:: Monday, April 21, 2003 ::
It's industrialized formatting. I can tell you pretty much what i'm going to be doing for the rest of 2003 and part of 2004. What the crap? So without further adu, here's a breakdown for you mofos:
This weekend - Camporee, gone friday through sunday afternoon then a soccer game at 1. Homework after that so that eliminates anything else.
Next weekend - Appalachian Trail practice hike. Friday night is free (megan yaya!) but same homework routine sunday along with a soccer game I bet.
May 9-11 - Trip to cape lookout. I'm going down thursday night and won't be back till about 5 pm Sunday. Scratch anything else there!
May 12-31 - Uh, school then exams? free weekends for seeing megan ahoy! Oh, the Gamecube 1.5x birthday party is on the 17th, everybody from the last one is invited asl.
June 2nd-10th ish - Appalachian Trail. Only 56 miles this year I think? Yes it will be loads of kickass fun but I leave all those lazy summer break novelties at home. And of course Megan. Notice a recurring theme here?
After all of this, I don't know when but there's two summercamps, Raven Knob and Cherokee, thrown into the mix. Perhaps June 29th to July 5th or something? I don't know. Then I suppose I have a few solid weeks in there so I got that going for me.
August 1st - Megan's birthday. Planning starts early!
So ya know I got all that going for me. Screw getting a job or finding time for driver's ed. It'll be tough enough to stay at N-Philes through all this shit, but I know I can. I'm excellent at this time management stuff, right? RIGHT?? I'm in this sort of random update mode right now, and recently i've been feeling pretty good about life in case you couldn't tell. Whenever I feel something is too important to just spew up through my keyboard and onto this blog, I prefer to go the old fashioned way and scribble it down into a little paper journal i've been maintaining since new years 2002. Actually I was quite the odd child in third grade, I have been maintaining some form of a journal ever since then. The one from 2000-2001 was lost somewhere, but everything else is tucked away in shelves in my room. If you're special enough and pester me enough I might allow some dusting off to occur. What was I talking about? Oh yes, I wrote this a night or two ago, pardon the paraphrasing but the internet isn't always the perfect medium for all of the heart's feelings:
Seeing as how i'm grounded from using the computer and am thus unable to use my blog, its back to the warm, inviting pages of the journal, Sure, I did a whole bunch of things this weekend, and the rest of life seems to be buried in scouts and soccer, but megan has been in my mind literally 90% of every waking moment. I can barely go a few minutes at anything without drifting off thinking of her. Ever spare "idle" moment I have is filled with the love I have for her, and I don't think she even knows it's that severe. After what seemed like an eternity we finally kissed again thursday... we love each other so much each little step in our relationship is happening as I think it should. I don' t want to exasperate all my love for in her in the short course of a few weeks, do I? Not that I will ever "run out" of love for her, but things have to occur slightly gradually in order to preserver delicacy. So what if Dave and Katie enjoy making out every second of every day? Neither of us are like that in personality, we'll express our love for each other as we want to and how we want to. So blah! I love this girl so much, for the first time in each of our lives there's a love that feels right. Have I been gooshy enough yet? I dream constantly about her when we are apart, nobody in my life means as much to me as she does. Hopefully she'll come over soon and I can open a part of myself up to her... If only I could find a time to get her over here in the hot tub or somethingw hen nobody else is around to bug us. Her parents are super-rpotective, but I guess its understandable, Sometimes I feel abit uneasy when i realize how much I effect Megan; things I say she really takes to heart and I always need to remeber that. Of course, its the same way around for me, except its still kinda tricky to get her to open up too much' I'll never forget moments like the first kiss, those hours drowned away in her room by chatter and embrace. Its perfect except for the fact that I need her more. Often I think how differently things might be if we both went to the same school... would our love be stronger, or would the constand relationship distance us? I think scertain things would be foced and awkward in a school environment. I'm happy as is I just want her more. Ok I'm done. N-Philes, Camporee, Lookout, school, soccer, Ben Folds Five, Coldplay, JLC, etc, video games, sleep, eat personal fitness, Einstein and Hawking.
Woah, did I really write that much? that's only about 3 page faces in the journal...wowsers. Well there you go. It's 10:05 at night and I have lots of catching up to do on things. Peace, I be out of here.
:: Floydthebarber 4/21/2003 10:06:00 PM
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