:: Friday, March 21, 2003 ::
*my update I just made was deleted so i'm pretty mad*. I don't really know what to say, other than the chats are pretty much self explanatory as to what i'm thinking. I love her so much but read on, there's no need for me to summarize or anything. Unless of course, she reaches out to me. I guess the first step wasn't taken like I thought it had. Or maybe she's taken a step backwards? I wish I knew.
ILoveEvanescence: why arent' things being reciprocated? ...if you don't mind me asking...
MrMoo237: she never wants to hold hands or kiss or anything. actually i'm sure she does but she doesn't I don't know why.
ILoveEvanescence: James, i cna assure you she does... she loves you, at least i think she does... she's just really shy
MrMoo237: and it hurts
ILoveEvanescence: it hurts? how so?
MrMoo237: to love somebody so much but they're too shy to show it and you can't really do anything about it
MrMoo237: if katie was always too shy to be with dave
MrMoo237: example
MrMoo237: to the point where it really hurts
MrMoo237: or just shutting herself up when I directly mention some things to her...
MrMoo237: i thought we'd both be ready at this point for something
MrMoo237: she's not
MrMoo237: :-\
ILoveEvanescence: i see your point... i dunno what to say... you guys just need to spend more time together... she relly misses you at school adn stuff... the fact that you two are always apart depresses her... just be more outgoing
MrMoo237: doesn't help
ILoveEvanescence: at all?
MrMoo237: i don't know how to make her less shy
MrMoo237: that's not really something i can do
MrMoo237: or something i know how to do
MrMoo237: i don't like forcing people to be something they're not
ILoveEvanescence: hmm... this is where you coudl use some help from Dave...
MrMoo237: this is the part where i bury my head in the pillow and cry myself to sleep
ILoveEvanescence: you shoudl talk to her about it
MrMoo237: won't work
MrMoo237: she's too shy
MrMoo237: if i try to talk with her on the phone about it she won't say anything then it's like i'm just talking to air
MrMoo237: or to myself
ILoveEvanescence: hmm... she has said she doesn't liek talking on teh phone... maybe you two need to just set up a time where it'd be just you two, no distractions, adn talk
MrMoo237: i've ran a time like that through my head about 234234 times and had the best dream of my life tuesday night
MrMoo237: it's a weird subject
MrMoo237: talking about not talking
ILoveEvanescence: this is true
ILoveEvanescence: but if you can't comunicate, then somethiing's wrong...
MrMoo237: hence the crying
MrMoo237: gah
ILoveEvanescence: ...your position really sucks...
MrMoo237: yes....thanks for the deep insight there lol
ILoveEvanescence: lol
MrMoo237: well i hate to say it but she needs to change. if she doesn't nothing will last and we'll both be hurt
MrMoo237: i don't ever force people to change though
ILoveEvanescence: so true
(12:00:53 AM) Anjiru18 has left the room.
MrMoo237 (12:00:54 AM): *sigh* ok guys what do I do
Craftmusic (12:01:15 AM): ?
MrMoo237 (12:01:18 AM): take a look at dave and katie or any couple and see how there's reciprocation of those feelings
MrMoo237 (12:01:28 AM): megan wants to but it's sending back anything
Craftmusic (12:01:30 AM): what happened...i'm lost
MrMoo237 (12:01:49 AM): *isn't
MrMoo237 (12:02:11 AM): love doesn't work if it's shrouded in shyness
MrMoo237 (12:02:13 AM): i hate to say it
Craftmusic (12:02:23 AM): james, i have to ask this:
MrMoo237 (12:02:24 AM): and i hate asking for people to change or making them change or anything
Craftmusic (12:02:29 AM): does she know ur phone number?
MrMoo237 (12:02:31 AM): and i hate getting hurt
MrMoo237 (12:02:34 AM): she should
MrMoo237 (12:02:35 AM): i know hers
Craftmusic (12:02:39 AM): well she says she doesnt
Craftmusic (12:02:44 AM): cause i keep telling her to call u
ILoveEvanescence (12:02:46 AM): she could've been lying
Craftmusic (12:02:52 AM): i know
ILoveEvanescence (12:02:53 AM): making an excuse
MrMoo237 (12:02:55 AM): 467 3958 or 4 something 3958 i'd get it right
ILoveEvanescence (12:03:02 AM): yeah, thats' right
Craftmusic (12:03:23 AM): but she says she doesnt know UR phone #
MrMoo237 (12:03:27 AM): she's never approached me about anything ever
MrMoo237 (12:03:35 AM): i just realized that
MrMoo237 (12:03:41 AM): i'm always the one that calls her
MrMoo237 (12:03:47 AM): or prompts something first
Craftmusic (12:03:55 AM): and she says shes too shy to call anyway...or to email b/c she doesnt think u'll read it for so long
MrMoo237 (12:03:57 AM): something more than simply superficial discussion
Daer21 (12:04:00 AM): she is naturally very shy
MrMoo237 (12:04:14 AM): thank you captain obvious
Craftmusic (12:04:18 AM): she likes u a lot though james
MrMoo237 (12:04:25 AM): that's not enough
Craftmusic (12:04:26 AM): she always says she misses u whenever ur not online
MrMoo237 (12:04:30 AM): i realized that monday night
ILoveEvanescence (12:04:34 AM): James, that girl loves you so, so much
Daer21 (12:04:35 AM): sort of like some other people here
MrMoo237 (12:05:06 AM): i love her too but how can i show it when she's that shy
MrMoo237 (12:05:09 AM): it doesn't work
ILoveEvanescence (12:05:28 AM): the little things
MrMoo237 (12:05:39 AM): actually let me reverse that i know how to show it
MrMoo237 (12:05:41 AM): she doesn't
Craftmusic (12:05:42 AM): well...have u ever told her anything "deep" or really serious?
MrMoo237 (12:05:48 AM): of course
ILoveEvanescence (12:05:49 AM): go see a movie adn put your arm around her, or go on a walk and hpld her hand
MrMoo237 (12:06:01 AM): she doesn't like to hold hands and stuff that's the problem
MrMoo237 (12:06:06 AM): and it hurts
Craftmusic (12:06:08 AM): really?
Craftmusic (12:06:19 AM): sorry, i just find that surprising
MrMoo237 (12:06:25 AM): or maybe she wants to but is too shy.
ILoveEvanescence (12:06:49 AM): she's just oo shy
ILoveEvanescence (12:06:53 AM): too*
MrMoo237 (12:07:03 AM): i've established that, jill
ILoveEvanescence (12:07:10 AM): heh, sorry
MrMoo237 (12:07:16 AM): everything would be fine if that wasn't the case
MrMoo237 (12:07:22 AM): i don't know how she thinks about it all
MrMoo237 (12:07:34 AM): she won't tell me; she's too shy to tell me about her being shy
MrMoo237 (12:07:36 AM): -_-
MrMoo237 (12:08:19 AM): *sigh*
MrMoo237 (12:08:25 AM): I don't know what to do
Craftmusic (12:08:25 AM): can u maby ask her about it?
Craftmusic (12:08:36 AM): i know it'll be hard...but thats probably the best thing to do
Daer21 (12:09:00 AM): go somewhere alone
MrMoo237 (12:09:14 AM): like she was telling dave she thought i loved this girl christina more than her. tried talking about it on the phone with her and she COMPLETELY shuts up and gets silent and i try to promt her she doesn't say anything try to coax
MrMoo237 (12:09:16 AM): be gentle
MrMoo237 (12:09:18 AM): didn't work
Take that as you will. *Coldplay - Everything's not lost* so pretty.... I will learn the guitar someday... come on yeaah, aww yeahh..... everything's not lost...
:: Floydthebarber 3/21/2003 12:44:00 AM
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