:: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 ::
It's 10:10 here and North Carolina, and it's SNOWING!!!! since we normally don't get much snow, this is a big thing. I'm gonna go sledding and have snowball fights, sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate, and enjoy myself. Now let's see, what happened today???
First day back at school, and man does it suck. Now i remember just how fagoty and ugly people can be. sheesh. All my classes were boring, same ol' same ol. Midterms were supposed to be friday but i think the snow has delayed those. YAY!!!! My parents are being idiots so i have to leave the warmth and comfort of my computer... have a SNOWY week!!!! Oh yes and many of my friends got the Xbox....i really pity them all they could say was "well i got Halo, and halo kicks ASS!" then i'd ramble off the 7 + great games gamecube has and watch their faces..haha. I think my exitedness (is that a word) after November 18th when i got mine sparked some people's interest into converting to Cubism. My work here is done. GO SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!
:: Floydthebarber 1/02/2002 10:13:00 PM
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