off to summer camp... I don't understand why you are running from me but I don't want to leave these thoughts of our friendship just drifting around in the back of my head, I'd rather grab ahold of them and place them back where they belong. I don't really want to say much more to everybody on the face of the planet about this, but I still do love you, and hope
to talk with you soon.

:: Floydthebarber 6/25/2003 12:29:00 AM [+] ::
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