:: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 ::
So I sat down last night and planned out what i'm taking for the next few years. Since I'm feeling lazy I won't whip up any HTML table (that would be good practice, though) I'll just list them. Take a peek:
Paideia 10: English II/World History HN
Algebra II
French II
Newspaper I
Paideia 10: English II/World History HN
Algebra III
Chemistry HN
Computer Science I and II
So yeah...that's a crapload of school to cram into my brain but it's not like I'm taking any school sports so I have to rely more heavily on academics. Not a problem. I have most of my Junior year planned out as well, although the order and groupings may change. Except for Comp Science III and IV because I want that continuity between I and II and III and IV.
AP English III
Pre-Calculus HN
AP Environmental Science
Computer Science III and IV
AP US History
ICM (Intro to College Math) HN
I don't really have much of a specific clue for my Senior year. I'm just making stuff up at this point lol.
AP Computer Science
English IV HN
AP Statistics
AP Physics
I can't even place those classes by semester...well I can because some of them are a 1st or 2nd semester course but who cares. So yeah I can't wait for my head to explode from all of this free knowledge from the state! Thanks government! Maybe I'll add on to this update later, I'm feeling a little sleepy. Bonne Nuit!
:: Floydthebarber 2/25/2003 10:14:00 PM
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