:: Thursday, January 31, 2002 ::
Well i have to write my whole Language Arts paper....which by the way will suck. Oh, one important note: I have a new, probably permanent E-mail Adress floydthebarber18@yahoo.com . i choose 18 cuz as soon as i turn it i'm going to try to either A: go to E3, or B: go to spaceworld . One day, ONE DAY i'l go. blarg, time to do homework. later
:: Floydthebarber 1/31/2002 06:08:00 PM
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:: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 ::
bored. burned a DDR cd. my life sucks. nothing but ghey ass projects and nothing interesting. why the feck am i even updating? i have absolutely nothing relevant to write. PAK CHOOIE UNF!!
:: Floydthebarber 1/29/2002 09:10:00 PM
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:: Monday, January 28, 2002 ::
Not much happening in my first day as a single guy.....which is great. Oh wait, i have 2 fucking Language Arts projects due in a week. I think i say this in every update, but i want to change the layout of this site around some...it's just so boring. Unfortunately I only posess the most basic HTML skills, I only know whatever i teach myself from dicking around.
Hey ron and sam, how are you doing? haven't talked much since new years. E-mail me sometime!!!! A DDR cd to burn is on my to do list. if i could just access ty's fucking journal i bet he has some songs posted i don't have. for some odd reason, google and livejournal and nintendorks are not working. dammit. oh well. I'll update later.
:: Floydthebarber 1/28/2002 04:08:00 PM
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:: Sunday, January 27, 2002 ::
Okay well Megan is taking it a bit harder than I thought, but she'll get through it without killing herself....i hope. I didn't know it would hurt her as much as it apparently has, dammit i always seem to screw up. Gah, now i'm single once again, and it's looking to stay like that unless i meet an attractive teenager with a killer personality to boot. I have a girl in mind, but I need to wait till HS at least before i risk a friendship..... and you wonder who it is dont' ya, nosy person you!!! SO THEN i suppose i'll have to obsess over my gamecube, what a shame eh?
I've got a huge headache right now, so i have no idea why i'm surfing the internet. still have homework to do and that fucking God and Church thing. Blech fuck life. LIFE IS FIRED!! i'm running out of fun and witty comments, i'm out.
:: Floydthebarber 1/27/2002 07:54:00 PM
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i have no fucking idea why i'm up this late, much less updating my blog. Ryan and Nathan came over and are spending the night. Gamecube and Holy Grail fun for all. I think i'm going to play some cube then sleep. peace yo
:: Floydthebarber 1/27/2002 12:10:00 AM
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:: Friday, January 25, 2002 ::
Just got back from #planetchat trivia. Team elitebarber SUCKS! actually it's because SUPER was playing and we all suck now. I'm going to break up with Megan, i just dont' feel any connection between us.I had better end this relationship before it gets to messy tp fix. Sorry no love for J00 MEGAN! maybe that was a little harsh. Too bad
I just came back from seeing A Walk to Remember. I hadn't read the book, so had no idea what to expect. Yes, it's a chick flick, and yes, most of my friends are girls so what are ya gonna do eh? well it was one of the few movies which mustered up that feeling inside of me that makes you want to cry. Some of the scenes were just really emotional, you could see it in the actor's expressions. Damn Many Moore is SEXIES. Some of my friends **cough**April**cough*** are trying to play the "i'm really cool i nevar crya tat teh movays! it was hilarious i laughed my head off!!! ROFL LOAALWL" but i saw you with those sad faces and could tell you certainly didn't think it was funny. and yes crystal i think i saw you cry. Jebus grow up people you don't have to lie. Anyways that was one of those movies where i'll see it once but after that all the suspense is all gone, and it won't be as good. James the movay critic (MC) gives it an 8/10 for the lessons it taught and that kick ass black man who did the humping scene. THANKS WHOEVER YOU ARE FUNNAY MAN!
ok then moving on. MEOW! i didn't go vandalizing tonight maybe i should've. oh well i hope you get caugh Nick and Evan. hint: when you write grafitti with paint chalk on car mirrors don't sign it with your fucking name idiots.
Alright well the new countdown in on the left, only a while till E3. In 4 years i'll be able to go myself! By that time tthere might be a new nintendo system debut or the prime Gamecube games, it'll be cool. Oh and send monays for a Mustang for me thxsirmaamasl. James over and out. Live long love ya lots kthxbye
:: Floydthebarber 1/25/2002 11:41:00 PM
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:: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 ::
Looks like it won't be the huge apocalypse punishment i was predicting but i'm still limited. I'm thinking of what i can do to make the layout of this site less boring, too many blogs have this same basic scheme and layout. Angelfire has caught onto my hotlinking of mp3s i think....oh well too bad. NO MP3 FRO JOO! If your dying for a song just AIM me or something. I have almost all A's in school, so life isn't that suck. oh wait it is. i screwed up on my scales. God i are the suck. Time for video games and Pink Floyd. I'm out.
Note: there are some perverted, scary people making blogs out there. I found a scary one that daily talked about nothing but sex. weird people need to be banned from the intarweb.
:: Floydthebarber 1/22/2002 08:54:00 PM
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:: Monday, January 21, 2002 ::
Alright i'm severly depressed now.....stupid parents look what you've done! April's cousin is being really sweet to me right now, along with Megan of course......i need people like you when life tries to kick me in the face. I think i'm going to go run around the neighborhood until I collapse from exaustion and/or dehydration. Fuck life. Fuck my parents. Leave me the Fuck alone. I don't need to Fucking do this. Jesus Christ, can't we just forget about it??
Now if you excuse me i have to running to do.
stupid parents
:: Floydthebarber 1/21/2002 04:57:00 PM
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Hi people.....well doesn't today suck. My dad is severly dissapointed because i haven't finished my God and Country religious project. The classes were over 4 months ago, and everybody is expecting me to pull the information out of my head. It ain't gonna happen. So, either i redo most of my work (book work, as well as over 10 hours of community service and 10 hours of Church service) or quit. And if i quit, my parents are going to make my life a living hell. I suppose he's most mad because he put a lot of effort into me and these classes and i'm not finishing. Well, sorry to dissapoint you dad. If i saw any possible way to finish, i would, believe me.
So don't be surprised if i sparsly get online for at least a month or two. or 6. or a whole fucking year. Either until i finish (not likely) or my dad forgets (try 3-4 YEARS)
Ahhhhh, life's a bitch. I never really wanted to do this project anyways, it was mostly just to make my parents happy. GAH!
:: Floydthebarber 1/21/2002 04:34:00 PM
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:: Saturday, January 19, 2002 ::
just finished watching The Rock.....a kick ass movie. brother is nagging about getting on the computer so i'll update later tonight. I love the new quote on the left side. later
:: Floydthebarber 1/19/2002 09:00:00 PM
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:: Friday, January 18, 2002 ::
Hey everybody.....tis me again. That image in the backround only works about 50% of the time, so i'm removing it for now. There's trivia tonight at Planet Gamecube which i might be doing since i have school tommorow. Just download something like mIRC and connect to irc.planetjurai.org port 6667 #planetchat at 10 EST. It's the first time for Ty actually playing, so nobody expects to get a single one right. hehe. Well, i'm updating the stuff of the side, hope you like the new R0><0R music!!!
:: Floydthebarber 1/18/2002 06:08:00 PM
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:: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 ::
click here plzsirthxasl got the background image of the site working...i think. My parents have supposedly grounded me from the computer so i might not get access to one for a while. YAR!!!! anybody who has free AOL cd's send them to meh.
:: Floydthebarber 1/16/2002 10:35:00 AM
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:: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 ::
Not much going on nowadays. it's late and i have nothing important i can think of saying. Just wanted to reassure you all that i'm not dead.
Oh yeah, well there is this article from Tendogamers about how great the linking of the gba and gamecube will be. Anybody have 89 bucks i can have plz?? random fact: i need 830 CD's to totally cover my ceiling, need about 800 more. that is all.
:: Floydthebarber 1/15/2002 09:07:00 PM
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:: Sunday, January 13, 2002 ::
Went to see my great-grandparents today. both of them are up in there 80's, 81 and 88 i believe. All their old stories about the depression and pranks my granfather did were pretty cool to hear. I gots me a really nice Seiko watch and an Auto harp they had lying around....all though i'm not sure what the hell i'm gonna do with it. Need to finish my math homework and play some cube before sleep. Slowly but surely this site will be less boring, but it's the blog material i type like this that really counts right? thought so. another boring and pointless day in the life of James!!
oh and enjoy the mp3 i posted on the left!
:: Floydthebarber 1/13/2002 07:56:00 PM
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:: Saturday, January 12, 2002 ::
yay i finally figured out how to have a free site hotlink my images....now i can really start working on the layout of the site. Oh, and i burned a kick ass CD of mostly video game music and stuff, i'll sell copies for 2 dolla. ZOPHAR HAS MANBOOBS alrighty then well i'm such a smart bastard that i'm taking my pictures and going to bed.............
oh and if you want that song on the left right clikc and "save target as" it should work and if it doesn't you can PISS OFF!!!
:: Floydthebarber 1/12/2002 11:45:00 PM
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:: Floydthebarber 1/12/2002 04:49:00 PM
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Well last night was another fun night of Tyrivia, one of the best ones ever. Tyson came up with some really good questions. in fact, i GOT ONE RIGHT!!!! (slightly abbreviated)
Q: what is the name of the diner in SMB???
< Floydthebarber > rivets diner
< Kevlar_Gorilla > y?
< Rize > SMB owns
< SS4Gogita > I would get it except that I don't have any money.
< mdm > Rize: If I looked at the backround of SMB, I would be dead
< Muskie > the Super Villian Diner!
< Rize > mdm: lol
< MSTAnon > Rock 'n Roll Diner
< Mooncreeper > monkey diner
< Syl_Aran > i just use my time, to STAY ALIVE and not drop into monkey hell, not pay attention to the diners name
< DestinyHero > SMB 9.5?
< Hammer > http://www.planettonyhawk.com/images/image.asp?/thps3/levels/console/images/airport-secret1_big.jpg - My mistake
< DestinyHero > Wow.
< S-U-P-E-R > like uh 2 minutes left :S
< Rimmer > Sega is exclusive to Nintendo but we don't want to make an official announcement yet Diner
< TheYoungerPlumber > Any Sonic on that list, Obi?
< DestinyHero > That's pretty high.
< vezzy > King: stuff and nuff sai
< vezzy > d
< N-Philes > Nightlife Diner
< Floydthebarber > RIVETS DINER
< Link182 > burger cube
< S-U-P-E-R> < Floydthebarber > RIVETS DINER <- ROCK THE INTERNET
< Kevlar_Gorilla > Pop's
< N-Philes > Rivets Diner
< Rize > Destiny: we only have a .5 increments, but it's better than a 9.0
< N-Philes > ARGH
< N-Philes > ARGH
< N-Philes > ARGH....
< Fid[sleep] > Nice.
< Rize > and I refused to rround down
< N-Philes > Gotta go
< MSTAnon > Bivet's Diner
< Fid[sleep] > Very nice.
< DestinyHero > Ahh.
< Syl_Aran > how the hell?
< BrownTaxiMan > Go Floyd :)..
k the little spaces are there because or else Blogger will think those nicks are HTML tags. I put a bit of effort into getting that question, and am proud to have one of the 39 of ty's last questions!!!
:: Floydthebarber 1/12/2002 04:43:00 PM
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:: Thursday, January 10, 2002 ::
Well doesn't this week suck!!!! Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet and Eternal Darkness have both been delayed until may at least, which leaves me in a quality game drought on the Gamecube much like the Nintendo 64 did. Absolutely nothing in the release lists renders me forking over 50 bucks to play. ahhhh oh well. i have Wave race, XG3, SSBM, SMB, Luigi's Mansion, and Rogue Leader to keep me busy. booyah! oh and where is my nintendo power???
On another note, Tyson Shughart (hope i spelled that right) otherwise known as is retiring from my favorite gamecube site, PlanetGameCube. He's been around there since the beginning, and now he's off to college to woose chicks with his mad DDR skills. one day DDR WILL become an olympic sport he claims. hehe. He'll still be hanging around in #planetchat though, so it's all good.
I got a 90 on my midterm i school....would have been a 100 except i'm an idiot and miss all the easy problems. oh well. In case your wondering school still sucks, and it never will get better until I go to high school, in a few months. note to self: buy the Spaceballs and Monty Python and the Holy Grail on DVD as soon as teh monays start trickling in. First though i think I need to loosen this 128mb RAM bottleneck on my PC. pretty cheap. PlanetGamecube Trivia, Ty's last one, will be tommorow. I'm not missing it for the world.......BY TYSON!!! THE WHOLE GAMECUBE COMMUNITY WILL MISS YOU!!
:: Floydthebarber 1/10/2002 09:01:00 PM
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:: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 ::
Hey guys......i have some really sad news that i'm sure you all have heard already. The passing of a great man......
Dave thomas is no longer with us. We all owe a moment of silence to the man who brought us above standard, square patty fast food. this is really sad. He died of liver cancer at 69. Dave was one of the last corporate CEOs who actually cared about the hamburgers and food his chain sold, always putting consumers first.... I'll miss him and his commercials.
So long dave. I'me eating this frosty in honor of you!
:: Floydthebarber 1/08/2002 07:39:00 PM
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:: Sunday, January 06, 2002 ::
Well, it's been a few days since i updated so i figured i better before this thing gets out of date. We now have a network in our house, which is very cool because now my dad
can linger in his bedroom on his Gateway 400 while I surf the net on my kick ass dell.....AT THE SAME TIME!!! ok then, calm down james.....
I stumbled on my OLD OLD original site today, Dragonball Galaxy And figured I should give it a farewell message, even if it was a year and 3 months after its demise. Hell, that site's pretty good considering i started on it when i was 12. my HTML skills were pretty advanced for a 6th grader, eh? ok enough bragging about myself.
School is cancelled again because of the stupid melting snow. Snow is great for about 2-3 days, then it just lingers around and sucks. I don't wanna spend every friggin saturday in school jeebus. Oh well. Midterms will probably be on Tuesday, i hate Mrs. Cotton STILL!!!!!
My dad has lit a fire under my arse to finish my God and Country badge thing. This is not a good thing by the way. I've lost most of my records and assignments and dont'
wanna make it up :( oh well if i dont' there will be no computer for me. oh and i BEAT LUIGI'S MANSION TODAY!!!! That boss was incredibly easy, compared to oh, say, bowser in super mario 64. I hope we get a higher level of difficulty from Mario Sunshine. I have about 5 event matches left until that sweet, sweet SSBM sound test. i Need that test or i will DIE.
So there it is, my casual update to my pitiful, boring life. Blech, something new and exciting better happen soon before i explode from boredom. this better not last forever. bye now!
:: Floydthebarber 1/06/2002 09:56:00 PM
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:: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 ::
It's 10:10 here and North Carolina, and it's SNOWING!!!! since we normally don't get much snow, this is a big thing. I'm gonna go sledding and have snowball fights, sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate, and enjoy myself. Now let's see, what happened today???
First day back at school, and man does it suck. Now i remember just how fagoty and ugly people can be. sheesh. All my classes were boring, same ol' same ol. Midterms were supposed to be friday but i think the snow has delayed those. YAY!!!! My parents are being idiots so i have to leave the warmth and comfort of my computer... have a SNOWY week!!!! Oh yes and many of my friends got the Xbox....i really pity them all they could say was "well i got Halo, and halo kicks ASS!" then i'd ramble off the 7 + great games gamecube has and watch their faces..haha. I think my exitedness (is that a word) after November 18th when i got mine sparked some people's interest into converting to Cubism. My work here is done. GO SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!
:: Floydthebarber 1/02/2002 10:13:00 PM
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:: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 ::
Hey everybody and Happy New Years!!! I hope everybody stayed safe and had fun partying. Lets do a quick recap of the New Years Eve before i forget, shall we?
It was the same as last year for me; Eric, Ron, Sam and I spending the night at Eric's house. Our parents went out to dinner while we stayed home chatting and eating take out pizza. Once they came home we immidiately retreated to the safety and warmth of the bonus room, as they were, according to Mr. Gaddi "feeling good!". 2002 came, complete with champagne, noise makers, Dick Clark, yelling, and roman candles. While we were playing a board game, mrs. Helen came stumbling into the room and called me a "little shit" when i whispered how drunk she was, hehe. This year was rather unusual, since we didn't watch the drunk people make complete asses of themselves like usual. we played SSBM and THPS3 until around 2 when Eric passed out in the closet. Sam followed soon afterward.
It was just me and Ron left. She and I talked a bit while a surfed the net. Eventually I got some sleep around 5, and woke up at maybe 10ish. More gamecube loving followed, then at maybe 2ish Ron and Sam left. i started my walk home, and here i am now, updating my blog. What'd you expect? something really cool or exciting to happen at the Santilli house? hell no! Well i had a fun time and will be back next year. Oh and we determined my gamecube shall be named Corduroy!!! HUZZAH!
:: Floydthebarber 1/01/2002 04:06:00 PM
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