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Random Quote: "it's funny. i hate the dark. every time i have to go through it, i cling to my penny.." - Megan
Random Quote 2: <SS4Gogita> Does not computer>
Favorite song of the moment:: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up
Current mood:: Complacent when I shouldn't be

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:: Monday, December 31, 2001 ::

Hello eveybody. James here once again to update on his boring, useless life. I'm at TEH ERIC SNTILLAI house now playing some SSBM....he hasn't unlocked anything hehe. It's so boring i hope the parents get drunk faster. WHERE ARE THE GOD DAMN FIREWORKS!?!?!?!? hehe we'll see. James Freeman over and out. I have nothing cool to say Crazy monkeys are attacking sam! Valley stop humping eric!!!!!!!!! Walnuts peanuts pineapple smells!!!

:: Floydthebarber 12/31/2001 10:48:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
yay i got a picture to work....apparently if i edit a post i made earlier the picture doesn't show up........weird. i wouldn't be surprised though if they went back to the dreaded RED X soon blech

:: Floydthebarber 12/31/2001 09:41:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
this picture SHOULD work......SJOUDSLKDFk;j being the hopeful part god dammit

:: Floydthebarber 12/31/2001 09:38:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
a new day with the blog! trying to get they layout just right, as well as GETTING FRIGGIN PICTURES HOSTED!

god dammit i had it working 5 seconds ago and now it has that fucking X GRRRR plxworkthxasl i have pictures!!!! muah ha ha ha h a

:: Floydthebarber 12/31/2001 09:14:00 AM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Sunday, December 30, 2001 ::
Well today went by rather unevenfully just like every other day of vacation....some SSBM and Luigi's mansion, followed by a helping of IRC chat and web surfing. MY GOD I HAVE NO LIFE!

I found the coolest program at Note Worthy Composer it's a program that translates MIDI files into sheet music. Now i'll
be playing all my favorite Nintendo classics on my Clarinet! HUZZAH!

I can't wait for tommorow.......hanging out with my friends until our parents stumble home and we watch the silly drunk people do things.....haha always fun. just be sure to NEVER let drunk men sing "roadhouse blues" by the Doors Karaoke style. NEVER. EVAR! live long and prosper. may the force be with you. over and out.

:: Floydthebarber 12/30/2001 09:44:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
good morning Mr. Blog! for some odd reason, i can post that video game character picture, but not any other pictures i have. i think the servers where my pictures are don't allow links to them from other sites......blech well i'll keep trying to post my wang pictures. oh and i'm on floor 3 of Luigi's mansion with 27,000,000 + in cash....i hope to finish it later today.

and YES RON SAM AND ERIC i will see you at new years!!!! hehe YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY

:: Floydthebarber 12/30/2001 12:56:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
:: Saturday, December 29, 2001 ::
I found this really cool offer on the LOTR fanclub site:

The cost of a one-year charter membership is $39.95US; $69.95US for two years; and $99.95US for three. Two-year charter members will appear in the credits of the DVDs for the first two films in the trilogy; three-year charter members will appear in the credits of all three films' DVDs

Oh i took a test to see what kind of video game character i am here are the results.

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?

very sweet. anybody who is willing please donate monays so i can be immortalized in the greatest movie trilogy evar! Time for some IRC chat and sleep. I'm out. w3rd.

:: Floydthebarber 12/29/2001 11:10:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
Alright well i'm learning a lot about how Blogger exactally works, and hope to have some personalization added to this site soon. It seems like blogger won't show my pictures i have uploaded at another site. I'll keep trying. Catch me tonight at www.nintendorks.com's chat!

:: Floydthebarber 12/29/2001 10:21:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::
Welcome to my new Blog! i'm new at this kind of thing so don't be suprised if some things get shifted around and/or deleted. i'll probably ask my girlfriend megan for some help later, she seems to be good at this blogging stuff. apparently i can't seem to post some pictures i want too, i need a better host first. time to experiment@!!!!!! i hope this HTML stuff works. huzzah!

:: Floydthebarber 12/29/2001 09:16:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::

:: Floydthebarber 12/29/2001 09:10:00 PM (0) comments [+] ::

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