:: Sunday, December 30, 2001 ::
Well today went by rather unevenfully just like every other day of vacation....some SSBM and Luigi's mansion, followed by a helping of IRC chat and web surfing. MY GOD I HAVE NO LIFE!
I found the coolest program at Note Worthy Composer it's a program that translates MIDI files into sheet music. Now i'll
be playing all my favorite Nintendo classics on my Clarinet! HUZZAH!
I can't wait for tommorow.......hanging out with my friends until our parents stumble home and we watch the silly drunk people do things.....haha always fun. just be sure to NEVER let drunk men sing "roadhouse blues" by the Doors Karaoke style. NEVER. EVAR! live long and prosper. may the force be with you. over and out.
:: Floydthebarber 12/30/2001 09:44:00 PM
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