:: Thursday, January 23, 2003 ::
AH JESUS (don't blame me, blame Sharp)! Welcome to the first blog update of the year in which I voluntarilydecided to type up! Nothing like a little bit of OC Remix to get one's spirts up right? Well I'm in the mood for writing, perhaps it's because I'm about to type up a retro review of Rayman 2: The Great Escape for N-Philes sometime this week. If only Mr. Jessee and his obsession with cramming Shakespeare down our throats didn't occupy so much of my time. Speaking of N-Philes, everything over there is going pretty smoothly right now; there are some huge changes around the corner and I'm already pumped for E3. Ethan says age isnt' a concern, so if I get the opportunity to go before 2006, You can bet yourself i'm going to. Too bad the E3 folks won't move it from Los Angeles to Atlanta, Georgia for at least one year, it'd make the whole trip much more easier and feasible.
I don't know how i'm supposed to handle this extra-long weekend, seeing as how there are a ton of 'social' things I can do but probably won't do them all. I was invited to go bowling, 2 superbowl parties, friend's houses, etc. I'll definitely show up at April's superbowl extravaganza thing, and maybe spend saturday night at a friend's house if I can't find a place for Alex to stay. If not, then it looks like Floyd will be around for N-Philes trivia for the first time in forever OMGWTFS:LDFKJSDF. Oh yeah and Nathan and I are going out tommorow a-hunting for Dreamcast deals... I relieved a dude on our bus of his for a mere 20 bucks. I ROCK. If only samba de amigo maraccas weren't over a hundred bucks..I'll find some way to aquire them. Maybe also a DDR pad and DDR so megan can come over for some good old fashioned crazy jap dancing fun.
Anybody have any ideas as to what I should buy Christina for her birthday. Feel free to drop me an e-mail if you have an idea, I need to buy her something. Well, at least part of her present will be bought; the rest will be a little more personalized. I'm horrible at buying girls stuff, it's just something I was born with I'm pretty sure. If I ask her what she wants and then I get it for her, then she knows what she's getting and it's no fun since she's not surprised. If I buy her something without checking first, I'm assured to screw up then she'll have to return it and that will suck. If I ask her what she wants a long time in advance then buy it for her hoping she forgets, chances are she won't want it anymore or will have already gotten it. You see girls? This is the turmoil us guys are put through on a daily basis. Somehow I survive though. That's probably since i'm not head over heels in love with a girlfriend so have time to concentrate on friendships and other things. Like keeping a fat wallet. eheh.
I'll admit it; I'm obsessed with Cake. I've downloaded every single one of their songs and yet I still can't get enough. Sure I had heard 'The Distance' and 'Sheep Go To Heaven' before, but I hadn't givin the band who had sung them any thought. I'm adding Cake to my list of Bands-To-Go-See-In-Concert, along with They Might Be Giants.
Calling roadrunner, no more computer. Peace, I be outta here.
:: Floydthebarber 1/23/2003 08:34:00 PM
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