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:: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 :: Well well, another year is upon us it seems. Happy new years to the few dozen of you who read this!! Like i've done for the past few years, I spent new years over at Eric's house with Ron and Sam and uh.....Eric (durrr). Except this time there was some kid who lurked around all night, I think his name was Kevin but i'm not sure because he never talked much. I think it was the sight of our parents acting crazy and wearing wigs and playing air guitar and such which scared the guy to death. So yeah....parents went away, we ordered pizza and hung around keeping ourselves amused. If any of you want the story of what we did to the poor pizza man, just let me know and i'll fill you in... fun stuff. So what else is there to say in a blog to everybody that would get the message across? It was almost completely situation comedy the whole night, and what little I can recollect of what happened seems actually pretty stupid now that I think about it lol. But, it was still fun and I'm glad I was there instead of at home or somewhere boring.
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